Carefree Immortal: Inheriting the Legacy of Zhen Yuan Daxian from the Start

Chapter 537: Raising an army to hold the culprit accountable

Liu Yuanchen looked at the token in his hand: "No wonder the ancestors of the human race did not get many precious things when they first entered Xunfeng City many times.

It turned out that it was because they did not have the token of Xunfeng City, so they could not even enter the shops and could only buy some rags on the street stalls."

Although the Hanging Ghost City has great potential, he did not want to stay here for long.

The main body needs to refine the innate treasure ban of the innate black lotus, and also find a way to deal with the demon race as soon as possible.

Here in Xunfeng City, it is enough to leave the clone to guard.

Thinking of this, he immediately injected spirit into the token and refined it.

After leaving some spirit stones and precious materials, he performed the supernatural power of the clone of death.

The main body returned to Panlong Mountain, and the supernatural clone No. 4 continued to stay in Xunfeng City.

He put on the black robe left by Tang Yunhai, pretended to be Tang Yunhai, and continued to run the street stall.

Anyway, the clone is to keep an eye on Xunfeng City to prevent the demon race from causing trouble.

Instead of being idle here, it is better to do some small business.

Xunfeng City, the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

A tall figure in a black robe sat high on the main seat.

The Black Mist Man entered the main hall and asked immediately: “How is the matter handled?”

The Black Mist Man was silent for a moment before answering: “My Lord, the situation is not going well.

The few demons I sent out failed to rush out of the city?”

The black robe man slapped the table: “If you can’t even handle such a small matter, what’s the use of you?

Try again, if you fail again, you don’t have to come back.”

The Black Mist Man was also full of grievances. There were countless layers of small spaces outside the city.

Several demons rushed out, just like entering a maze.

After breaking through a layer of space, there are more spaces behind.

"My Lord, with my ability, it will be useless even if I try a hundred times.

There are masters outside who have laid down layers of space, which seems to be the method of the Dijiang lineage of the Wu Clan.

This space magic has been completed. With my ability, I can't compete with the Wu Clan masters head-on."

The black-robed man suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice: "When we first took control of Xunfeng City, we controlled a group of Wu Clan masters.

Among them are the Wu Clan of the Dijiang lineage. You ask them to break the space."

The black-mist man shook his head: "I have already tried with them. They said that the space magic around Xunfeng City has reached the level of celestial beings, and they can't break it at all.

Moreover, the power of the formation in the stormy sand field is extremely strong.

The energy stored in the formation has been exhausted just now, and it was suppressed again by the formation.

If you want to attack the formation again, it will take at least several decades to accumulate energy. Quantity. "

"If the seal formation set up by the two tribes of witches and liches is further strengthened, it will take longer to accumulate energy. "

The black-robed man slapped the table angrily: "A few decades is definitely not enough. That person is already capable of snatching the innate black lotus.

Give him a few more decades. When he refines the innate black lotus, we will only be more passive.

Since Xunfeng City cannot break the formation, then ask the king for help. "

"By the way, how is the war situation on the king's side now?"

The black-mist man shook his head slightly: "We contacted once decades ago. The king has completely conquered the Houtu Realm where Kunyuan City is located.

After that, he plans to attack Qianyuan City and occupy the Tianyun Realm.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that it will be impossible to allocate reinforcements.

The king also urged us to conquer the Yuanling Realm as soon as possible and withdraw people to attack the Tianyun Realm with him. "

When the black-robed man heard this, he felt a headache.

Now let alone conquering the Yuanling Realm, even he himself has been sealed.

The innate black lotus is lost, and there is no capital to attack the Yuanling Realm.

"Let's ask for help. The war in the Yuanling Realm is not going well.

If we don't ask for help, the responsibility will be mine.

If we don't get any reinforcements after asking for help, the king will also be responsible."


In the Dongyang Divine Mansion in the Yang World.

Liu Yuanchen's magical clone No. 1 is entertaining Duanhai Daojun and Wan Yutang.

The two originally came to ask Liu Yuanchen for help because the Hanging Ghost City suddenly appeared.

At this time, they were anxiously waiting for the result.

Not long after, Duanhai Daojun took out the token and showed a happy look on his face.

"Yuanchen, my dragon fishing apprentice sent a message that they have escaped from the Storm Sand Plain."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said, "One of my magical clones has solved the Hanging Ghost City and rescued dozens of flying boats.

Now, my magical clone is already in the Hanging Ghost City to prevent the ghost city from causing trouble again.

In the future, the Hanging Ghost City will not appear easily."

Hearing this, Wan Yutang's face was full of joy.

Although I don't know if my uncle has met with any misfortune, it's a good thing that the Hanging Ghost City has been suppressed.

In this way, the Stormy Sand Plain can become a stable trade route.

It can even be developed to draw water from Luochuan State and connect Luochuan State with the Red Wasteland by waterway.

The transportation cost in the future can be greatly reduced.

With such a huge benefit in front of me, I don't have to care about my uncle's life or death.

Anyway, my grandfather is in his prime, so how can he do without my uncle?

"God, are you serious?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "I used the space magic to wrap up the entire Hanging Ghost City, and there is a large formation outside to suppress it.

The demon clan's ability can't break my magic at all.

I will contact the witch clan later and find a way to reinforce the formation, which should be foolproof.

If there is a problem with the Hanging Ghost City in the future, I can give an early warning."

After getting confirmation, Wan Yutang bowed.

"On behalf of the merchants traveling to and from the Red Wasteland, I would like to thank the God."


Five years have passed, and Liu Yuanchen is 582 years old.

After five years of tossing and turning, the innate black lotus has been completely refined.

Liu Yuanchen sat cross-legged on the innate black lotus. As long as he moved his mind, the demonic energy was everywhere around his body.

He sighed lightly: "The twelve-grade lotus platforms are all famous for their strong defense. Each of them is a first-class defensive spiritual treasure under the innate treasure.

This innate black lotus is a descendant of the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, so its defense is naturally not weak.

Unfortunately, I have the Earth Book, so I don't need much defensive spiritual treasure."

"Although these lotus platforms have the power to suppress luck, it is a bit uncomfortable to use a magic lotus to suppress luck."

"That is, the innate spiritual root can communicate with chaos and transform the innate Yuanqi, which has some effect on me."

After that, he placed the innate black lotus on the first spiritual pivot of the Black Lotus Cave Heaven.

With a thought, he appeared in the main world of Dongyang Realm.

There is a small wooden rack not far from the ginseng fruit tree.

On the rack hangs a purple-gold grapevine, which is the purple-gold grape.

In the past five years, Liu Yuanchen often took time to come here to nourish it with his magic power.

At first, the grapevine had only a bud and a few leaves, but now it has a five- or six-foot-long branch.

This branch also has a lot of side branches, climbing on the rack, and the jade-like leaves cover most of the wooden rack.

The remaining demonic energy has long been worn away.

Although the purple-gold grapevine has not yet bloomed, the immortal gold nature in its branches and leaves has accumulated.

It may not be enough to break through the Golden Immortal Realm, but a mosquito leg is also meat.

Over time, a little bit makes a lot, and it can always play a role.

'It's really a miracle. This purple-gold grapevine is just an acquired spiritual root and cannot directly connect to the chaos.

Dongyang Realm is also just a small world, which is far away from the middle thousand worlds and is not enough to produce immortal gold nature.

How does this purple-gold grapevine produce gold? Could it be that it is really grown out of thin air? ’

He released his spiritual sense to investigate the purple-gold grapevine.

As expected, he soon discovered something unusual.

The roots of this purple-gold grapevine actually penetrated deep into the ground and into the earth veins.

Moreover, these roots continuously extracted the chaotic energy from the earth veins.

Liu Yuanchen immediately understood: "So that's how it is. The earth veins can extract the chaotic energy and transform it into the innate primordial energy and the origin of the world.

And other energies such as immortal gold are ultimately transformed from the chaotic energy.

The purple-gold grapevine should have the innate ability to absorb the chaotic energy and transform it into the immortal gold."

"The chaotic energy extracted from the earth veins was not completely refined for a while.

But it was extracted by the purple-gold grapevine and transformed into the immortal gold."

In this way, as long as there is no problem with the earth veins, the purple-gold grapevine can continuously produce the immortal gold.

This is an acquired spiritual root. If it is an innate purple-gold grapevine, it can connect to the chaos and directly extract the chaotic energy.

How much immortal gold nature can it produce?

In any case, the cultivation resources of the Heavenly Fairyland and the Golden Fairyland have been settled.

Now it depends on when this purple-gold grapevine can bloom and bear fruit.

Just when Liu Yuanchen was happy for the purple-gold grapevine, the magical clone No. 2, who was sitting in the Panlong Mountain in the underworld, suddenly received a message from the Futian Sect.

The message said that the Taoist Hongyuan of the Futian Sect was coming to visit and had important matters to discuss.

After receiving the message, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Futian Sect finally lost its patience. The innate black lotus that they had been eyeing for tens of thousands of years is gone.

Now, the Wu Clan has dismantled the defensive formation and transferred a lot of people.

Futian Sect must have heard the news and knew that I took the innate black lotus.

But I don't know what tricks Hongyuan Daojun can play."

Three days later, Hongyuan Daojun came to Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

Liu Yuanchen's body went out in person and welcomed him to a secret room.

After sitting down, Liu Yuanchen asked knowingly: "Hongyuan Daojun came to my Panlong Mountain in person. I wonder what important matter is there?"

Hongyuan Daojun's face was neither sad nor happy, and no expression could be seen.

"May I ask fellow Taoist, do you know about the Demon Cloud Sea?"

Liu Yuanchen laughed in his heart: 'He wants to take the innate black lotus from me, but he is too embarrassed to speak, so he can only hint here.

He likes to beat around the bush, and I don't lack this little time, so I will take it slowly. '

"I did hear a little bit about it. There was a sudden explosion of the demon cloud before, and it could be seen from Panlong Mountain.

I thought the Demon Cloud Sea was going to have an explosion in advance, but it ended so quickly.

In the following years, I heard that the Wu Clan was making a lot of moves, and even dismantled the formation that suppressed the Demon Cloud Sea.

As for what the situation is, I don't know."

Seeing him laughing here, Hongyuan Daojun had a trace of helplessness on his face.

It would be useless to continue beating around the bush like this for a few years.

He could only get straight to the point: "Daoyou Liu, I'll be frank.

We in Futian Sect got the news that Daoyou cooperated with the Wu Clan and took away the innate black lotus.

And, the human race has already formed an alliance with the Wu Clan, right or not?"

He got straight to the point, and Liu Yuanchen didn't plan to beat around the bush.

"It is true that we have formed an alliance with the Wu Clan, and this is also to deal with the demon clan.

The innate black lotus is indeed in my hands, what advice do you have?"

Hearing this, Hongyuan Daojun immediately became alert: "Daoyou, my Futian Sect had an alliance with Bahuang Pavilion to deal with the two tribes of witches and liches together.

The human race is violating the covenant by doing this.

Don't forget, the Heavenly Dao Blood Oath can bring about Heavenly Punishment."

He was secretly happy in his heart: 'Heavenly Punishment is not a joke, as long as Liu Yuanchen surrenders, I will force him to hand over the Innate Black Lotus. '

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen came to his senses a little.

This guy came to ask for punishment, of course, Futian Sect's goal must still be the Innate Black Lotus.

"If I am afraid of Heavenly Punishment, Daoyou should let me hand over the Innate Black Lotus in exchange for Futian Sect's agreement to cancel the covenant, right?"

Before he finished speaking, Hongyuan Daojun was stunned.

'How did Liu Yuanchen say my words? ’

He calmed down: “Daoyou, you should think clearly, which is more important, the innate black lotus or your life.”

Liu Yuanchen said with disdain: “You may not believe it, but the Heavenly Dao of the Yuanling Realm is quite familiar with me.

Not to mention the Heavenly Dao blood oath, even if I made a big mistake and was to be punished by the Heaven, he would discuss it with me first and give me a chance to make amends.

Also, Daoyou, have you heard of merit to resolve Heavenly punishment?”

“With my merit, even if I violated the Heavenly Dao blood oath hundreds of times, Heavenly punishment can’t do anything to me.

If you want to threaten me with this thing, you’d better save it.”

Hearing this, Hongyuan Daojun was stunned again.

‘Who is this Liu Yuanchen? Even the Heavenly Dao has a relationship with him.

This dog thing of Tiangou Daojun is really hateful. He clearly knows Liu Yuanchen’s background, but he didn’t tell me.

If I knew his details, I wouldn’t be so passive. ’

‘I got news many years ago that Liu Yuanchen’s junior brother was suspected of being punished by the Heaven, but he was still alive and kicking later.

This matter of merits and virtues removing the heavenly punishment is probably true. ’

He calmed down: “So, fellow Daoist is planning to break up with my Futian Sect?”

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: “Of course not. To put it another way, I don’t seem to have violated the covenant.

We said before that we would jointly deal with hostile forces, but we didn’t explicitly say that the human race could not form an alliance with the witch tribe.

Moreover, it was me who formed an alliance with the Futian Sect, and it was the entire human race that formed an alliance with the witch tribe.

My name is not on the covenant between the two races, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“If the Futian Sect dares to go to war with the witch tribe, it is possible to confirm that I have breached the contract.

But, do you dare to bet the lives of everyone in the Futian Sect that the heavenly punishment will strike me?”

Hongyuan Daojun had a bitter face. The covenant between the Eight Desolate Pavilion and the Futian Sect only stated that if one party was attacked by a hostile force, the other party would provide support.

There was indeed no stipulation on who the two parties would form an alliance with.

The covenant was completely unable to control Liu Yuanchen, so the threat was invalid.

No matter how bold the Futian Sect is, it dare not confront the human race and the witch tribe head-on.

"The innate black lotus is very important to my Futian Sect. We can exchange it for treasures.

As long as you are willing to hand over the innate black lotus, you can set any conditions."

Liu Yuanchen showed disdain: "You'd better give up this idea.

Why do you think the witch tribe gave me the innate black lotus? It's because they can't stand the devilish energy of the innate black lotus.

It can be said that in the entire Yuanling world, only I can suppress the innate devilish energy."

"You Futian Sect took the innate black lotus, and there is only one result.

That is, the entire Futian Sect will become a puppet of the innate black lotus, just like the creatures outside the domain that were controlled 60,000 years ago.

Apart from killing, they can do nothing."

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