Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Lockhart becomes restless again

In addition to affecting the people around him, Adam discovered another ability of the card of love, which was a bit magical...

How to say it, he didn't know exactly what this ability was used for, but the somewhat illusory figure with red hair and green eyes that he could see beside Harry should not be the effect of other Clow Cards. After excluding them, it must be the ability of the card of love.

Because there was only this abnormality at present, Adam couldn't test what happened specifically and what this ability was, so he could only put this question aside for the time being.

On the way back to the dormitory, Adam was asked about the Chamber of Secrets by his classmates countless times, and Adam had only one answer to this:

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to keep it a secret. Maybe you can ask Professor Dumbledore?"

For the little badger who planned to abide by the agreement honestly, the other little wizards had no way to deal with it, but there was no doubt that the problem of the Chamber of Secrets had been solved - the sudden extra house points of Hufflepuff could not be used by Professor Dumbledore to buy candy.

Back to the dormitory, Adam was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, but what followed was the eyes of the four roommates.

How to describe that look, it was a bit complicated, it felt like the look Lin Daiyu gave Jia Baoyu, which made Adam's non-existent conscience feel a phantom pain.

"Okay, okay, brothers, listen to my explanation first..."

Adam raised his hands in surrender under the gaze of the four people.

The five people sat down on the small sofa together, and Adam told everyone what happened before - although he promised Professor Dumbledore to keep it a secret, it was obvious that his roommates were not within the scope of the agreement, and they were all very tight-lipped people.

Unlike a gamekeeper who seemed to have grown up drinking truth serum...

After telling the story, Adam emphasized again:

"It's really not that I don't take you with me. There is nothing interesting this time, and the basilisk is so dangerous."

"Well, your experience this time is indeed quite monotonous."

Bernard sighed with some regret. The so-called secret room turned out to be a sewer, and there was a big snake in it that would kill anyone who stared at it. This was completely different from what he imagined.

At least there should be various levels that need to be solved, and there should be huge golems or magical animals as guards, right?

After listening to Bernard's speech, Adam felt that if he had been born a hundred years earlier, if he could have met a fifth-grade transfer student, he might have been able to see what he wanted to see.

"So, what about the basilisk? Can we see it?"

Eugene was a little curious about what the legendary basilisk looked like. Adam thought for a while:

"Wait until I dig out the eyes of the basilisk and show them to you."

The basilisk that was going to be put into the pot had to be killed anyway, so why not let them see it.

"Well, forget it. Isn't it a bit... to dig out its eyes just to show us..."

Cologne frowned and spoke, and then heard Adam say:

"It's okay, it's going to be put into the pot anyway."

"Then let's see it."

Cologne immediately changed his words and swallowed his saliva.

As for the basilisk's deadly poison... It doesn't matter, he believes Adam will solve it. If not, he still has chopsticks made of unicorn horns!

He knew that he would use this thing one day. Christmas is approaching, so why not give everyone this kind of chopsticks as gifts this year.

The gifts for everyone except Adam were solved in one go, yeah~(^-^)V

Then they discussed the time to go to the Forbidden Forest. It has been delayed for so long. If we don’t go now, it will be the next year!

“Why don’t we go during the Christmas holiday?”

Uther suggested,

“We have to do homework during the weekdays, and it always feels a bit too rushed to squeeze in time to go on weekends.”

Although it is an adventure, they don’t have any purpose. It’s more like going to the Forbidden Forest for fun. If they have to think about going back to do homework quickly, it will be too disappointing.

“But entering the Forbidden Forest on a snowy day, won’t it be unsafe…”

Eugene frowned.

“Even if we go tomorrow, it will snow, everyone, it’s already December.”

Bernard sighed.

Eugene and Cologne, who had delayed the time of the Forbidden Forest appointment again and again due to personal reasons, were speechless, so the time to go to the Forbidden Forest was officially confirmed.

“Don’t worry, I am sure I can protect everyone’s safety this time.”

Adam, who has practiced protective magic to the point where he can shield others, patted his chest and said.

The next day, the atmosphere of the entire Hogwarts changed quietly. The threat of the Chamber of Secrets was lifted, and the dark clouds that had been shrouding the castle suddenly dissipated. The little wizards suddenly regained their former liveliness.

The few who were in a bad mood were probably the few Slytherin students who claimed to be pure blood and were proud of it.

Before yesterday, they could still look at those mudbloods in a panic, and those half-blood wizards were also in a hurry, but everything changed today.

For this reason, they even launched a wave of boycotts of Adam's products, trying to make Adam, who caused all this, suffer heavy losses, but not many people responded, after all, even Slytherins are not all pure blood.

On the contrary, after this news was spread by someone, those non-pure blood wizards who were originally afraid immediately ran to Adam's store to buy, buy, buy, buy, on the one hand, to vent their emotions, because the previous fear did need the comfort of sweets, and by the way, they also expressed their support for Adam.

The result was that Adam did not suffer heavy losses as the Slytherins had wished, but his turnover kept rising and he was almost making a lot of money.

"I probably know why so many businesses like to provoke confrontation. This is really making money! Unfortunately, I don't value money very much. Making money has become a problem for me now."

After working from opening the store to closing it, Adam felt a little tired after closing the store. He sighed:

"Opening this store is really the thing I regret the most. I was happiest when I only used a shoulder bag to sell snacks. Unfortunately, I can't go back now..."

Cedric, who bought the last sweet osmanthus lotus root next to him, felt a toothache when he heard it.

Forget it, Adam's candy will not cause tooth decay. It should be an illusion caused by too much Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He quickly drank a sip of honey tea to moisten it...

At the strong request of his classmates, the honey tea, which was seriously oversweetened, was suppressed by the sweet osmanthus lotus root and was still able to burst out enough sweetness between the lips and teeth, soothing Cedric's frown.

"Adam, have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

After finishing the dining cart, Adam turned around and saw Cedric leaning next to him and whispering:

"Professor Lockhart said in today's class that he already knew where the Chamber of Secrets was and what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was... and that you were able to solve the Chamber of Secrets monster thanks to his teaching..."

"...It seems that his injuries have healed completely."

Adam narrowed his eyes. Normally, he didn't care much about rumors, but why was Lockhart so hated...

It just so happened that after releasing the Grudge for his roommates, Adam was considering whether to get into the movie business. If he did, how realistic should he make it so that it wouldn't be too extreme.

Lockhart happened to bump into him, so let Professor Lockhart do the experiment, oh no, just experience it.

Why not start with the 8D Conjuring series joint version~

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