Cards come to the world

Chapter 16 Field Special Card

Chapter Sixteen

On a bench next to the playground.

Lin Ze drank the last sip of iced Coke, threw the bottle into the trash can not far away, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"The second special training program is about to start in five minutes. I don't know if that person has any new tricks."

"Well, Lin Ze, how do you feel that you enjoy this special training?"

Liu Jun, who was drinking Nongfu Spring, almost choked when he heard Lin Ze's words.

Don't look at his performance in the first special training just now, but Liu Jun, who stepped on two thunders in a row, has a shadow of those "Voldemort" in his heart.

"Yeah, I think this special training program is very interesting, but I still don't understand it well. This special training should not be of much help to the improvement of strength."

"But speaking of it, how can a card master greatly increase his total magic power? This is a question."

Lin Ze subconsciously fell into thought.

"Anyway, if you want to improve your strength, you will inevitably have a long-term accumulation process. However, if you pursue efficiency, various high-quality energy card supplements are very easy to use, and under the premise of reasonable use, they will not cause any damage to the body."

Liu Jun thought for a while and said, but in the end he added in a dejected way:

"It's a pity that there is no money. The price of the energy card supplements of the black bottom series is at least 300,000 yuan, which is more expensive than the fighting cards and special cards of the same series."

"Is that so? But the "Magic Surge" I bought online was only 30,000 yuan. Although it is said to be of the white background series, I remember that the same series of fighting cards are about the same price, right? "

Lin Ze was puzzled.

"Pfft, Lin Ze, "Surge of Magic Power" is just the most basic series of energy cards with a white background. The price is of course cheap.

Although most of the black-and-white series cards in the market are mass-produced, the rare effect combat cards, field special cards, and powerful energy cards are not a flood of goods, and the prices are higher than ordinary black-and-white series cards. There are a lot of cards, and the tonic energy card is even more exemplary! "

Know-it-all Liu Jun went online again and clearly explained the reason to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze nodded, as if he understood.

To put it simply, the card Royal Magic Surge is only regarded as a good tonic by the rookies of Royal Card.

"Okay, the happy hour is over, and it's time for the cruel special training to begin again."

Lin Ze stood up and stretched his waist. That comfortable look didn't seem like he really felt that the training was cruel.

Liu Jun twitched the corners of his mouth, only feeling that Lin Ze's words combined with his behavior seemed very unflattering.

The two returned to the playground, and only the students who participated in the special training were present in the empty green field.

From the looks of it, the school temporarily suspended the few physical education classes in order to allow them to concentrate on training without being disturbed by other students.

Of course, the college entrance examination is just around the corner, and not many people have the spare time to disturb her.

As for some students who were curious about the training session of the special training class, they were also stopped by the security personnel assigned by the school. Once the students who sneaked in were found, they would inevitably be demerited.

The students in the special training class assembled in advance according to the class unit, and Zhang Yuan showed up on time.

The students saw him approaching from a distance, and straightened their bodies all of a sudden, for fear that something would offend the devil trainer.

In the crowd, Lin Ze looked at Zhang Yuan, to be precise, at the wooden box next to his feet, which seemed to be filled with a kind of glowing glass ball.

"Each group sends a representative to come and collect things."

Zhang Yuan still didn't talk nonsense, and said in a deep voice.


Just as he was thinking, Lin Ze realized that Liu Jun and Gao Ziwei were looking at him at the same time, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Then I will."

Lin Ze didn't shirk, and went directly.

When I came back again, there was already an extra glass ball with dreamy luster in my hand, it was very beautiful.

"so beautiful."

Gao Ziwei on Lin Ze's right hand stared intently at the glass ball he brought back, her mouth slightly opened.

"There seems to be a number here."

Liu Jun lowered his head and looked closer for a moment, then said with some uncertainty.

"Well, it's hidden in the color, it seems to be a '3', does it represent the three people in our group?"

Lin Ze guessed casually.

Students in other classes also discovered something one after another, and started talking in low voices.

And soon, Zhang Yuan solved the confusion for everyone.

"The scoring ball in your hands is related to the second special training that will be carried out next, and it is also the last special training today."

Hearing that it was the last special training of the day, many students just felt that the happiness came too suddenly. They thought they would have to work hard all afternoon, but now it seems that the training intensity seems to be acceptable.

But more sensible parties always have a sense of foreboding.

"The rules of this special training are very simple. You will start a battle to protect and compete for points in a specific space, with classes as units."

"Each scoring sphere in your hands has a number mark, which represents the points you need to obtain. This point corresponds to the number of you, specifically one point per person, so the single-person group completes the special training requirements. Just one point."

"And the glass balls in your hands each represent one point."

Zhang Yuan roughly explained the rules of this round of special training to the students.

Hearing this rule, several students raised their hands.

Obviously, many people have doubts about this rule.

Zhang Yuan randomly selected a student and asked him to speak.

"Teacher, if this is the case, if the points are limited, then there must be some people who cannot reach the standard. Moreover, isn't a single-person team the same as directly reaching the standard?"

The speech of this classmate is also the common doubt in the hearts of other students.

"Everyone has a chance. In the special training area, there will be various fighting monsters carrying glass balls with different points. As long as you defeat them, you can get the corresponding points.

As for the latter question, reaching the standard is only one of the conditions for training to reach the standard, and there is another condition that must be maintained for half an hour to be considered successful. "

Zhang Yuan explained.

"Teacher, is the special training area you mentioned the playground?"

The student was still a little puzzled.

If the special training area was on the playground, even though Jiang Qiao's playground was fairly large, it would still be too unfair to a solo team.

In this kind of chaotic battle, the single team is like a fat sheep in the eyes of wolves, let alone half an hour, I am afraid that it will be eaten up in less than five minutes.

However, Zhang Yuan shook his head and denied the student's statement.

The doubt in the student's eyes was even deeper, it wasn't the playground, could it be in the school's gymnasium?

If it is the whole stadium, it seems that there is still fun, but it is also very uncomfortable.

The reason why he cares so much about the special training venue is because he is now a one-man team.

There are five single-man teams like him.

In the beginning, there were actually only two, but after the seven dead heroes left, there were three more polished commanders.

Those polished commanders were also very nervous about this issue.

They were afraid that they would be kicked out of the special training class by Zhang Yuan if they failed to meet the standard.

"The special training venue is here..."

In those eyes of concern or curiosity, Zhang Yuan's mouth rarely opened a subtle smile.

The right hand is stretched forward, and the short black hair is automatic without wind.

A faint sound like electromagnetic collision sounded, and an invisible special magnetic field was quietly generated.

The dazzling red card flipped in front of Zhang Yuan's palm, working.

All the students present only felt a slight sense of dizziness in their minds, and vaguely understood that something was breaking through the limit and forming rapidly.

First, the endless darkness spread, and then the intricate silver-white tone labyrinth area was born.

Countless doors, the roar of unknown monsters.

It flashed through everyone's minds in the form of fragmented pictures.

"The special training begins!"

Zhang Yuan's last words sounded in Lin Ze's mind.

When I came back to my senses again, I found that I was in a small room less than five square meters, with a door connected to each of the four walls.

Apart from him, there were Liu Jun and Gao Ziwei in the room.

Gao Ziwei was still in a state of looking around in a daze.

As for Liu Jun——

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, teacher Zhang Yuan's hand just now, there's nothing wrong with it. The special field cards of the red bottom series are things that only B-level card masters can do!"

He was staring at Venus, whom he admired, and screamed excitedly.

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