Carefree Immortal: Inheriting the Legacy of Zhen Yuan Daxian from the Start

Chapter 466 The Seven Treasure Gourd Transforms into Spirit

After sending Master Cixin away, Liu Yuanchen left and returned to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

After being in seclusion for more than twenty years, he now wants to know what the situation is like outside.

Sensing the supernatural power clone No. 1 who is in charge of the affairs of Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm, I found that there has not been much movement on Wuyun Ridge over the years.

After all, the great masters of Bahuang Pavilion did not take the initiative to provoke the demon clan, but only patrolled the west part of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

The demon clan is also aware of the situation and has been patrolling the east of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

If the two sides do not interfere with each other, there will be no conflict.

As for other forces, although there are many involved.

However, Wuyun Ridge is controlled by the Bahuang Pavilion and the Monster Clan, and other forces dare not cause trouble at all.

At most, they were just running around, and none of them dared to fight openly.

Twenty years have passed, and all parties have almost searched Wuyun Ridge, but they have not been able to find anything useful.

The enthusiasm of all parties continued to decrease, and fewer and fewer monks continued to wander around Wuyun Ridge.

As for Wuyun Ridge in the underworld, there has never been any major force involved.

The masters of Futian Sect never showed up, only some ghost cultivators were searching back and forth on Wuyun Ridge.

Perhaps because there is no big force to suppress it, there are a lot more fights in Wuyun Ridge in the underworld.

In the past twenty years, battles, large and small, have been almost continuous.

Liu Yuanchen shook his head secretly: "It's true that the little demon in the temple is very windy, and the water is shallow and there are many bastards.

There are so many great forces in the world of Yang mixed together, but no war has ever broken out.

There were no masters involved in the underworld, but it was causing constant turmoil. "

The movements of small forces have no impact on him at all.

On the contrary, the trends of the Monster Clan, Wu Clan, and Futian Sect are very worthy of my attention.

Liu Yuanchen withdrew his consciousness and looked at the Dayan Divine Tree aside.

"Liu Yan, something happened in Wuyun Ridge twenty years ago. What happened to the demon clan after that?"

Liu Yan's figure emerged and bowed to Liu Yuanchen: "My lord, my subordinates have not dared to explore the eastern part of Wuyun Ridge in recent years. They only know the situation within tens of thousands of miles of the western end of Wuyun Ridge."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "It's enough to know this."

Liu Yan continued: "Twenty years ago, when there was a sudden change in Wuyun Ridge, the demon clan made great moves.

At that time, there were two masters suspected of being Immortal Immortals, operating on Wuyun Ridge.

Under their command, there are more than a dozen Yuanxian masters.

As for the masters below Yuanxian, there are hundreds of them. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

I only found one Immortal Immortal, but I didn't expect there was another one secretly.

This is only close to the Chihuang Hou Kingdom. The eastern part of Wuyun Ridge is completely the territory of the demon clan.

The environment there is much better than that in Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

In the entire Wuyun Ridge, there are probably how many demon clan immortals there are.

The high-end combat power of the demon clan has always been to compete with the witch clan in the underworld.

It is not easy to draw out many Immortals at once.

If it were not for the fear of the immortal immortals hidden by the human race, I am afraid that the power gathered by the demon clan on Wuyun Ridge would be able to destroy the Chihuang Hou Kingdom in an instant.

He could also cross the desert plains and wipe out several countries in the eastern part of the human race.

But the underworld is in a stalemate with the Witch Clan. Once the Immortal Immortal is harmed on the human side, the Witch Clan will inevitably take advantage of it.

It is precisely because of this that after the establishment of the Divine Court, the offensive momentum of the middle and lower levels of the Monster Clan was curbed, and the masters did not dare to come out to fight again.

This time there was calm on Wuyun Ridge in the underworld, probably because the demon clan was worried about a head-on confrontation with the witch clan and did not dare to send anyone over to investigate.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the Demon Clan is still inferior to the Witch Clan in terms of high-end combat power.

Liu Yan continued: "However, the high-pressure situation maintained by the Monster Clan only lasted three years.

After that, the Immortal Immortal of the Demon Clan withdrew, leaving only the Yuan Immortal still patrolling Wuyun Ridge.

There are still more than ten Yuanxian stationed on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea. "

This was what Liu Yuanchen had expected. There were dozens of Yuanxian squatting here in Bahuang Pavilion, and they often shit on the heads of the Demon Cloud Sea Monster Clan.

In addition, someone is tampering with the power of heaven in Wuyun Ridge. It would be strange if the demon clan didn't respond.

It would be great to arrange more Yuanxian, which can not only intimidate Bahuang Pavilion but also monitor Wuyun Ridge.

Fortunately, Long Yuan and the Xiantian Formation were not discovered, and the storm of obtaining the Heavenly Dao authority in Wuyun Ridge was passed smoothly.

On the underworld side, there has been no movement from the two Lich clans and the Futian Sect.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the pile of ghost Ganoderma lucidum again: "Liu Ling, are there any signs of the activities of Immortal Immortal and Yuan Immortal on Wuyun Ridge in the underworld?"

Liu Ling also showed up: "Back to the Lord, in the past twenty years, there have been no master activities in Wuyun Ridge except for ghost cultivators.

Among these ghost cultivators, there are no Immortal Immortals and Yuan Immortals. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen secretly laughed in his heart: 'These guys from Futian Sect are really good at pretending to be grandsons.

For such a big thing, there was no movement at all. ’

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Futian Sect's secret agent Liu Hun who was hidden in Panlong City in the underworld.

"Liu Hun, what's going on with the Futian Sect in the past few years since the Wuyun Ridge incident?"

Previously, I had used the magical path to steal Willow Soul's ability, and used the power of the ginseng fruit tree to save his life.

The damaged foundation was restored by this guy's accidental collision.

Over the years, his status has changed significantly.

As a Xuanyin ghost willow, there is a burst of yang energy in his body.

Looking at this posture, it should not be far away from breaking through the Yuanxian realm.

After reaching the Yuanxian realm, he is considered a high-level person in Futian Sect.

Although the decision-making power is very small, the status is not low.

When Futian Sect discusses some matters, they can express their stance.

Moreover, these Yuanxian are usually placed in various caves and serve as leaders of one party.

No matter what arrangements were made, it was impossible for him to continue to serve as a spy.

The most important thing is that when you reach the Yuanxian realm, you can have access to Futian Sect's various secrets and Futian Sect's top techniques.

If he breaks into the upper echelon of Futian Sect, his role will be greater than it is now.

Hearing Liu Yuanchen's voice, Liu Hun, who had been practicing with his eyes closed, immediately stood up.

He bowed and saluted: "What is your command, Lord?"

Liu Yuanchen also got straight to the point: "Twenty years ago, there was a sudden change in Wuyun Ridge. What was Futian Sect's plan? What was the gain?"

Liu Hun quickly replied: "Back to my lord, when there was a sudden change in Wuyun Ridge, Taojun Tiangu, Taojun Hongyuan and Taoist Wanling reached an agreement.

Try not to get involved in this matter and wait and see the attitudes of the two Lich clans.

The three Dao Lords also ordered that all Yuanxian masters of Futian Sect should withdraw to their respective stations and not go out easily. "

“Even after twenty years, the ban has still not been lifted.”

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. Is this Futian Sect too cowardly?

If there were monsters watching when there was a sudden movement in Wuyun Ridge, they would be beaten if they stepped forward. It is human nature to be timid.

But now twenty years have passed, and all the forces have become a little lax, but the Futian Sect still plays dead dog, which is a bit too cowardly.

"With the strength of Futian Sect, you shouldn't be so timid, right?"

Liu Hun also sighed: "My lord, I don't know something.

When the Futian Sect was first founded, the three Taoist Lords were also ambitious and wanted to establish a territory in the Yuanling Realm to compete with the Lich and Lich clans.

But who would have thought that the two clans of lich and demons would join forces to deal with the Futian Sect.

At that time, everyone in Futian Sect was hunted down unanimously.

It took tens of thousands of years before they finally settled down. "

"There are more than ten ancestors of the same era as Tengu Daojun and others.

After all that catastrophe, only the three of them were left. "

“Since then, the core idea of ​​​​the development of Futian Sect is to avoid being prominent as much as possible.

I would rather miss a good opportunity than take a chance. "

Liu Yuanchen immediately understood that the senior leaders of Futian Sect had been psychologically affected.

This is not surprising. The imprint left on one’s mind when one is young usually cannot be changed throughout one’s life.

"Doesn't Lord Wanling Dao have the means to find the Black Lotus Holy Sect General Altar?

Twenty years have passed and there is still no movement from them? "

Liu Hun shook his head: "This subordinate doesn't know."

Liu Hun didn't know much, so Liu Yuanchen saw that he couldn't find anything out, so he didn't ask any more questions.

He focused his attention on the Dongyang Cave Heaven. Over the years, various spiritual plants in the Cave Heaven have grown quite gratifyingly.

Liu Yuanchen walked under the five-needled pine tree. The five-needled pine tree has now grown to more than twenty feet tall, and has grown to the seventh level of low-grade.

Moreover, this five-needle pine has already produced fifty small pine cones.

Although it is a spiritual root, as the weakest spiritual root, the cycle of flowering and bearing fruit is not too long.

It will take another thirty or forty years at most for these pine cones to mature.

Although this thing is only an acquired spiritual root, the essence of the five elements contained in the pine tower is still of great help to the monks in tempering their physical bodies.

Especially in the golden body realm of the physical body, the five internal organs need to be tempered, and this five-needle pine can play a great role.

Later, Liu Yuanchen came to a tall peach tree.

The peach trees are also wrapped with gourd vines.

This gourd vine is the Seven Treasure Gourd.

It was already a seventh-level high-grade spiritual plant before, but now it has grown to the peak of seventh-level.

As long as he gets some more help, he can grow to the eighth level.

In the Yuanling world, eighth-level spiritual plants can be called sacred trees.

The value of this gourd vine cannot be underestimated.

Liu Yuanchen explored the vitality of the Seven Treasure Gourd Vine and found that its vitality was gathered together to form a faint gourd shape.

‘Good guy, this Seven Treasure Gourd has great potential!

Before becoming a spirit, special forms can be gathered from the life force.

Its potential is probably still higher than that of the Dayan Divine Tree. ’

‘In his current state, he is only one step away from officially deriving the wood spirit.

If I don't help him and he relies on his own growth, it will take at least several hundred years to cross this last threshold. ’

‘I really want to see if this seven-treasure gourd will become a gourd baby after it transforms into a spirit.

Even if he doesn't become a gourd boy, this guy should still retain the characteristics of the Seven Treasures Gourd after he transforms.

The attributes of the seven gourds are different, and they represent at least seven abilities.

In this way, the wood spirit produced by the Qibao Gourd must be very powerful. ’

‘I have quite a few wood spirits under my command, but there really aren’t any who can take the lead in combat.

It is indeed good to have one more heroic and capable subordinate. ’

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen immediately used the secret technique of enlightenment and condensed a baby the size of a soybean on his fingertips.

With a flick of his finger, the baby flew onto the gourd vine and fell straight down.

The baby merged into the sea of ​​life inside the gourd vine, right at the mouth of the gourd.

In an instant, the entire sea of ​​life began to shrink rapidly and all gathered into the gourd.

Then, the gourd began to shrink, and finally merged with the baby.

At the same time, a whirlpool of spiritual energy began to appear above the gourd vine.

The spiritual energy within hundreds of miles is constantly gathering into the gourd vine.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen admired in his heart: "The potential of this seven-treasure gourd is indeed great enough to cause such a big commotion."

A quarter of an hour later, the baby inside Calabash Teng grew up rapidly.

An hour passed, the Sea of ​​Life completely disappeared, and the gourd vine also disappeared.

The entire gourd vine turned into a ball of light.

On the golden flowers of the ginseng fruit tree, a golden stream of light falls and blends into the light group.

After a while, the light group transformed into a tall and thin young man wearing a green robe and a gourd-shaped hair crown.

This appearance is a bit different from Calabash Baby.

Just after taking form, the main body and the spirit body become one.

This talent is considered very good.

The young man bowed and saluted: "Seven treasures, please see the Lord."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Your intelligence is not low, but your name is inappropriate.

You were originally cultivated by my Seven Treasures Patriarch, and he has been very kind to you.

You call yourself Qibao, but you have violated the respect of the Qibao Master. "

The young man quickly changed his words: "Please give me a name from the Lord."

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while: "Since your body is the Seven Treasure Gourd, your outfit looks a bit like a Taoist.

In this way, your name will be called Taoist Linghu from now on. "

He saluted again: "Linghu thanks the Lord for the name."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "You are already at the peak of the magical power realm, and you must also have magical powers.

Tell me what skills you have. "

Taoist Linghu cupped his hands and said, "Back to my lord, my subordinates really don't have magical powers at the moment."

After saying that, seven gourd shadows of different colors appeared.

"Please see, my lord, all my abilities lie in these seven gourds."

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "What are the functions of these seven gourds?"

Taoist Ling Gourd waved his right hand, and the seven gourds shrank a lot, spinning in his hand.

“These seven gourds have three functions. One is to store energy of corresponding attributes, and the other is to contain magic weapons and spiritual objects of the same attributes.

As for the third one, it can release stored magic weapons and spiritual objects to attack. "

He pointed at the red gourd with his left hand, and the gourd suddenly became much larger.

“This gourd is of fire attribute and can absorb fire attribute energy.

Even if the opponent's fire attribute spells and magical powers come at me, I can use this gourd to take them away.

The spells and magical powers absorbed will be converted into pure energy.

It can be used to cultivate fire attribute magic weapons and spiritual objects, and can also be used to improve the cultivation of subordinates. "

"This last function is to release magic weapons or spiritual objects to attack the opponent."

"In addition to these, these seven gourds are also equivalent to the seven dantians of the subordinates.

When the subordinates are practicing, these seven gourds are running at the same time, and the cultivation speed is seven times that of ordinary wood spirits.

If this fire gourd can be used to absorb spiritual fire, the subordinate's cultivation speed can be greatly enhanced. "

“In the future, if my subordinates can understand the magical powers of Yin Yang and Five Elements, they can also use these gourds to display them.

The power of the magical power displayed in this way will be greatly increased. "

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