Cards come to the world

Chapter 216 The Origin Card of the Mage Clan Red Bottom

"Red-bottom level? Even if it's a red-bottomed origin card, with your Demon Capital's abilities, it shouldn't be too difficult to win when you're attacking in groups, right? Can other people agree that I, an outsider, come to share the pie? "

Lin Ze couldn't help laughing.

The Fengmo brothers were shocked immediately, the red-bottomed Shiyuan card was not too difficult to clear, and this was the first time they had heard such a statement.

Gu Hui also had a look of surprise, his eyes seemed to say: "I didn't see it, Lao Lin, I didn't expect you to be a good pretender."

They are strange, but Lin Ze is even more strange. Is it difficult?

It's not that Lin Ze never slaughtered a red-bottom-level Siyuan beast in the observation-level isolation board, and that giant elephant is indeed very strong.

But with Lin Ze's current ability, he can completely wipe out that guy.

The solution is also very simple, the Wings of Evolution is enough, it can be called simple and rude.

"Old Lin, the gorilla didn't act with us this time, so the red card is indeed very tricky, even if we have five E-levels gathered here in Shanghai."

Gu Hui tried to correct Lin Ze's concept.

Lin Ze nodded, understanding, the red card is really difficult to deal with.

The fact is also true, although Lin Ze is now capable of facing the giant elephant alone, but the giant elephant can also cause him great trouble.

What's more, what Gu Hui is talking about now is the Siyuan card, not the Siyuan beast.

The biggest feature of the Siyuan card is that it has a greater chance of having special effects than the Siyuan beast.

The strength of the special effect can be imagined for the origin card with a red background.

Anyway, now that Lin Ze understands the situation, since Lao Gu sincerely invited him, and the other people in Shanghai have no objections, why not do it if it is beneficial?

"Okay, then I will accompany you to kill this big one."

"Enough fun, Lao Lin, well, you two can come too."

Gu Hui also smiled, and then noticed Brother Feng Mo who was eager to try, and called him along the way.

He actually didn't know what the Fengmo Brothers were, let alone them, even the representative students in the capital, he didn't pay much attention to them.

However, since he was acting together with Lao Lin, his combat power was guaranteed.

Gathering more strength, the probability of success in this challenge against the red-backed Shiyuan card will be greater.

The few people who reached an agreement didn't say anything else, Gu Hui led the way, and they quickly went up to the second floor of the castle.

The second floor of the castle is quite special. There is a whole corridor that divides the rooms at equal distances. There are at least twenty rooms.

Each of these rooms is engraved with red or black lines.

Among them, black is the main theme, accounting for 90% of the rooms, while there are only three rooms with red lines.

One of the three is now open.

Lin Ze and the others followed Gu Hui and quickly walked into the room.

The room was extremely empty, about a thousand square meters, without any decorations inside, only the eye-catching incandescent light emitted from the hexagram pattern on the ground, illuminating the huge room.

At this time, the four of them were surrounding the four corners of the six-pointed star, waiting for something attentively.

Among the four, Deng Zihao and Luo Xiaotian were both known to Lin Ze.

As for the other two teenagers, Lin Ze soon learned through Gu Hui's introduction that they were called Tong Jiabao and Zhao Jie.

It was not the first time Lin Ze heard the names of these two people.

He remembered that Gu Hui had said before that the strength of the two of them was on par with Gu Hui, and if he had to say it, they were only slightly inferior.

Such four people, together with Gu Hui, can be said to be extremely powerful as a whole.

"Gu Hui,

Didn't you say that you can go out and chase people away? Why did you bring people in instead? "

Tong Jiabao's expression was displeased, but also a little puzzled.

"You know what a fart, the seal in this room is likely to be a source card of the mage family. If that's the case, it may not be possible to get it done with just a few of us. This is helping you save money and save you from dying." We have to ask the family to prepare money for the coffin.”

Gu Hui spoke very bluntly.

"If you want to fight, just say it straight, there's no need to beat around the bush."

Tong Jiabao's temper also came up, and with Gu Hui's character, he might have deliberately brought someone up to provoke him.

The two sides were at war, Luo Xiaotian's lips moved, nervous, trying to say something to persuade, but he hesitated to speak.

"Okay, stop arguing, he is Lin Ze from Jiangcheng."

Deng Zihao said helplessly.

"Lin Ze?"

Tong Jiabao's heart was extinguished, and he turned his attention to Lin Ze who had just entered the door.

"Oh? Gu Hui, he's that Lin Ze who beat you up in the Jiangcheng exchange competition?"

Zhao Jie's eyes lit up, and he also looked at Lin Ze, his eyes seemed to be looking at some rare birds and animals.

It's really rare, not only to be able to beat Gu Hui, but also to befriend him after beating him, that gorilla can't even do this!

Although Gu Hui couldn't handle the gorilla, he was not convinced at all. He didn't treat the gorilla as a human being, so he should be arrogant in front of him.

To be friends with Gu Hui, one must not only surpass him in strength, but also have a temper that suits him.

"Stop talking nonsense, the five of us, plus three foreign aids, have obtained the Siwon Card for this room, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Gu Hui waved his hands, his tone was completely non-negotiable, and he walked up to the six-pointed star instead, and asked, "Xiaotian, how is the progress?"

Luo Xiaotian quickly replied: "Brother Gu, hurry up, you should show up in ten minutes."

"Okay, I can relax for a while."

Gu Hui nodded, and then explained to Lin Ze who came over: "It should be the alliance's protection measures, which have sealed the red-bottomed Siyuan beasts and Siyuan cards here separately, and need to activate the magic power. Then wait for the battle to begin."

Lin Ze was a little surprised, and couldn't help saying: "Isn't that very similar to the usual resource challenge room?"

Gu Hui agreed: "It's about the same, but with our level, it is impossible to have the opportunity to challenge this kind of red-bottomed room. You Danshui should also be a credit challenge. The credits required for a red-bottomed room are too exaggerated, but here it is free. of."

"It's true, but there are fewer rooms."

"Pfft, you really don't take the red card seriously, as expected of you."

Gu Hui finally understood that Lin Ze was not pretending to be B deliberately, but he thought so.

The idea is indeed very confident, but the origin card with red background, especially the card of the magician family, is indeed more difficult to deal with than imagined.

"By the way, Lao Gu, which room did King Kong go to?"

Lin Ze suddenly thought of this question. It stands to reason that if King Kong wants to act alone, he should have found a suitable resource room, otherwise he would not give up such a great resource as the red-bottomed room.

Gu Hui sneered and said: "That gorilla is really a bit stupid. He didn't come to the castle with us at all. He said that he was going to the nearby plains to find natural red-bottomed Siyuan cards and Siyuan beasts."

"In the wild? Is this possible?"

Lin Ze also felt that this move was a bit absurd. He trekked in the wild for a day yesterday, and even flew with great fanfare for a while, but he didn't encounter that kind of existence.

Lin Ze didn't think too much about it, but at this moment, the hexagram formation suddenly shot out a white beam of light that soared into the sky, and a large amount of magic breath diffused out, filling the entire room in an instant!

The origin card with a red about to show up!

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