Faced with such a situation, the team leader did not dare to neglect. Every time he received news, he quickly reported it to the temporary command room.

In the temporary command room.

Every time the captain receives a report from the walkie-talkie, he draws a circle at the corresponding location on the map.

at this time.

More than ten red circles have been drawn on the map.

The locations of these circles are basically concentrated in the northeast corner of the map.

After the captain marked the latest location on the map, he put down the marker in his hand.


A pair of deep eyes stared at the map.

The commander-in-chief let out a long sigh of relief.

After a moment, he stood up straight and glanced at the team captains surrounding the table.

"From the visit to Zhao Ming, what did you find out about Zhao Ming's activities?"

The captain looked calm and asked seriously.

heard him ask.

Several team captains were slightly startled.

Obviously he didn't expect that the captain would suddenly come to take such a temporary test.

Everyone took a breath and frowned slightly.

"Although Zhao Ming is extremely active, his tracks are too concentrated, and they are completely concentrated in the northeast corner."

"This is really strange."

After a few seconds of silence, one of the squad leaders tentatively spoke.

This is completely obvious.

After all, the commander-in-chief has already been standardized on the map.

Even a primary school student can see it.


After the team leader spoke, the other people looked back at him.

Obviously he didn't feel that his answer was the answer the captain wanted.

"That's not surprising, isn't it?"

"After all, the first and fourth teams started their investigation work from the northeast of Zhenxing Village."

"The investigation work has not been extended to other areas now, so maybe Zhao Ming's activity tracks in other areas are also quite large?"

The other squad leader raised his eyebrows and spoke his mind.

Hear this.

The team leader who spoke earlier nodded.

It was obvious that he was not too confident in his previous answer.

The captain listened quietly to the conversation between the two and did not interrupt.

After the two of them finished speaking, he glanced at the others again, as if to see if anyone else wanted to express their opinions.

However, the remaining team captains did not speak again.

The captain then looked at the map on the table again, and then spoke in a deep voice.

"I can tell from Zhao Ming's activity that he seems to be in a hurry."

"He first appeared in the small supermarket at this location, at 18:02, bought a bottle of water, and stayed for 1 minute and 32 seconds!"

"Then he still appeared in several surrounding places, staying for 1 minute and 20 seconds, and 1 minute and 02 seconds respectively..."

"Until 18:23, when he showed up here, he also bought a bottle of water, but he only stayed for 12 seconds!"

"why is that?"

The captain drew a circle on the map with his finger, and moved the several positions marked with time one by one.

Although his brows were furrowed when he spoke, his tone remained calm.

The words fell.

He raised his head again and glanced around a few people.

The team leader's previous visits and inspections were just simple inquiries.

But later, as Zhao Ming's traces appeared in more and more places, the captain realized that something was wrong.

Let the team leader retrieve the surveillance video of the store where Zhao Ming was found.

Get as many details as possible.

Zhao Ming's entry into the store and the length of his stay were naturally one of them.

After summarizing this information.

Sure enough, the captain still noticed some clues.

"General team, what do you mean?"

After hearing what the chief captain said, several squad captains frowned instantly.

One of the squad leaders reached out and scratched the tip of his brow, and then asked in confusion.

The captain's discovery... doesn't seem to explain anything, right?

Zhao Ming is on the run now. How can he not be in a hurry?

"First we discovered Zhao Ming's figure from the surveillance video at the entrance of Zhenxing Village."

"At that time, he deliberately exposed himself to the surveillance cameras and showed a provocative smile."

"This means that he knows very well that we will track his escape trajectory through the surveillance video, and thus see him in this surveillance!"

The captain took a slight breath and then spoke calmly.

His expression was serious and his tone was serious.

He began to recount his speculations from the beginning.

"He started the layout from the moment he appeared under this surveillance camera!"

"He deliberately made such a gesture to let us know that he knew very well that we would definitely find out that he had entered the Zhenxing Village."

"Then he continued to actively expose his traces in Zhenxing Village."

"Use tips to deepen the shop owner's impression of him."

"It's like he's afraid that we won't be able to find any trace of him."

"His actions are like telling everyone that he is in the revitalization village."

"Faced with such a situation, do you think that it is impossible for Zhao Ming to hide in Zhenxing Village?"

The captain spoke in a low tone and spoke slowly.

The several team captains listened very seriously, and when they heard the last words of the captain, they all nodded.


They all felt that the possibility of Zhao Ming still staying in Zhenxing Village was very small since he had made such noise in such a big way.

Seeing everyone nodding in response.

A smile appeared on the captain's face.

A few seconds later.

He put away his smile before speaking again.

"But just now, I still feel that it is more likely that Zhao Ming is hiding in Zhenxing Village."

"He's a smart guy!"

“What smart people like to do most is to guide other people’s thoughts.”

"After grasping the clues that Zhao Ming deliberately left for us, I think he just wants to lead all of us to think that he is not in the revitalization village."

"Then I hide in Zhenxing Village."

"In this way, although the risk is not small, if the measures he guided us before are really successful, the revitalization of the village will be the safest."

Hearing this, several team captains nodded.

When the captain said this, it seemed that the possibility of Zhao Ming hiding in Zhenxing Village was not small.

So what should we do now?

Should we directly dispatch all the manpower there and carry out a blanket investigation?

Just when several people were looking at the captain, waiting for the captain to issue an order, the captain spoke again.

"But now, I feel that Zhao Ming must not be in the revitalization village."

The captain frowned slightly and spoke with determination.

Hear this.

Several team captains were slightly startled.

What does it mean?

The captain just said so much analysis, didn't he think that Zhao Ming was hiding in Zhenxing Village?

Why did the conversation change and it seemed that Zhao Ming was no longer in Zhenxing Village?

And the words were so firm.

Such inconsistent speculation made several team captains confused.

Shu Ruochu, who was standing nearby and listening, also blinked with an inexplicable expression on his face.

For a while.

Everyone was extremely puzzled by the captain's words.

I don’t quite understand what captain means.

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