Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

"Don't be impatient, Xiaoke, it's just that the time is not yet ripe. Sooner or later there will be a chance."

Adam accepted well that he missed the chance to use the Condensed Love card. He already roughly knew what it felt like. Moreover, now that he had the Condensed Love card, he was still not qualified to use it without a card.

"Then let's try..."

"Adam, are you still awake?"

Ms. Li's voice sounded outside the door.

Fortunately, Ms. Li always respects the privacy of her children and did not open the door directly...

Um, it seems like it's okay to come in? After all, Adam had no intention of hiding it from his family, but he hadn't figured out how to explain it yet.

"Oh, Mom, I'm going to sleep now."

Adam looked at the time and realized that it was indeed time to go to bed. It wouldn't be too late to try Clow Cards or something after returning home from Diagon Alley.

I was obviously extremely curious about magic at the beginning, but why am I feeling calm now... Is it too much surprise?

Lying in bed, Adam was thinking about what to buy in Diagon Alley tomorrow, how to use the Clow card he just got, and Xiao Ke and Sibi...



Whether it was an illusion or not, Adam seemed to hear a slightly teasing female laugh and a male sigh of helplessness just before he fell into deep sleep.

When Adam woke up the next day, he had completely forgotten about the hallucination before going to bed last night. He got up early in the morning and went downstairs according to his biological clock.

"Good morning darling~"

"Good morning Grandpa~Good morning Grandma~"

Taking a seat at the dining table, Adam greeted other family members.

"Eat something simple, there should be a lot of delicious food in Diagon Alley."

Reed Sr. said as Emma placed the bacon, fried eggs and mashed potatoes in front of Adam.

"...Since Diagon Alley is a gathering place for British wizards, I don't have high hopes for this."

Picking up the runny omelette with chopsticks, Adam said quietly.

Adam's father is obviously also British, but he owns a French restaurant and the business is quite prosperous, which speaks volumes in itself.

How to put it, to sum it up in one sentence of Ms. Li: The food invented by these British people can truly taste the resentment of the ingredients before they die.

"Wizards and Muggles are different. There are many delicious foods in Diagon Alley! For example... um... for example..."

Old Reed opened his mouth to refute, but all that came to mind were snacks such as sizzling honey candies and licorice wands, and the memory of the meal was completely blank.

Emma in the kitchen silently added a small piece of butter and a few slices of toast to the pot.

After eating and drinking, and full of expectations, Adam followed old Reed and Emma through the Leaky Cauldron to Diagon Alley.

Using the wand to open the way to Diagon Alley, Old Reed said with a smile:

"Welcome to the world of magic, kid."

In fact, I already experienced the magical world last night...but that's not the point.

The point is that neither the novel nor the movie mentions that this trash can is actually in use!

Adam, who was a little bit tidy, didn't look good, but he still showed a surprised smile in cooperation.

After actually entering Diagon Alley, Adam's mood fluctuated.

At first, he was indeed pleasantly surprised by the magical magic that appeared around him from time to time, but perhaps his expectations were too high. As he gradually got used to it, he was disappointed by the dilapidated smell that hit his face.

The real Diagon Alley is not as glamorous as Universal Studios or the movies. The narrow streets are crowded with many wizards coming and going. What you can see everywhere are the stains and stains in the corners that have not been cleaned in countless years. Rubbish……

"Except for a few shops that can be seen to be specially cleaned, and the luxurious Gringotts, most places just seem to be stuck in the last century. I am even worried that a bucket of excrement will be poured from above at some point. ”

After returning home, Adam complained to Mr. Reed and Ms. Li.

"...Do they take a shower?"

Ms. Li swallowed back the draft she had prepared and asked a somewhat subtle question.

And Adam's expression made the question even more subtle.

"Doesn't that person take a shower?"

After another source of odor passed by, Adam pulled on Old Reed's sleeve and whispered a similar rhetorical question.

"Well... you have to know that some older wizards are more traditional. They think bathing will affect their magic power... Of course, most people still like to be clean."

Old Reed, who excitedly introduced his grandson, also found that his grandson was not as surprised as he thought, so he led Adam and walked forward quickly:

"We must first buy a magic wand. This is your real first step into the magical world!"

Hearing this, Adam's heart beat a little faster - he already had a wand of darkness. I wonder if it would have an impact on the choice of wand?

"Oh, welcome--"

It seemed that it was because it was still the beginning of the school year. Ollivander was waiting behind the counter dedicatedly. When he looked up, he saw Adam and the old Reed behind him - Emma had gone to the Tuofan clothing store. Ollivander's wand store was really... It was too small. Thousands of wand boxes almost filled the shop, and there was no way that many people could enter.

"Twelve inches, dogwood, unicorn tail hair."

Ollivander seemed to have the superpower of being able to remember every wand that came from his hand. He looked at Old Reed and sighed with emotion:

"Mr. Reed, how long has it been since we last met?"

"It has been almost fifty years since we last met, Mr. Ollivander."

Old Reed also felt a little emotional, and then patted Adam on the shoulder:

"Help my grandson choose a wand that suits him. The wands you make are always the best."

"I can't say it's the best, but I guarantee it's the most suitable."

Ollivander showed a confident smile on his face and looked at Adam:

"So, little Mr. Reed, which is your dominant hand?"

"Right hand, sir."

Adam hesitated because he was not sure which wand he would have in his dominant hand, so when Ollivander took out his ruler he asked:

"Can I use my wand with my other hand?"

"Oh, are you dominant on both hands? Okay."

Ollivander nodded and continued to measure Adam's dimensions with his ruler.

The length of the fingers, the width of the palm, the length of the arm...even the diameter of the nostrils and the circumference of the head. After a few meaningless operations, Ollivander took a wand and gave it to Adam to try.

Adam waved his hand casually, and the sudden strong wind almost blew the roof apart.

"No! Not this!"

Ollivander grabbed the wand, took out his own wand and waved the items in the shop to restore them, then hurriedly took out another wand:

"Try this!"

Adam waved the wand a little smaller this time, but the movement caused was not smaller at all - the violent explosion caused the wand box to fly in all directions!

"Armor protection!"

The wand boxes stacked high fell down and crashed towards them. Thanks to Old Reed's Iron Armor Curse, the three of them survived.

Adam took a look, and fortunately the explosion seemed to be just a big noise, not a single wand was damaged, and even the box was not broken, otherwise he might have lost money.

"Ah, such a huge power is beyond my expectation. Let me think about it..."

Ollivander took back his wand and started rummaging through the collapsed wand box——

"Try this!"


"No! Try this!"


"Still not right!"

Ollivander grabbed the wand again, grabbed his hair that wasn't particularly thick, and plunged it into the wand box.

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