The next day, Jiang Chen came to the company.

When he was drinking with Jiang Lai at the bar last night, he was very much looking forward to what would happen with Jiang Lai. Unfortunately, he still thought too much. Now Jiang Lai is not the kind of person who can have sex with him whenever he wants.

However, he also learned a lot during the chat with Jiang Lai.

The incident with Jiang Lai's ex-boyfriend hasn't happened yet, and Lu Yuan hasn't come yet.

"Mr. Jiang, are you looking for me?"

Nie Xingchen came to Jiang Chen's office.

"I want you to help me register a company." Jiang Chen said.

"Registering a company?" Nie Xingchen was stunned, but immediately replied: "I wonder what kind of company Mr. Jiang wants to register?"

"Hotel management." Jiang Chen said.

"Hotel management? Is Mr. Jiang planning to open a hotel?" Nie Xingchen was very surprised.

"Yes, it's hotel management."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "This company is wholly owned by Xingchen Investment, with a registered capital of 500 million. In addition, you can help me choose a mid-range hotel in Shanghai. I want to acquire a hotel."


Nie Xingchen was very fast and registered the company in less than three days.


At the same time, various departments of Xingchen Investment have been improved.

"Transfer the funds from Xingchen Investment." Jiang Chen said after signing the document.

"Mr. Jiang, there is no need to be in such a hurry for funds." Nie Xingchen said: "Although Chenxi Hotel Co., Ltd. has been established, finding a suitable hotel to acquire will not take a day or two. We can wait until the hotel When making the acquisition, transfer the funds there.”

Under Jiang Chen's command, the rate of return on Xingchen Investment is very high.

If the 500 million yuan is transferred now, there will be less funds available for Xingchen Investment.

"Is this okay?" Jiang Chen didn't know anything about these companies.

"No problem." Nie Xingchen nodded.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Jiang Chen also wanted to use the hotel's registered capital to make some money before acquiring the hotel.

"But Mr. Jiang, you want to open a hotel, why do you want to acquire a hotel?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen wanted to buy a hotel because he felt that he was proficient in French cuisine. If he opened a hotel, it might be of some use.

The reason why he didn't open a restaurant was because Jiang Chen felt that the hotel could have other tricks in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, I think even if you acquire a mid-range hotel, you can't open a mid-range hotel, right?" Nie Xingchen asked.

Jiang Chen nodded.

If you want to open a hotel, open the best one.

He wants to do it, so naturally he won't just play around.

"Mr. Jiang, I don't recommend that you acquire other hotels. Although acquiring other hotels can provide relevant personnel and facilities, the placement of these people will also be a problem, and those facilities will inevitably be updated, which is also a waste."

Nie Xingchen said: "I think it's better to start from scratch."

"let me consider it."

Jiang Chen began to think deeply.

Nie Xingchen saw this and left the office.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Anjia Tianxia Jing'an store.

"Okay, okay, okay, Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will do it properly."

"I will reply to you as soon as possible."

Wang Zijian hung up the phone and stayed there.

"Zijian, what's wrong with you?"

"Zijian, are you okay?"

"Yes, Wang Zijian, are you going crazy because of epilepsy?"

Xu Wenchang, Zhu Shanshan, Lou Shangguan and others came over with concern when they saw Wang Zijian's appearance.

"I, I'm fine."

"It's Mr. Jiang who called."

Wang Zijian woke up.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Xu Wenchang and others were stunned for a moment, and then Zhu Shanshan said: "Is it Mr. Jiang who bought the Junyue Mansion mansion?"

Xu Wenchang and others looked at Wang Zijian.

"Yes, that's him." Wang Zijian said: "Mr. Jiang called and said he wanted to buy a building."


Xu Wenchang and others were shocked.

"Yes, a commercial building." Wang Zijian said.

"Commercial Building?"

Xu Wenchang and others looked at each other and fell silent for a while.

"What are you still doing?"

"Look for it quickly."

"This is big business."

Immediately, Xu Wenchang and others reacted.

"Mr. Jiang said that he wants to buy a commercial building with at least ten floors. The best location is better." Wang Zijian had completely reacted and said: "Everyone help me find it. As long as it succeeds, our store will become famous." ”

Nowadays, commercial buildings in better locations in Shanghai require at least 20,000 to 30,000 square meters.

Based on ten floors and one thousand square meters per floor, it would cost two to three hundred million.

Even a commission of one point costs millions.

Jiang Chen didn't know that his phone call made Anjia Tianxia's JA area store go crazy.

However, Jiang Chen had no choice but to call Zijian.

Although he has been in this world for more than a year, he has almost no connections. Even if he wants to buy a commercial building, he has no clue. Therefore, we could only call the agency Anjia Tianxia.

"If you buy a commercial building and open a hotel, it will be impossible to open it in a short time. And 500 million yuan is far from enough. You need to make more money next."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen opened the software on his computer.

Two days later, Jiang Chen came to a coffee shop, preparing to meet the designer Nie Xingchen had found for him.

"Are you Gan Jing?"

After hearing the system sign-in prompt and seeing this face that looked similar to someone in his previous life, Jiang Chen hesitated and asked.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am Gan Jing." Gan Jing stood up.


Jiang Chen calmed down.

Jiang Lai saw it, what's strange about seeing Gan Jing again.

"System, sign in."

[Congratulations to the host, you have signed in successfully, acquired skills, and become a business administrator. 】

The system prompt sounds.

Immediately afterwards, relevant knowledge about business administrators appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

As the name suggests, business administrators are people who are engaged in production management, marketing management and general business management in various large and medium-sized enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and multinational enterprises, including human resources management, financial management, marketing planning, product research, market forecasting and Those who work in economic quantity analysis and other tasks.

According to the level of business administrators, they are divided into: assistant business administrator, business administrator, and senior business administrator.

Although a little disappointed not to become a senior business administrator, he is fully professional.

With this relevant knowledge, it will be much easier to manage your company in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, according to your request, you are going to let me design your house in Junyue Mansion, right?" Gan Jing asked.


Jiang Chen nodded and said: "I want the best decoration in Junyue Mansion, but decoration design is the most important. You are an interior decorator. I wonder if you can meet my requirements?"

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