Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 99 New professor, new order

Just a glance in the direction of Harry and the others, Professor Dumbledore continued:

"Before everyone enjoys dinner, I have something I have to tell you, it's very important - our school has welcomed some Dementors from Azkaban, they are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties, I believe everyone already knows, because they just searched the Hogwarts Express."

When Professor Dumbledore said this, the smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by seriousness and imperceptible dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Magic.

"They will be stationed at various entrances to the school, so no one is allowed to leave the school without permission during this period. Because no tricks, gimmicks, or disguises can fool Dementors - even the invisibility cloak."

Professor Dumbledore deliberately added an emphasis on the invisibility cloak:

"The nature of Dementors makes it impossible for them to understand your excuses and pleas for mercy, so I solemnly remind everyone here not to give them a reason to hurt you. I hope that the prefects and our newly elected male and female student union presidents can ensure that no student will conflict with Dementors."

Unlike Professor Dumbledore's instructions in Adam's first year at Hogwarts, few people have been to the corridor on the fourth floor, but everyone has seen the Dementors just now, so the atmosphere in the hall is very depressing.

Professor Dumbledore paused and looked in Adam's direction:

"I have finished warning you all. Now let's talk about something pleasant. I have received news that Mr. Adam Reed's chocolate has played a good comforting role after everyone encountered the Dementors. Let's thank him for his efforts together."

Applause suddenly broke out in the hall, and the Slytherin table rarely discounted the applause for other colleges.

There is no way. Dementors will not discriminate against their colleges when spreading despair.

But Adam's attention was not on the students at this time, because he saw Senior Newt in the teacher's seat!

"I believe he did not think about the return when he did this, but as the headmaster of Hogwarts, I think the cost of these chocolates should be borne by the school."

Anyway, it was the school board that paid the money, and perhaps the Ministry of Magic could reimburse it again. Professor Dumbledore did not feel any pressure when he said this, and even wanted to add part of his own candy bill.

Adam nodded to Professor Dumbledore with understanding: We will discuss the specific reimbursement when the time comes!

Professor Dumbledore blinked to show that he had received it, and then stretched out his hand to the teacher's seat:

"Next, I am honored to introduce to you two new professors who have joined our teaching team this year."

As soon as this sentence fell, warm applause rang out in the hall - mainly from Hufflepuff.

"First, it is Professor Scamander. After Professor Kettleburn retired, he gladly agreed to take over the Care of Magical Creatures class for a year."

As soon as the voice fell, the applause became even more enthusiastic. The applause and cheers of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw almost shook the ceiling of the hall down.

Oh my God! Senior Newt/Newt Scamander! The living/author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"!

Newt, who stood up and greeted everyone, didn't know when to sit down, so he could only stand there and nod to everyone without raising his head.

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet."

Professor Dumbledore had to use the Loudspeaker Charm to calm everyone down, and emphasized that due to various reasons, Professor Scamander could only teach for one year, but this only slightly reduced everyone's enthusiasm.

"Next is Professor Lupin. Due to last year's accident, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is vacant again. Professor Lupin took on this responsibility without fear of danger."

Professor Lupin, who stood up and nodded to everyone, heard this, and his smile froze slightly.

Why doesn't this sound auspicious?

However, thinking about his previous living standard and the salary of a Hogwarts professor, and Professor Dumbledore's promise that the school would contract his wolfsbane potion for a year, Professor Lupin still maintained a smile on his face very professionally.

Professor Lupin did not have the mass base of Newt, and everyone's applause was a little sparse, which seemed a bit tragic in contrast, but Professor Lupin did not seem to care much.

On the contrary, Newt looked apologetic and quietly made his clapping louder.

Professor Lupin responded with a friendly smile.

"Well, I have said everything I want to say. You can enjoy your dinner~"

As Professor Dumbledore finished speaking, a golden plate full of food appeared on the long table, and a series of sighs came from the Hufflepuff table.

"What's wrong?"

A freshman couldn't help but look at the seniors beside him. The food on the table was obviously rich?

"No, you don't understand..."

The second-year Hufflepuff sighed. Did they hold back for a holiday just for these fishy barbecues? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look in the direction of Adam with eager eyes.

After dinner, it was rare that it was so cold in summer. Adam and his friends planned to return to the dormitory they had not seen for a long time to cook a hot pot, but Adam was kidnapped by Professor Snape halfway.

After making a "wait for me" gesture to everyone, Adam looked at Professor Snape:

"Professor, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I remember you can brew wolfsbane potion?"

After Professor Snape walked into the office, he swung his cloak and sat down. He looked at Adam without waiting for his answer:

"A certain professor needs this this year, one bottle per month. Are you interested in this order?"


There were so many flaws that Adam didn’t know where to start.

First of all, about a certain professor... There are only so many professors in Hogwarts. If you can’t use them in previous years and you can use them this year, then they must be new professors.

There are two new professors this year, one of whom is Newt Scamander, whom Hufflepuff almost cannot fail to recognize. Professor Snape, why don't you just give Professor Lupin's name.

Secondly, Adam’s small shop doesn’t sell everything, at least the potion business...

"The money for the Wolfsbane potion will be paid by the school board. Considering that there are few stable sales channels in the potion market, we can give you a 70% premium. As for the materials, I will give you the materials."

E Actually, it’s not that potions cannot be sold. The main reason is to consider that both the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the Potions professor have needs in this regard. One wants to drink and the other doesn’t want to drink it. How can a considerate badger sit idly by and ignore it? Woolen cloth?

"no problem!"

Adam agreed immediately, and then thought about it:

"Are there any additional requirements?"

Professor Snape narrowed his eyes when he heard this, put his hands on his chest and raised his chin:

"for example?"

"For example, do we need to make some...restrictions on taste?"

Adam looked like "I'm really busy":

"Because I usually have to research new dishes, I might accidentally add something when making the potion, making the potion taste a little strange... If necessary, I can take the time to cook these wolves alone. Poison."

Professor Snape showed an interested expression:

"It's not necessary. You have to take elective courses in your third year this year. Time is already tight. I believe that as long as the efficacy of the medicine is not affected, the professor will not be too harsh on such a small issue."

After a pause, Professor Snape took out a key and took out a golden potion bottle less than half the size of a palm from his locked cabinet.

"If you feel that your studies are stressful, you must take breaks."

It can be seen that Professor Snape is very bad at caring about people directly. This sentence was said dryly and unnaturally, but Adam obviously didn't care about this formal problem.

Taking the bottle of Felixir carefully, Adam couldn't help but sigh that Professor Snape had spent a lot of money just to get this out.

"Don't worry, professor. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine, I will definitely prepare enough wolfsbane potion for the professor. I hope he won't mind drinking a few bottles at a time."

Professor Snape's mouth twitched unnaturally twice before he finally said slowly:

"I think...he won't mind."

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