Carefree Life in the World of Film and Television

Chapter 87 Jiang Lai, you have ulterior motives!

"There is no news from other securities companies yet." Zhang Wei replied.

"How many securities companies have you contacted before?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Contacted Huaxing in Shanghai, Shenzhen Fengsheng..." Zhang Wei mentioned the names of four or five securities companies.

"Did Hua Xing reveal any other information on the phone?" Jiang Chen felt that Fengsheng was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it in some TV series.

Zhang Wei shook her head: "No, they said it's best to talk to Mr. Jiang face to face."

"Okay, Secretary Zhang, help me make an appointment with people from Huaxing. I want to meet them this afternoon." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.


After Zhang Wei left, Jiang Chen took out last year's financial statements of Xingchen Investment and looked at them.

The rate of return of Xingchen Investment last year was very high.

But that's all.

All its major companies are unable to make ends meet, and the situation is not much better this year.

Therefore, it is urgent to use bond issuance to raise funds.

This is also a form of money management.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen took Zhang Wei to Huaxing Securities.

Huaxing Securities is a Fortune 500 company and a Sino-foreign joint venture.

Many accounts of Xingchen Investment are opened with Huaxing Securities. This is probably why Huaxing Securities called to inquire about the issuance of bonds.

"Mr. Jiang."

A middle-aged man came forward.

"Mr. Jiang, this is Mr. Sheng of Huaxing Securities." Zhang Wei introduced.

"Mr. Sheng, hello."

Jiang Chen stepped forward and shook hands with Mr. Sheng affectionately.

"Mr. Jiang, I finally see you."

Mr. Sheng's attitude was very enthusiastic.

Xingchen Investment is now their big client of Huaxing. Last year, Xingchen Investment’s commission accounted for 8% of Huaxing’s. This is why Huaxing responded immediately after receiving the letter of intent from Xingchen Investment to issue bonds.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen came to Huaxing now. As the vice president of Huaxing and the top person in charge of Huaxing Securities Magic City, he personally went out to welcome him.

But Mr. Sheng didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be so young.

Even though he had read Jiang Chen's information, the moment he saw Jiang Chen in person, he felt unbelievable.

Jiang Chen is too young.

"Mr. Jiang, let's talk in the conference room first," said Mr. Sheng.

"No problem." Jiang Chen nodded.

Not long after Jiang Chen and the others entered the elevator, a girl came to the front desk of Huaxing Securities.

"Hello, I'm Guan Ju'er, and I'm here to report."

On the other side, under the leadership of Mr. Huaxing Sheng, everyone came to a conference room.

"Mr. Sheng."

After the greetings, Jiang Chen asked: "I wonder what Huaxing's opinions are on our company's issuance of bonds?"

"Mr. Jiang, although Xingchen Investment is an investment company, it may be difficult to issue bonds because it has not been listed." Mr. Sheng hesitated and said: "Relatively speaking, I think Xingchen Investment is now based on investment. Raising funds through forms is also a way. We at China Star..."

"Mr. Sheng."

Jiang Chen interrupted him: "I can clearly state here that our Xingchen Investment does not accept any form of investment."

"Mr. Jiang, in this case, the difficulty is not ordinary. After all, although Xingchen Investment has achieved high achievements in the financial market, there are many crises in the financial market, and no one can guarantee that it can obtain high returns. In the absence of listing, Under such circumstances, if you want to issue bonds, I’m afraid not many people will pay for it,” Mr. Sheng replied.

"So, Mr. Sheng thinks it is unlikely that Xingchen Investment can issue bonds?" Jiang Chen frowned, the matter was more troublesome than he thought.

"I have investigated the companies under Xingchen Investment, but except for Wonderful Decoration Company, it is impossible for other companies to make profits in a short period of time. In other words, if Xingchen Investment has problems in the financial market, the bonds issued will repay the debt. They are all problems.”

Mr. Sheng organized his speech and said: "If Xingchen Investment Portfolio listed its companies, it would be no problem to issue bonds, but now..."

"Based on the current situation of Xingchen Investment, if bonds are issued now, how many do you think Mr. Sheng can issue?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This number." Mr. Sheng drew a number.

"Too few." Jiang Chen was a little disappointed.

"Mr. Jiang, this is our Huaxing's greatest effort." Mr. Sheng did not lie to Jiang Chen in this regard. After all, customers like Xingchen Investment must be in their hands at all times. If possible, they will provide the best service.

"Then let's discuss this matter later." Jiang Chen did not continue the topic.

As things stand now, it is impossible to issue bonds.

Therefore, the only way to get funds is a mortgage loan.

Fortunately, he has quite a few companies in his hands. Apart from the last billion dollar mortgage loan, the company has never had any mortgage loans.

After looking at Mr. Sheng, Jiang Chen said, "Mr. Sheng, if I want to get a mortgage from Huaxing, do you think it's feasible?"

"What mortgage is Mr. Jiang planning to take?" Mr. Sheng asked.

"Hermès shares." Jiang Chen said.

"Hermès shares?"

Mr. Sheng was stunned: "Does Mr. Jiang have shares in Hermès?"

"Yes, I own Hermès 18%." Jiang Chen said.

"How much?" Mr. Sheng looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"Eighteen percent." Jiang Chen replied.

It is now February 2015, and the market value of Hermès is about 20 billion euros. Even so, the Hermès Group is still one of the fastest growing luxury goods companies in the world.

Jiang Chen's 18% stake now amounts to about 3.6 billion euros.

Converted to RMB, that’s about more than 20 billion.

It can be said that this is the company with the largest market value among the industries under Star Investment.

"This is too..."

Mr. Sheng really doesn’t know what to say.

Just now he said that Xingchen Investment has no income, and now Hermès alone can surpass Huaxing.

He felt that he had really underestimated Jiang Chen and Xingchen Investment.

"Mr. Sheng?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, I think if you want a mortgage loan, you should go to a bank. After all, even if we at Huaxing can get a mortgage loan, we can't get too much funds." Mr. Sheng thought for a while and said.

Because he understood that even if he obtained the mortgage loan from Xingchen Investment, it was impossible to satisfy Xingchen Investment. And when the time comes to turn against Jiang Chen, the consequences will not be something he can bear.

What's more, Jiang Chen runs an investment company and is better at capital operations than he is.

"Thank you, Mr. Sheng, for your suggestion."

Jiang Chen nodded, then stood up and said, "Mr. Sheng, it's getting late. It's time for me to say goodbye."

"Mr. Jiang, do you have time tonight? I would like to treat you to dinner." Mr. Sheng said.

"I'm afraid it won't work tonight." Jiang Chen thought for a while. As Mr. Sheng, it would be beneficial to make friends with him. He immediately said: "Mr. Sheng, how about we exchange contact information, and I will ask Mr. Sheng another day."

"No problem." Mr. Sheng nodded and exchanged WeChat messages with Jiang Chen.

A quarter of an hour later, Mr. Sheng sent Jiang Chen out of Huaxing.

Star Investment.

"Secretary Zhang, please contact the bank next to prepare a mortgage loan."

After returning to the company, Jiang Chen said to Zhang Wei: "The mortgage will be Hermès's equity, but this matter must be kept confidential."

"Mr. Jiang, how much are you prepared to mortgage?" Zhang Wei asked.

"What do you think is the maximum mortgage based on the current market value of Hermès?" Jiang Chen doesn't know much about bank loans. He used Jingyan Group for mortgage loans before. Most of the procedures were handled by Nie Xingchen, and he didn't know much about it. powerful.

"The maximum is 80% of the market value, and the minimum is about 60% of the market value. Different banks have different mortgage loan amounts." Zhang Wei replied.

"Then try to get the maximum amount. Contact the bank first to see." Jiang Chen said.


After Zhang Wei left, Jiang Chen opened the software.

There has been a huge turmoil in the financial market this year, and he must take advantage of this opportunity to maximize the benefits of Xingchen Investment, otherwise, he will be in trouble in the next few years. At the same time, new financial sources need to be developed.

The King of Glory under Star Game is one of them, but just the King of Glory is far from enough.

"It seems we have to find a way from other aspects."

Jiang Chen picked up the phone and prepared to call Li Qian over.

However, the moment he picked up the phone, he remembered that Li Qian had already gone to the spring job fair.

"Forget it, we can only do it step by step."

Jiang Chen turned on the computer and searched for it himself.

No matter how powerful King of Glory is, having only one game is not enough for Star Games, and although he is proficient in computers, it does not mean that he can participate in making games.

Therefore, the best way is to acquire those game studios.

Many of the game companies in the previous life started by acquiring game studios, and now Star Games should also follow this path.

If Li Qian were here now, Jiang Chen would definitely arrange for Li Qian to acquire those game studios, but now that Li Qian was in charge of the spring job fair, he could only search them by himself first, and then make a list for Li Qian to acquire.

Now that the Internet is developed, those game studios have relevant information online.

Jiang Chen quickly found some game studios.

"These are all available for acquisition."

In Jiang Chen's view, if you want to acquire these game studios, you only need money.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen left the office.

"Secretary Nie, are you still busy?"

Seeing that only Nie Xingchen was still working at his desk in the secretarial department, Jiang Chen walked over with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I have to work overtime." Nie Xingchen replied.

"I've approved that you won't work overtime today." Jiang Chen felt that Nie Xingchen was evading. However, for Nie Xingchen's sake today, he even refused Huaxing's CEO Sheng. How could he let Nie Xingchen escape?

"Mr. Jiang, these documents are very important." Nie Xingchen replied.

Just as Jiang Chen thought, she was escaping.

However, Nie Xingchen was right. There was too much work in her hands now, and it was impossible to complete it without working overtime. Even though Li Qian and the others are not here, they are still dealing with matters of their companies.

"Let me see."

Jiang Chen picked up a document and read it.

"Is this a document from Quan Jing Law Firm? Why, Quan Jing Law Firm..."

Jiang Chen opened it and frowned.

"What's the matter?"

Nie Xingchen didn't hear Jiang Chen's words and looked up at Jiang Chen.

"Quan Jing Law Firm... seems to be going to Yanjing." Jiang Chen frowned. This document was jointly sent by Luo Bin and Seal. Although it didn't say anything specific, they jointly sent it Jiang Chen understood what the documents meant as soon as he thought about it.

"This document was sent this afternoon?" Jiang Chen looked at the date.

"Yes, there are too many things today that I haven't had time to deal with yet." Nie Xingchen nodded.

"I'll go check it out."

Jiang Chen returned to the office with the documents.

Nie Xingchen looked at Jiang Chen's office with some worry.

Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who likes to work overtime. What's more, he wants to eat her tonight. Now he is suddenly working overtime with a document. Maybe this document from Quan Jing Law Firm is particularly important.

However, if something happens to Jiang Chen, will she be able to escape?

However, it was obvious that she was overthinking it.

An hour later, Jiang Chen returned to Junyue Mansion with Nie Xingchen.

"Mr. Jiang, will dinner be served immediately?" Jiang Tianlan asked.

"Yes, let's eat right away."

Jiang Chen took off his coat, threw it on the sofa, and then walked to the restaurant.

"Eat full first and replenish energy..." Jiang Chen gave Nie Xingchen a meaningful look. Nie Xingchen was so frightened that he quickly went to the kitchen and Wu Shiyi to help serve the dishes.

At this moment, Nie Xingchen wished that time would go slower.

I even regretted following Jiang Chen.

"Secretary Nie, have a drink with me." Jiang Chen poured a glass of wine for Nie Xingchen.

As for Wu Shiyi, she didn't know how to drink it, and Jiang Chen didn't force it.


Nie Xingchen did not refuse.

Wine can strengthen your courage.

Maybe after drinking, she wouldn't be so nervous.

Half an hour later, we were full of wine and food.

"Mr. Jiang, I want to tell you about Chenxi Hotel." Nie Xingchen noticed Jiang Chen's gaze and quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, what's going on at Chenxi Hotel? Isn't Cheng Dacheng managing it very well now? Just wait until the decoration is completed and move in." Jiang Chen is also very concerned about Chenxi Hotel, because this Chenxi Hotel is the first step in the hotel chain.

At the same time, Xingchen Restaurant and Chenxi Hotel are also preparing for future diversified development.

Jiang Chen also knew why Nie Xingchen said these things.

However, she was too naive.

Can you make him give up by changing the subject or raising the topic?

"Speak slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

Jiang Chen sat next to Nie Xingchen, hugged her, and moved his hands dishonestly.

Nie Xingchen was startled.

Although Jiang Tianlan was washing dishes in the kitchen, Wu Shiyi was still there.

How did she know that Jiang Chen would not care about Wu Shiyi and Jiang Tianlan at all.

If he really cared about it, he wouldn't have hired bodyguards and nannies.

What's more, how could Nie Xingchen guess Jiang Chen's thoughts.

"According to Mr. Cheng's wishes, we want the chefs of Chenxi Hotel and Xingchen Restaurant to merge." Nie Xingchen saw that Wu Shiyi didn't seem to notice, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "However, Mr. Jiang did not agree."

However, she didn't know that Wu Shiyi had already noticed that the atmosphere tonight was different.

As a bodyguard, it's hard to be confused.

"Cheng Dacheng is very careful." Jiang Chen didn't expect this either.

Star Restaurant and Chenxi Hotel are in the same building, and the chefs are merged to avoid waste of human resources and ingredients. For the company, unnecessary expenses can be reduced.


Suddenly thinking of something, Jiang Chen's eyes showed an intriguing look.

"Mr. Jiang seems to have other thoughts and does not agree with Mr. Cheng's suggestion." Nie Xingchen understood that Cheng Dacheng had seen that the company was preparing to become a group. Therefore, even though he was the general manager of Chenxi Hotel, he did not do anything in some matters. Make your own decisions.

"Jiang Lai."

Jiang Chen fell silent.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why Jiang Lai disagreed!

Jiang Lai, you have ulterior motives!

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