Carefree Immortal: Inheriting the Legacy of Zhen Yuan Daxian from the Start

Chapter 196 A means of condensing the power of heaven

On the second day after its opening, all 200 stores still under planning were sold out.

In the evening, some monks who came to rent shops left Panlonghufang City, and most of the monks chose to stay overnight.

They also wanted to see if Panlonghufang City's defense capabilities were as strong as legendary.

Liu Yuanchen also followed their wishes and fully opened the three-layer defense formation at night.

Like the casual cultivators who came the night before, everyone looked at such a powerful defensive formation and felt envious in their hearts.

In the current Red Wasteland, the highest-grade spiritual vein is the Wuyunling Great Spiritual Vein.

The current grade is only a mere fourth grade, low grade.

Moreover, the grade of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins was slowly declining before.

After the Great Xia Dynasty settled in, they adopted a series of measures, and the results were very significant.

The grade of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins has begun to stop falling and rebound.

But it may take decades to advance to the fourth-level mid-level.

As for promotion to the fifth level, that will have to be hundreds of years later.

Relying on the fourth-level spiritual veins, a sixth-level formation was deployed.

An extremely complex formation method was used in this. Only those with a strong inheritance of formation formation can have this ability.

In the entire Red Wasteland, only Qingdan City and Panlong Mountain have sixth-level defensive formations.

Not to mention the local forces in the Red Wasteland, they couldn't even tell the specific grade of the formation.

And not just any external force has this ability.

A monk from an outside force looked at the khaki barrier above and took a breath.

"This seems to be a thick earth formation of Kun Yuan. Only masters among Earth Immortal Dao monks can directly mobilize the earth's Kun Yuan Qi to maintain the formation.

The Kunyuan thick earth formation can use no spiritual energy at all. As long as the surrounding earth veins do not completely collapse, it can continuously mobilize the Kunyuan energy.

To arrange this kind of formation is not only a matter of strength, but also involves the inheritance of the formation and the inheritance of the Earthly Immortal Dao.

In the entire Yuanling world, there are less than a handful of forces that can do this. "

A local cultivator was puzzled: "Since this formation is so powerful, why isn't it in Qingdan City?"

The foreign monk chuckled lightly: "Because the inheritance of the Earth Immortal Dao between the Divine Court and the Great Xia Dynasty is too poor, it is impossible to directly mobilize the earth's Kunyuan Qi.

With this great formation, Panlong Mountain can be said to be the safest place in the entire Red Wasteland. "

Hearing this, all the monks were stunned.

They don't have much knowledge, and their understanding of the Earthly Immortal Way is limited to knowing that they need to open up the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, and they don't know anything else.

They always thought that Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty were the strongest, and other human forces were just vassals.

Now Bahuang Pavilion came up with a large formation, which turned out to be a formation that even Shenting could not figure out, which made everyone's outlook a little unstable.

At this time, Liu Qingming had already taken his account books and income and ran all the way to Dongyang Divine Mansion halfway up the mountain.

Arriving at the main hall, Liu Qingming handed the account book to Liu Yuanchen.

"Shenjun, all the 300 shops released now have been rented out.

The accounts and income are here, please take a look. "

Liu Yuanchen flipped through the ledger and found nothing wrong.

Then he returned the account book and the spirit stones he earned to Liu Qingming: "The spirit stones will be used to run our own shop and the subsequent construction of the market.

If you lack spiritual stones, just come to me and ask for them. "

Liu Qingming shook his head repeatedly: "There is not much expense now. The one hundred thousand spiritual stones you gave me before have only been used for less than ten thousand.

The remaining spiritual stones plus the income from daily operations should be enough to build a shop. There is no shortage of spiritual stones for the time being. "

The cost of building a store is not high, mainly because the land is expensive.

Now that the land is all in Liu Yuanchen's hands, this cost can be ignored.

But even so, it is still very difficult to build 500 shops with more than 100,000 spirit stones.

However, once the shop is built, it can also be rented out.

Coupled with the operating income in the next year, we should still be able to collect spiritual stones.

Early on the third day, a group of monks came to rent a shop.

Unfortunately, all the shops that could be rented out have already been sold out.

Although they also want to rent unfinished shops, Liu Yuanchen has already let it go, and only 200 will be rented out.

The big opening bonus is also to attract more customers and make more money, rather than really for the good of customers.

These monks who arrived late could only sigh.

In the following days, the monks who rented the shop began to prepare for the opening of the shop.

Batch after batch of goods were continuously transported by flying boat, and the entire Panlong Hufang City was quite lively.

Water transportation is impassable and land transportation is unreliable, so we can only rely on flying boats.

With more people, there will naturally be more business.

The business of the few shops that Liu Qingming personally controls is also very good.

Liu Yuanchen simply put all the elixirs he could not use in the elixir shop for sale.

In less than a month, he earned back tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

He gave these spiritual stones to Liu Qingming and asked him to build Fangshi.

Everything in Fangshi was on track, and Liu Yuanchen focused more on his cultivation.

Now he has condensed the true essence and soul essence, but the Gang Qi has not yet condensed into Yuan Gang.

To break through the Lingtai realm, you need to use your own energy and spirit to condense a Lingtai.

In addition to storing magic weapons, spiritual shadows, and souls, this spiritual platform also has an important function, which is the mutual transformation of essence, energy, and spirit.

In the entire spiritual platform, the three energies of essence, energy and spirit will maintain a balanced state.

If a large amount of mana is injected into the spiritual platform, part of the mana will slowly be converted into two types of energy: spirit and spirit.

If one of the energies is extracted, the other two energies will also be transformed and replenished.

Liu Yuanchen possesses the Earth Book and the Blessed Land, and can continuously obtain mana.

If all these mana powers are integrated into the spiritual platform, they will be able to continuously transform Yuan Gang and Soul Yuan.

Soul Yuan can be used to nourish the soul, and Yuan Gang can be used to strengthen the physical body.

Spiritual platforms are also divided into strong and weak ones. The strongest spiritual platform is naturally the fusion of Zhenyuan, Soul Yuan and Yuangang, and is called the Three-Yuan Spiritual Platform.

If there is only one of them, for example, a Shinto monk only has soul energy, he must use mana to replace true energy, and qi and blood to replace Yuan Gang.

This kind of spiritual platform is called a one-yuan spiritual platform, and it is also the weakest spiritual platform, and its future potential will be very poor.

However, in order to possess the Sanyuan Spirit Platform, one must have three fellow practitioners.

And when the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform is condensed, a heavenly disaster will surely come.

Therefore, most monks choose the Dual Spirit Platform.

Liu Yuanchen did not have a specific breakthrough method in the ancient world, so he could only follow the cultivation system of the Yuanling world for now.

For future potential, everything must be done to the best of its ability.

He had only one choice, and that was the Sanyuan Lingtai.

To be the best, it naturally consumes the most resources, energy, and time.

Fortunately, the land and the book are there, and the city is on the right track, so there is no need to worry too much about resources.

In terms of time, his current upper limit of lifespan exceeds eight hundred years.

As for the second level of the Dead Wood Immortality Technique - the Dead Wood Level, he has not yet perfected it.

Even if he does not break through to the Lingtai realm, his longevity will gradually increase.

There have been people who gathered the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform before, such as my own master, who also broke through the Spirit Platform realm when he was in his early 100s.

After that, his cultivation skyrocketed and he became the leader among his peers.

If his master is so powerful, the role of the Sanyuan Spirit Platform cannot be ignored.

The resources Liu Yuanchen consciously controlled were much stronger than those of his ancestors, and no matter how bad they were, he could still condense the Sanyuan Lingtai around the age of one hundred.

For the sake of his future future, Liu Yuanchen's body focused most of his energy on cultivation.

Apart from using rainfall methods on Panlong Mountain every day, all other matters are left to the Shinto clone.

Mainly because the Shinto avatar used the method of raining, which required a lot of incense power, which made Liu Yuanchen feel very distressed.

Anyway, the mana is endless, and it cannot be sold directly for money. It is perfect for using it to make rain.

In addition to this reason, he continued to use rainfall methods to gain recognition from Panlong Mountain.

Obtaining the recognition of one side of heaven and earth is the easiest way to gather the authority of heaven.

Liu Yuanchen's purpose was to gather the power of heaven.

He knew the value of heavenly authority very clearly.

With the authority of heaven and the gathering of soul, it will be much easier to understand the laws.

Moreover, having mastered the power of heaven is equivalent to possessing a magical power.

The power of magical powers is much stronger than spells and secret techniques of the same level.

In addition, the power of heavenly authority can also be used to nourish the spiritual treasure embryo and assist the spiritual treasure to condense the acquired treasure forbidden.

For ordinary spiritual treasures, the authority of heaven can only condense an acquired treasure.

But for the book from the ground, that's not the case.

The reason why the Book of the Earth is called the Book of the Earth is because it has the ability to control the earth.

Even though Liu Yuanchen's book from the ground is only a prototype, it still has this potential.

If Liu Yuanchen was recognized by Panlong Mountain, he would be able to gather the power of heaven and earth regarding the mountain.

If we then use the power of this authority to cultivate the Earth Book, it will not only allow the Earth Book to condense the Houtian Baojin more quickly.

With the blessing of the authority of the mountain range, the mark of the mountain range will be condensed on the Book of Earth.

Since then, the Book of the Earth has had the power to control mountains, and can even change a mountain range.

In the same way, the land book can also leave imprints of land, rivers, lakes, oceans, deserts and other landforms.

When all landforms can leave their mark on the Book of the Earth, the Book of the Earth will have the ability to change the landform.

As long as there is enough energy, the sea can be turned into farmland and the mountains into deep valleys at any time...

Of course, the premise of all this is to have the authority over these landforms.

The future is extremely bright, but Liu Yuanchen's starting point is also extremely low.

Although he possesses some of the powers of heaven left by the Dragon King of Luochuan, he has also used the power to call for wind and rain.

However, that authority is not his, and he can neither directly refine it nor directly integrate it into the Book of the Earth.

If you want those authorities to work, you must first have the same kind of Shinto authority.

Then use the authority of Shinto to understand the authority of heaven.

Only after you have completed your enlightenment can you use the power of heaven's authority to do things.

Moreover, the heavenly authority left by the Dragon King of Luochuan belongs to the Luochuan River Basin.

After condensing the power of heaven, it still needs to be recognized by heaven and earth in the Luochuan River Basin.

After all, Luo Chuanhe recognized Luo Chuan Dragon King, not Liu Yuanchen.

The power of heaven fell into his hands, and he needed to go through another procedure.

Only after receiving the approval of the heaven and earth on the Luochuan River side can the imprint of the river's landforms be left on the earth's book.

After the whole process is completed, it is better to re-unify the power of heaven.

Moreover, the process of condensing the power of heaven is also recorded in the classics left by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

It is not difficult to follow the gourd and draw the scoop.

The hard condition for condensing the authority of heaven is to obtain the recognition of one heaven and earth.

The rocks themselves have no intelligence, but they also have a hint of spirituality. This is what people often call "all things have animism".

This kind of spirituality is far from being spiritual.

It is precisely because this kind of spirituality is too weak and completely intangible that it is extremely difficult to influence it.

If it cannot directly affect the spirituality of Panlong Mountain, it can only affect it indirectly.

The way to get the approval of a world is very simple, that is, to get the approval of all the indigenous creatures in the world.

The so-called indigenous creatures are those who were born and raised here.

As long as the indigenous creatures on Panlong Mountain recognize Liu Yuanchen, the spirituality of Panlong Mountain itself will also be affected by the indigenous creatures and recognize Liu Yuanchen.

Panlong Mountain is originally a barren mountain, with only extremely rare ordinary vegetation to the north of the mountain range.

In addition to those plants and trees, the spiritual plants planted by Liu Yuanchen from seeds can barely be regarded as indigenous creatures.

As for monster beasts, monster birds, and insects, there are none on Panlong Mountain.

If anything, the spirituality of monsters is far greater than that of vegetation, and their influence on the spirituality of Panlong Mountain is far greater than that of vegetation.

Getting the monster's approval is much more difficult.

The only indigenous creatures in Panlong Mountain are vegetation. As long as these vegetation are dealt with, the first step is completed.

It is very difficult for Liu Yuanchen to get the approval of Cao Shu.

One of the functions of the Divine Tree Shengtian Gong is to command all trees.

As long as the breath of mana is released, a group of grass and trees will surrender on their own.

However, this surrender comes more from fear than from heartfelt recognition.

Just like the demon clan surrenders to the divine beast, it is the effect of bloodline suppression and does not mean that the beast is completely surrendered.

Liu Yuanchen constantly uses the spring breeze to turn into rain. The rain seeds contain his magic power, which can promote the growth of vegetation and enhance the spirituality of vegetation.

To put it bluntly, this is giving grace to these plants and trees.

The spirituality of plants and trees is too low. They will recognize whoever benefits them, and there will be no such thing as "giving rice a favor and fighting against it".

After this period of rainfall, the attitude of the vegetation towards him has changed significantly.

At this time, he walked under a yellow scale pine tree.

Although it was only planted not long ago, it is nourished by the spring breeze and rain every day, and the yellow-scaled pine has grown to more than one foot tall.

The trunk is also relatively thick, as thick as an adult's wrist.

Liu Yuanchen gently touched the tree trunk, and the yellow-scaled pine actually emitted a weak mood swing.

This kind of mood swing is more like a baby meeting its parents.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was quite happy.

At present, it seems that the matter of obtaining Caomu's approval is almost completed.

The next step is to rely on the recognition of these plants and trees to in turn affect the entire Panlong Mountain.

This requires a process and is not achieved overnight.

However, Liu Yuanchen can also speed up this process through his own power.

That is to use the spring breeze to turn into rain to nourish the vegetation on Panlong Mountain.

The higher these plants and trees recognize themselves, the easier it will be for Panlong Mountain to recognize itself.

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