Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 584 The Mystery of Projection

"Vampire, moon, feminine, blood, life..."

A newly projected heroic spirit Adam spits out concepts and authority related to vampires.

I'm a little tempted to go look for it and see if this species can be used in recipes. At the same time, the mystery of vampires is also an interesting subject for Adam.

As one of the accessories of Yahweh, this species has a high appearance rate in worlds with Western fantasy culture. Basically, vampires exist in worlds with settings such as angels and demons.

It's a pity that there can't seem to be any existences like angels and demons in the Xingyue world, including real immortals. They all seem to have left this world long ago, leaving only some traces and shadows.

Although because of their power, these traces and shadows also have various magical properties, they are not themselves after all.

True Adam looked at true Merlin and asked this question.

Maybe Merlin, who has lived a long time and has seen a lot, will have some clues as to where these beings have gone?

"Hey! I actually know a little bit about this."

True Merlin's eyes lit up and he raised a finger:

"There are two types of existences that leave the original world -"

"One type is a strong person who is native to the original world, that is, someone like you. It is difficult to find an existence that is very similar to you in name and key nodes of life in other worlds."

"This kind of strong people usually continue their original path of becoming stronger after leaving the original world. Leaving the original world just breaks away from their shackles and moves towards a broader world."

"The other is the reflection of a higher being, such as the Enlightenment, such as Yahweh, such as Taigongwang's teacher... Because the status of an existence is extremely high, his power naturally radiates to many worlds in the sea of ​​​​the world. , thus forming a reflection-like existence.”

"For this kind of existence, they will have a fixed place to go after leaving the original world, and that is to get closer to that high-level existence step by step."


True Adam couldn't help but move his eyebrows.

"Hmm... It seems to be almost the same, but this kind of 'ascension' is not done in one step. If it is done in one step, it is no different from committing suicide. The rules of the world are so different. Some of the rules of reflection and body can even be regarded as two completely different things. system.”

True Merlin thought for a while and said truthfully:

"Remember what I mentioned before about the edge of the Sea of ​​World? Since there is an edge, there is a center. The closer the world is to the center of the Sea of ​​World, the stronger it will be, and the rules of the world will also change from the center to the edge. Those in the world The sea realizes that the 'one' supreme being is at the center."

"If I take this world as my starting point and go to the world in the central circle, I need to pass through many worlds as stepping stones, and adjust and adapt to the changing rules little by little as the worlds get closer and closer to the center. This is a long way. , much further than coming from your world."

True Adam nodded understandingly, but in this case...

"Are those reflections willing to walk towards the supreme existence step by step like this? For them, this should be no different from death, right?"

From an independent individual to becoming a part of a higher existence, even if it makes him stronger, in Adam's view, this is not worth the gain.

He is no longer himself, what does it have to do with him whether he is strong or not?

"Maybe some reflections are not willing, but as I said before, some existences have achieved uniqueness in the sea of ​​​​the world. For these existences, there has never been a so-called self."

Sanqing, Buddha, Yahweh...these are the only existences in all worlds. Their reflections have been a part of them from the beginning. They did not have a self in the beginning, so there is no need to fear the disappearance of the self.

But this is only for themselves. The existences they derive that have not reached the only world but are projected along with them depend on their own situation.

For example, the Taoist gods derived from Sanqing are not unique in all worlds, but they are often projected into many worlds because of Sanqing's experience as Taoist ancestors. They may follow Sanqing to leave the original world, but it is not mandatory. And absolutely.

Angels derived from Yahweh are usually taken along with them. This is a characteristic of Yahweh and is not an absolute rule.

"So, what about you?"

True Adam suddenly looked at True Merlin curiously:

"What's going on with you? The projection of the only 'Merlin' in all the worlds?"

Merlin does not seem to belong to any religious system, but Merlin has already reached the strength to leave this world, but there is no sign of getting closer to his true form. Instead, he looks like he will stay there forever...

In his daily state, Merlin can be said to be an out-and-out otaku, and after coming into contact with Adam, Merlin's amount of exercise has exceeded the sum of all the previous exercises. In a sense, Adam is also helping Merlin exercise.

"Ah sneeze - why is my nose so itchy all of a sudden?"

True Merlin rubbed his nose:

"Actually, in a sense, I can be regarded as a derived projection. But fortunately, I don't have a direct boss in the strict sense. I don't have to leave the world if I don't want to."

With Merlin's character, it's hard to find a Merlin who is willing to leave his original world and move closer to the center of the Sea of ​​the World...

However, is Merlin actually a derivative projection?

"Is it Yahweh?"

"You're thinking too much. If it was Yahweh, I would have been forcibly taken away by now, right?"

True Merlin rolled his eyes.

"It's 'magic'~ Not only personified existence, but also impersonal concepts will form projections, and those existences close to this concept will become derivative projections."

True Merlin shrugged:

"For example, I should be a derivative projection of Merlin who is very close to magic, but not the only one in the world."


True Adam was shocked and also felt suddenly.

"Looking at your development speed, maybe one day you will be projected into the myriad worlds with magic, maybe..."

True Merlin hesitated for a moment, thinking that the other party might be able to become the only one in the world, but who can say for sure about such things.

Even those who became the only one in the world, their close ones could not become the only one in the world, which shows that there is no fixed and feasible method for such things.

"Is this projection forced?"

True Adam couldn't help but frowned. He didn't want to find another self in any world.

"Well, I don't know about that, but there should be a way to avoid it. There are indeed those who are very powerful but do not have projections in various worlds."

The real Merlin shook his head to indicate that he did not know:

"Perhaps you can ask your teacher?"

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