Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 62: The Never-Ending Halloween Dinner

After a movie was played, Adam lit the lamp, turned his head and saw the different expressions of the four people——

Eugene and Colon had the same tortured expressions on their faces. Eugene could barely maintain an upright sitting posture, but Colon had already shrunk into the small sofa.

Bernard looked scared and excited, probably because Adam had developed the attribute of being a lover of ghost movies.

Uther surprised Adam the most, his face was filled with unfinished content.

"The form of this curse is quite innovative. The video tape says 'you will definitely die in seven days after watching it'. I feel that many people can't help but be curious and want to see it."

Uther commented as he ate popcorn and took a sip of Coke at the end.

He had already finished his while watching the movie, and now he was eating Cologne... This little glutton almost didn't touch the Coke and popcorn this time, which was really rare.

That night...

The two figures slowly climbed up from the bed and looked at each other under the moonlight.

"...Go to the bathroom?"


When he reached the door, Colon paused as he held the doorknob.

Although I went to the bathroom with Eugene, both of them were very scared and felt that they still didn't feel safe...

Looking back at the three people on the bed, Bernard seemed to be quite scared, and Adam... always felt that he might scare them when they went to the toilet, so it was better to find Uther.


poke poke——


Uther opened his hazy sleepy eyes and was startled when he saw the two people standing beside the bed. He raised his upper body:

"What are you...?"

"Uther, do you want to use the bathroom?"

"Huh? I don't want to."

Uther grabbed his hair and was about to lie back down, when suddenly Eugene and Cologne held their arms:

"No, you want to."

Uther: "???"

"Wait a minute, let me put on my pajamas—"

After using the bathroom, Eugene and Colon returned to bed as if they were fleeing.

After covering himself with the quilt, Colon breathed a sigh of relief. Then he felt that he was a little embarrassed along the way and couldn't help but glare at Adam in the bed next to him.

As a result, Adam was seen leaning sideways and looking straight at him with his eyes open.


At that moment, Cologne's expression was frightened and even a little distorted. Fortunately, he still remembered that it was the middle of the night. He covered his mouth with his hand to block the scream, and then slowly retreated into the bed.

Seeing this, Adam smiled slightly, hugged Xiao Ke and Si Bi, and closed his eyes.

Hiding under the covers, right?

I'll show you the curse another day.

The sleepy Uther yawned and walked last. He glanced at Adam who was sleeping peacefully surrounded by cats and shook his head.

What a sin...

The horror story that day had a profound impact. At least the trip to the Forbidden Forest originally scheduled for mid-October was pushed back again and again, and it was almost Halloween.

Colon and Eugene said that they are already working hard to adjust, and it will be enough to give them another half month at most.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to venture into the Forbidden Forest as soon as possible, or perhaps because of his vague conscience, Lockhart was the only one who still enjoyed the terrifying feast carefully prepared by Adam after that day. And the plot becomes more and more exciting as the course progresses, and there are even scenes that have not appeared in Lockhart's works.

This unexpected stimulation made Lockhart, who had thought he would be immune to these horror stories because of his habit, fainted from being "moved".

This time, Cologne's eyes looked at Lockhart with a bit of sympathy in addition to gloating.

"Last year's Halloween saw a troll invasion. I hope this year will be smoother."

Uther sighed on the way to the Great Hall, and there was a slight pause in Adam's footsteps.

Hiss—school has been going on for so long. At first, he focused on conquering the no-cards with love cards, and then focused on dealing with Lockhart. Today, he has been busy in the kitchen. He seems to have forgotten about the basilisk and the Horcrux...

Fortunately, at least nothing happened during the dinner.

The Hufflepuffs, except for the first-year students, were surprised to find that there were many pumpkin desserts on the table that were the same as last year. Many of them were holiday-only and could not be bought at Adam's shop.

In addition, the most attractive thing in the entire auditorium is probably the fondant in the shape of Professor Dumbledore on the classroom seat. The approximately 20-inch-high fondant vividly recreates Professor Dumbledore's peaceful sleeping appearance. Even the bow on the beard and the half-moon glasses on the bridge of the nose are exactly the same.

After the banquet, Professor Dumbledore took the lead in dividing the fondant.

"...No, I have eaten enough. You should enjoy it yourself."

Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Dumbledore's left hand that Professor Dumbledore handed over and was silent for a moment, then declined politely.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Professor Snape again, and Professor Snape stood up and left.

The eyes continued to shift, and one professor after another hurriedly left before making eye contact with Professor Dumbledore. Only Professor Lockhart was caught by Professor Dumbledore because he was a step too slow:

"I remember you didn't eat much just now, Lockhart, share some with me."

Professor Dumbledore had a loving smile on his face:

"Don't worry, I specifically confirmed with Adam that there is no magic protection on the fondant this time."

It was fine that Professor Dumbledore didn't mention this, but Lockhart's face turned even darker when he mentioned it.

Lockhart had either seen werewolves or female ghosts for so many days before, so of course he had no appetite for today's festive delicacies. Now Professor Dumbledore was teasing him with the culprit who had caused him to stay in the hospital for half a month!

However... eating "Dumbledore" with Dumbledore seemed to be a good gimmick. Maybe he could make a headline with this after a long time?

Thinking of this, Lockhart suppressed his dissatisfaction and forced a smile - thanks to his experience during this period, Lockhart's ability to fake a smile has become better and better.

"Of course Professor Dumbledore, I'm happy to..."


The sudden scream interrupted Lockhart's words, and mixed with a burst of commotion, Professor Dumbledore stood up "swooshed" and strode towards the direction where the sound came from.

Lockhart's face was a little ugly, but he hurriedly followed.

That was the corridor outside the auditorium leading to the main hall. The open space between the two windows was now surrounded by many classmates.

When Professor Dumbledore arrived, Professor McGonagall had already controlled the situation. When he came, the witch walked forward with a serious expression:


Professor Dumbledore followed Professor McGonagall's gaze and looked at the side wall, where two twisted lines of words were written with some liquid:

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened,

Those who are enemies of the heir, beware.

At the bottom of the wall, Mrs. Norris, who was petrified and held by the heartbroken Filch.

With a flash of thought in his eyes, Professor Dumbledore calmly comforted Professor McGonagall:

"Don't worry, everyone... I will find out the situation."

The sense of security brought by the greatest wizard of this century is amazing. When Professor Dumbledore said this, Adam could feel that the classmates around him were relieved.

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