Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 86: The Proud Hufflepuff

"I've decided now that I can go home after the last Quidditch match."

After the exam, Eugene lay half-lying on the bed and stretched out.

"Huh? It's rare to see you looking forward to going back so much."

" grandma said that her parents sent her a letter, saying that they would go home once this holiday."

Eugene said, looking at the top of the four-poster bed.

Although he has always treated his parents' existence as dispensable, it is impossible for Eugene to have no illusions about his parents at all. This is probably the first meeting with his parents in his memory...

Adam nodded understandingly.

"Speaking of the last Quidditch match, it seems that neither side was very involved."

Uther took the opportunity to lead the conversation in a pleasant direction.

Bernard couldn't help but curl up his lips:

"Yes, after all, no matter who wins or loses, the Academy Cup will be ours in the end!"

The College Cup score basically depends on two points: one is the bonus and subtraction points for usual performance, and the other is the 100 bonus points for the Quidditch champion.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to open a gap of more than 100 points, so the outcome of Quidditch can largely determine the ownership of the College Cup - but that is under normal circumstances, such as last year. Special circumstances, such as this year.

The 250 points Adam earned for Hufflepuff directly opened up a desperate gap between Hufflepuff House's scoreboard crystal and the other three houses.

Because of this, at the end of the Quidditch match, the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams competing for first and second place were less motivated than in previous years.

On a sunny afternoon, at the beginning of the Quidditch final, the Slytherin team unexpectedly committed several flagrant fouls at the beginning, almost knocking Fred off his broomstick, and scored 40 points. Mrs. Hooch The silver whistle was blowing so loudly that sparks almost appeared before he calmed down a little.

But the initial advantage had been established, and with Fred already injured, the Slytherin team still managed to build a 120-point advantage in less than an hour.

However, in the end, Harry caught the Golden Snitch in front of Draco with a tricky flying position before the Slytherin team scored more than 150 points. Draco almost fainted from anger.

Until the end of the year dinner, you can still see Malfoy being scolded by Marcus Flint. This is Marcus's last Quidditch match, and it is also why the Slytherin team will be extra reckless this time. reason.

"Okay, classmates, be quiet for a moment."

Professor Dumbledore walked to the podium, and the movement in the auditorium suddenly fell silent.

"Another year has passed, and I am very happy to see everyone's growth! Maybe you have gained a lot in this year and have forgotten many things that happened during this year. Today I have to mention the old things again. "

Professor Dumbledore looked in Adam's direction with a smile and said:

"In this year, our Adam Reed solved the monster in the Chamber of Secrets and protected everyone at Hogwarts. In this incident, the only victim-Mr. Filch's cat , and now it has returned to normal thanks to the efforts of Professor Sprout and Professor Snape.”

Professor Dumbledore's hand led to Filch who was leaning against the wall. He held Mrs. Norris and showed a rare bright smile.

"For this reason - everyone must have discovered it already - Hufflepuff received a considerable amount of house points."

There was a burst of warm applause in the Great Hall, especially the Hufflepuff table. Everyone cheered and looked at Adam.

"So, this year's Academy Cup undoubtedly belongs to Hufflepuff. Before everyone starts enjoying the delicious food, there is one thing that must be done..."

Professor Dumbledore raised his hand toward the sky above the auditorium, and the gold-red banners and flags were replaced with copper-yellow. Suddenly, the Hufflepuff table cheered louder than before.

Cedric even took advantage of his height advantage and crossed the long table to put his arm around Adam's shoulders and shake him. If it weren't for the restrictions of the venue, Adam seriously doubted that these excited badgers would be able to throw themselves up...

"Then, enjoy tonight's meal!"

After Professor Dumbledore's last speech, the year-end dinner officially began, and the Hufflepuffs finally started their carnival.

How many years has it been since they won the Academy Cup? I don’t know! The previous seniors and sisters never mentioned this matter at all!

In short, Hufflepuff was finally proud this time. Some little badgers whose families were Hufflepuffs even wrote excitedly to their parents that night to report the good news.

The warm atmosphere lasted until the day when the transcripts were issued and then cooled down slightly.

"Wow! My Defense Against the Dark Arts class actually got an O! I didn't expect that the professors' scoring standards were so relaxed in the end. I thought I could only get an A at most, so I'd be thankful."

After the results came out, Colon looked at his transcript with joy.

"After all, this exam exposed the insufficient teaching quality of Defense Against the Dark Arts courses in previous years, and the professors were also in a difficult position."

It is impossible for the test paper to only cover the things taught this year. The problem lies with the professors in previous years. Due to the special nature of this job, the previous professors resigned and passed away.

There is no one who should be responsible for this. Faced with the red test papers, what else can the professors do besides lowering the requirements for judging papers?

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Cologne, who reviewed according to the most stringent requirements, could get an O.

"Ah, Adam is still full of O's..."

Running to Adam's side and taking a look, Cologne couldn't help but sigh.

"Adam is simply a robot, learning, cooking and having fun all at once. Comparing with him is just asking for trouble."

Bernard has been able to automatically filter out Adam's grades.

"What is a robot?"

"Well... It's similar to an alchemical item, which can complete the set behavior exactly."

Bernard's answer made Cologne nod as if he understood.

On the return train, the Hufflepuffs couldn't help but surround Adam.

"This year can definitely be recorded in the history of Hufflepuffs. Adam, you will definitely become a legend among the Hufflepuffs!"

Senior Vivian laughed very boldly.

"I think Adam has already been one. His cooking skills are enough to be recorded in the history of magic."

Bruce sighed after speaking, and then took a small bite of the egg tart.

He couldn't buy Adam's delicacies for the whole holiday... Fortunately, he was smart this time and bought a lot of long-lasting candies and cakes from Adam in advance, which should last for a month, provided that his parents and relatives don't fight with him.

"Everyone is too flattering..."

Adam, who had been flattered by the badgers for more than a week, shook his head and picked up the copper pot in his hand:

"Does anyone want brown sugar milk tea?"

"Me!" xN

After getting off the train with great difficulty and saying goodbye to everyone who was reluctant to leave, Adam found his grandparents who came to pick him up.

"It seems that Adam is very popular with his classmates."

Old Reed looked proud:

"Grandpa also got along well with his classmates..."

"Adam, don't learn from grandpa to fight in school."

Emma's exposure made Old Reed freeze on the spot, but Emma didn't care at all, and took Adam's hand and walked towards Platform 9 and 3/4.

Crossing the platform, Adam saw his parents who came to pick him up as expected.

"Oh, didn't I tell you not to pick up the phone before? You guys are all so busy..."

"We're not so busy that we can't even take time to take a child home after not seeing him for a year."

After hugging Ms. Li and Mr. Reed, Adam got on the car to go home.

Just when Adam was wondering if Mr. Reed was unexpectedly the same as usual, Ms. Li looked back at Adam from the passenger seat:

"Adam, your grandparents want you to visit China during this holiday... What do you think?"

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