Cards come to the world

Chapter 651 Chaos 17 Flashes

The little guy remained cautious, gradually approached the bottom, and was always in a state of depth perception. In this state, the interval between the surrounding wind and rain sounds became extremely clear.

Eliminating all irrelevant factors, the little guy focused his attention on a strange point, and the strange 'fog' began to slowly dissipate, revealing the things hidden in it.


The little guy looked startled, he quickly waved his wings, returned to Lin Ze, and told him the result of his perception.

"I see."

Lin Ze's eyes fell on the shadow devourer who was almost motionless, just silently observing the battle situation. The opponent is not unable to fight, but is quietly displaying a special ability. This ability takes time to complete, and the stronger the target is , the longer it takes to activate.


The Chaos Warrior raised his hand and slashed, the sharp slash cut the mummy monster in half, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror. This was the number of times he had died.

During this process, the Chaos Warriors were always exploring ways to deal with the mummy monsters, but no matter what strategy they adopted or what kind of slashing attacks they launched, they were still unable to kill their opponents.

The Chaos Warrior didn't realize that the shadow closely following his feet was gradually becoming blurred. Due to the cover of the torrential rain, this matter became more difficult to detect.

The Shadow Devourer is quietly stripping the shadow of the Chaos Warrior through his own abilities. Once the stripping is successfully completed, the ending will not be happy.

The Chaos Warrior turned his head to look at the Shadow Devourer. The moment he met this gaze, the Shadow Devourer's heart tightened. It would take far longer than expected to completely devour the enemy's shadow.

Among the past goals, even the most troublesome devouring took less than a minute, but now, a full five minutes have passed since the devouring started.


Without warning, the Chaos Warrior lowered his body slightly, crushed the ground, and disappeared in place.

'Shadow? Broken soul. '

The Shadow Devourer grabbed it fiercely in front of him, and a large number of black and purple lines emerged, passing through and interlacing, forming several shadow thorns curved like horns. The thorns began to break inch by inch.

'Shadow? Banquet.


The broken shadow thorns turned into a black-purple aura, these auras gathered into clusters, ghostly whispers sounded, and dozens of strange shadows flashed through the black-purple air mass, indistinct.

The Chaos Warrior didn't stop, and quickly swung three swords in front of him. The angle of the slash was very special. If you can slow down, you can see clearly that the first slash of the three slashes was a frontal slash, and the other two slashed The slashes all carried a huge arc, bypassing the obstructing air mass in front of him.


A bloodstain appeared on the side of the Shadow Devourer, and the slash wound was more than ten centimeters. After easily penetrating through the skin, the dark ribs could be vaguely seen, and around the ribs, there was a surge of dark energy.

Although aware of it, the Shadow Devourer still failed to prevent all the slashing attacks in place. After the Chaos Warrior successfully left wounds on the enemy, a pale golden halo shone behind him, and a vague circular light shield formed in front of him.

Boom boom boom...

A series of impact sounds came, and the light shield seemed to be eroded, and the surface was gradually rendered black and purple, with fine cracks appearing, and it was soon overwhelmed.

This is the attack launched by those strange shadows in the black-purple air mass. The Chaos Warrior's slashes failed to hit them. These guys are energy bodies, and physical slashes are ineffective against them. They can only be resisted by energy light shields.

The light shield of the Chaos Warrior is not strong, even the mummy monster can easily bite it open, but these strange shadows are also not very lethal. What is really deadly about them is that they can invade the target's body and interfere with the target's thinking. There is a chaotic effect that makes no distinction between friend and foe.

Making a correct response, the Chaos Warrior stepped forward again with his sword. The injured Shadow Devourer was trying to distance himself from him, but he was caught up before he retreated far.

In terms of speed, the Devourer of Shadows was completely exploded, which made it impossible for him to get rid of the pursuit of Chaos Warriors.

The opening blade fell on the Shadow Devourer's face, the imaginary bloodstains did not appear, he stood in place as if giving up resistance, the skin and the whole body completely fell off, as if shed a layer of human skin.

'Shadow? Extreme crack! '

The Shadow Devourer, who suddenly appeared behind the Chaos Warrior, curled his fingers together, and ruthlessly penetrated into the Chaos Warrior's back, causing fine cracks to appear on his armor.

The halo shone, with the halo as the center, dozens of golden knives emerged. These energy knives flew out immediately after appearing. Before the Shadow Devourer could further destroy the Chaos Warrior's body, he was suddenly stabbed by at least a dozen knives.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock~

There are more than fifteen blood holes in the body of the Shadow Devourer, and the blood is constantly flowing from the hole. He wants to curse now. After fighting with the Chaos Warrior, he thought it was a good time to attack several times, but the opponent resolved it. , and form countermeasures.

This kind of situation actually means that the opponent's level is much higher than his. If there is no way to complete the'shadow stripping', this battle is simply useless.

'Shadow? Endless. '

The Shadow Eater gasped heavily, and ripples appeared on his body surface. Immediately afterwards, his body began to split in large numbers. In less than five seconds, the number of Shadow Eaters reached more than thirty, and these were all his clones. .

"Kerry Kerry~"

The little guy tried to perceive, and in his perception, these clones seemed to be entities, but the breath was obviously weakened a lot, as if the powerful energy of the Shadow Devourer was equally distributed to them.

This strategy does not help the Shadow Devourer gain an advantage, but is more like a passive defense. The fact is also true. Lin Ze can judge that he just wants to delay as much as possible.

From this point of view, the Shadow Devourer in a combat state can't maintain the 'shadow stripping', or the speed of growth has dropped significantly.

Up to now, the Shadow Devourer intends to rely on the clone to confuse the public. Unfortunately, although the little guy has no way to discern which is the real one, but——


The blade of opening cut out, and the pale golden slash split the body of a shadow devourer in an instant.

After the energy is evenly divided, the body strength of the individual body naturally also drops a lot. A body of this strength is no longer enough to resist the Chaos Warrior's slashing attack.

The opening blade was illusory for a moment, and a slight sense of distortion appeared.

Bang, bang, bang——! !

The opening blade in the Chaos Warrior's hand was completely twisted, and the slash that could not catch the trace was released suddenly, and more than once.


A head flew up, and before the astonishment in his eyes had time to emerge, the body of the Shadow Devourer burst open.

Until his death, the Devourer of Shadows did not understand how he was discovered.

Of course, the Chaos Warrior couldn't figure out what even the little guy couldn't capture. It was himself who caused the Shadow Devourer to end up like this. Unleashing Shadow? Endless was a fatal step he took.

Chaos Flash Blade!

From the moment when the Chaos Warrior killed the first clone, the Chaos Flash Blade slashed seventeen times in less than a second, and the real body of the Shadow Devourer was the last victim.

Because of the equal distribution of energy, he couldn't resist the knife from Chaos Flash Blade.

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