Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 802: Seven kills

'It's now! ’

Fang Yuan took the initiative to greet the dragon's sniper, and it seemed as if he couldn't do it. He was just taken into the Panwang Temple.


He had a strong blood in his body, like a huge blood man, who was directly into the temple.

Ghost eyes: "..."

Blaster: "..."

"Oh... a good boy!"

The **** of the gods laughed and rushed to the Panwang Temple.


At this time, the dragon's body curled up like a long-snake snake, hiding the Panwang Temple and the key points directly.

Seeing this scene, even the ghost eyes, some of them are mad.

"This magic dragon will protect the Panwang Temple in the body, and it will be clear that it will not be attacked, and it will be troublesome!"

Ghost eyes quickly said: "Don't we just break out and leave, how? If you block the entrance, this South Palace is hopelessly a dead end!"

The opening of the Tenjin Palace has a time limit. Once it fails to escape after the deadline, it is the end of the dead!

"A magic dragon in the district!"

The tyrant is a roar, and he slashes again.


On the spring and autumn dragon knife, the golden light flashed, and a golden dragon suddenly rose: "Give me death! You have a remorse!"

The knife light is concise, just like the ancient dragons re-emerged.

Even the dragon has to bow down under this majesty.


The blood flower splashes, and the scars appear on the dragon, but it seems to be a general idea, and the body hangs around and never stretches out.

‘The knife is going all out, it’s so destructive...’

Ghost eyes look at this scene, but it is very strange: ‘and... why do you want to go it alone, what intelligence is in the right way, and what is hard to give up in this palace? ’

Thinking of this, the eyes he asked for suddenly looked at the gods.

"Since you have this Yaxing, I can't do it."

The demon master smiled, and the demon claws in his hand were released, seemingly centered on him, condensing a horrible magical ghost.

"Good! The Lord of Heaven is the Lord of Heaven!"

The knife screamed: "I will join forces, I may not be able to kill this beast!"


Just at the time when the two main gods and soldiers of the magical warriors are fighting the dragon.

Fang Yuan is holding a blood knife and walking through the Panwang Temple.

Although the hall is large, there is only one core, which is very empty. There are various murals on the walls cast in bronze on all sides.

"Open the world, derive everything..."

Fang Yuan saw the first bronze figure and accurately grasped what the other party wanted to express: "This description should be the merits of the disk, as well as the last body of the Emperor Sword, the supreme sentiment to protect the world... ”

When I got to the back, the bronze figure changed, with the breath of the sky, I saw the great shock of Fang Yuanxin: "This is the road of the king of the king! It can express its own path directly in the form of catalogue!"

Road to Road, very Avenue.

But in fact, the so-called avenue Xuan Ming, can only be understood, can not be said, and so on, is a complete joke!

It can't be expressed in the right form, just because the understanding of the Tao is not deep enough.

Otherwise, any road to the peak can be expressed from the symbols of martial arts, magical powers, pictures, and even singularities.

However, at this time, Pan Wang is a creation god, and his own ‘dao’ is instilled here without any reservation, and it is also very cherished!

Even the Gorefiend God saw it, and it was also awkward.

‘Get these, plus I have the help of the eye, and after I go back, I can try to condense my own path! ’

Fang Yuan feels extremely satisfied.

Even at this time, his distraction is a great benefit.

At least, the bottleneck that plagued the body of the nine original demon Lords was quietly and unimpededly broken, and his entire human air machine suddenly entered a state of unpredictability.

"I understand!"

At this time, the Gorefiend God suddenly shouted: "There is no sword of the Emperor, but there is a sword of the Emperor..."

The way of the disk, expressed in the form of swordsmanship, is the sword of the Emperor!

Although the magical power that may surpass the heavenly product is bound to be sealed in the sword of the Emperor, but its source is still the way of the disk, the road burned here!

Therefore, it can be said that it is the true inheritance of the disk.

"Moreover... The Emperor Sword is not without the possibility of hiding here."

Fang Yuan looked at the picture in the past, the air machine on his body became more and more ethereal, and the tone also had an unpredictable taste, which made the blood demon gods unable to fall into silence.

"It turns out that this is the magical demon of the warrior!"

When he saw the last one, Fang Yuanchang exported his gas and smiled lightly.

He was only a short distance from the demon of the gods. At this time, he saw the catalogue of the gods, and suddenly broke through, and the property bar changed greatly:

"Name: Fang Yuan (Nangong hopeless)

Fine: 300

Gas: 300

God: 300

Repaired as: God's Devil

Skills: Six-Pole Royal Soldier (Third Realm), Great Blood Magic

Expertise: Implantation [Level 6] (Full Level), Eyes and Eyes (Pseudo), Source Body, Magic Soldier - Bloodstainer"

"What is God's Devil?"

Fang Yuan smiled and did not care.

The top of the world in a district, for him, has been experienced many times, and has long been humiliated.

What really caught his interest was the last pair of the gods.

It was a picture of the sword and the sword of the Emperor, but it was just a glance, and it felt like a fierce sword.

In the sword, but with a hint of knives, it is a spectacle.

Fang Yuan looked at it and saw it at the end of the catalogue. Someone used a knife as a pen and carved seven ‘kill’ words! Every killing word is different, with a great extinction, a quiet silence, and the end of the demon is positive, let go of the butcher's knife, and establish the taste of the Buddha.

"The material of this palace is very mysterious, it can be endless, it can be repaired if it is destroyed. The owner of the ordinary gods, want to leave the lettering, it is naturally difficult to add, unless it is... the warrior of the gods! ”

When Fang Yuan went up, he suddenly saw a small line under the words of the Seven Kills: "I am a Nie madman. At the age of twenty, I am in charge of the magic soldiers and kill the tiger knives. I am in the world, and I am in the Tianshen Palace. Dachao realizes that the seven killing tigers are sealed here..."

"The last generation of seven killing tiger knives, Nie mad?!"

"It is rumored that this person is a peerless demon. He once killed the whole rivers and lakes martial arts, and several holy places were destroyed. They almost broke the inheritance..."

"I don't think... He finally disappeared, is he sealed himself? He should have been the mystery of the king of the gongs. With the strength of the dragon, he couldn't stop him. But when he saw the catalogue of the gods, he realized it. Seal the seven killing tiger knives here to avoid the disaster?"

Fang Yuan almost performed the event.

The plate is the real demon! Its way, for any power that is close to the door, has an indescribable allure.

In fact, it is Fang Yuan and the Gorefiend God, one has its own path, one has long experience, is slowly condensing the road, not moved by the outside world, can not be affected, otherwise, replaced with other uninformed The demon Lord came in, and the 80% was also completely convinced by the way of the Pantheon.

For the devil, this is the outside! Stained your own roots, and then no hope!

"Poor Nie mad is also considered a generation of people, but in the end it is still unbreakable!"

Fang Yuan fainted a sigh.

"Wait a minute... Seven killing tiger knives?"

The Gorefiend God Shinto, the entire hall is very empty and unobstructed, there is no trace of the seven killing tiger knives and Nie mad body.

"It's very simple. He is self-proclaimed here. He certainly doesn't want to be discovered by outsiders! Even... these seven killings are also with mystery. I suspect that it is not his intention to stay, but the impact of seven killing tigers. After all, this The stalking magical soldier has the power to capture the soul. At that time, the Nie mad savage rivers and lakes have a lot to do with it... I don’t want to be sealed and silenced!"

Fang Yuan went one step forward: "The Gorefiend... You are not boasting that the blood knife has been repaired, is it not inferior to the seven killing tiger knives? At this time the opportunity is coming, I hope you will not let me down!"

"Wait a minute, my **** is not yet completely repaired, and the fragments are not collected..."

The Gorefiend God immediately protested.

It knows that it is a few pounds and a few. At this time, the blood-staining knives will not be worried with the four-five-destroyed magic soldiers. But the magic soldiers are the first, second only to the seven tigers of the Emperor Sword? It feels that you are still a little better.

However, Fang Yuan did not care, and his fingers poked out, and he was on the first killing word of the seven killings.


An amazing knife and magic thoughts, suddenly along the fingertips, suddenly spread to his knowledge of the sea.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"The sky is not fair! Kill! The earth is not flat! Kill! The mortal has no way, kill! There is nothing in the world to kill!"

"Warrior is a murderer, murder is not merciless. The endless industry, all in the murder!"


The terrible killings are like a storm of waves, impacting Fang Yuan’s mind.

"It’s so fierce to kill, it’s no wonder that the seven killing tigers and swords in the past are all murderous..."

Fang Yuan secretly sneered, but God thought it was like a million-year-old meteorite. With these killings, he bumped into a collapse and scattered a sporadic knife.

"The devil seven kills the knife?"

Fang Yuan succinctly sighed, "Although the avenue is discussed, it is still inferior to the gods, but on the pure means of killing, it can be called a terrible, weeping!"

He kept his fingers and repeated the seven killings.

Sure enough, after accepting countless killings, the complete Devil's Seven Kills was completely mastered by him.

Oh la la!

Not only that, at the time of the completion of the last stroke, this bronze wall was shocked, and the inch was cracked, showing a space behind it.


The knife light flashes, and with the eyesight of Fang Yuan, you can see the space behind the wall. A 30-year-old warrior sits cross-legged and holds a long black knife!

Nie mad! Seven kills the tiger knife!

"This is, dead and King Kong?!"

Fang Yuan looked at the life-like Nie madness, and had to say that this former seven-killer tiger slasher was still a handsome and beautiful man.

Moreover, after many years of dying, the corpse is still not rotted, and it is very mysterious.


Just then, outside the Panwang Temple, the magic dragon screams, the huge dragon head rolls to the ground, the blood is like a waterfall!

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