Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 107 The Nervous Emperor Couple

Perhaps in Li Xin's eyes, such a conclusion is not rigorous enough, but in Xu Jingchen's view, such a result is fully sufficient to prove the correctness of Li Xin's aseptic principle, and further proves the so-called wind evil. The theory is simply non-existent, and the microbiological theory is correct.

That is to say, the "Regulations on Sanitation Management of Wounded Barracks" is also valid. It can be believed that if the wounded barracks are managed strictly in accordance with this regulation, the chances of the sick and wounded being infected by "microorganisms" will be greatly reduced, thereby greatly reducing their mortality rate.

Xu Jingchen was very excited to come to such a conclusion.

In addition to the verification of the microbiological theory, he also conducted experiments on sutures with rabbits at the suggestion of Li Xin. In contrast, he easily found one thing: suturing can greatly promote wound healing and reduce the probability of limb deformity or disability caused by scar healing.

Xu Jingchen honestly wrote in the official document: "His Royal Highness King Chu's views on medicine are far superior to any national player in the world, and I am ashamed of myself."

Empress Changsun put down the memorial, frowned, with a half-smile in disbelief. In the early years, she had been following Li Shimin in the South and North Wars. Although she didn't really go to the battlefield to fight, she did have a little understanding of some things on the battlefield. So she knows what a reduction in the death rate in wounded battalions and a faster healing rate for wounded and sick mean.

For an army, this is a real increase in combat effectiveness. If in the future Datang really had another dispute with the Turks, no, there would definitely be another dispute. At that time, the Datang army would have strong medical resources to support them, so they would naturally have the upper hand. No wonder Li Shimin was so happy, saying that Li Xin had made great contributions. This is really a great contribution that cannot be erased.

It stands to reason that Empress Changsun should be happy to see such a memorial. After all, like Li Shimin, she loves Li Xin very much. However, she couldn't help but mutter in her heart: How could Li Xin be proficient in medicine all of a sudden?

"You don't seem very happy?" Li Shimin swallowed a mouthful of snacks and asked casually.

Empress Changsun shook her head and said: "The concubine is of course happy that Xin'er can contribute to the Great Tang, but I just can't help but feel a little strange."

"What's so strange?" Li Shimin asked. He is a man with a rough mind, so there are some things he has overlooked. This is why he occasionally likes to discuss some political affairs with Empress Zhangsun. She can always notice some details that he didn't notice before.

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, have you ever heard that Xin'er studied medicine? He grew up in the palace when he was a child, and went to school with Chengqian and Tai'er. He had just turned fifteen years ago two years ago. At the age of 18, he inherited the title of elder brother, and left the palace to live back in the Prince Chu’s mansion. Up to now, it has only been two years of hard work, how did he learn this medical skill that even the imperial doctors in the palace admire?"

After all, women are much more delicate than men.

But this can't be blamed on Li Shimin's carelessness. As early as when Li Xin wrote the song "Qixi", which is enough to pass down through the ages, he had an in-depth conversation with Li Xin about "Tibetan clumsiness". Since that conversation, Li Xin's strange abilities emerged one after another, so he became numb, and habitually regarded Li Xin's abilities as talents that he had hidden before.

Now after Empress Changsun mentioned this, Li Shimin noticed something was wrong.

You know, literature is gifted with such a saying. Anyone who has read a few books is likely to suddenly show a great gift for words. Therefore, it makes sense to say that Li Xin concealed his talent in writing.

But medicine is not gifted with such a thing. No one has ever been able to comprehend medical knowledge and become a doctor without studying. Therefore, it is completely unreasonable for Li Xin to suddenly show such amazing medical skills.

Li Shimin frowned and remained silent for a long time before he said, "Could it be that there is an expert teaching behind Xin'er?"

Although Empress Changsun was not too inclined towards this guess, she still sighed and said: "At present, this is the only explanation. But the concubine always feels a little uneasy. Who on earth can contact Xin'er like this under our noses?" ? Is the other party good intentions or malice? Is he trying to use Xin'er to achieve something?"

Li Shimin's expression gradually became serious.

It has to be admitted that Empress Changsun's guess is quite possible. Moreover, if things are really as she guessed, then Li Xin's situation will be dangerous, after all, I don't know whether the expert is good or malicious. If it is malicious, the other party must have a lot of intentions by approaching a prince so quietly.

If Li Xin had been present at this moment, he would have been somewhat speechless when he heard that the two elders whom he respected so much had produced so many tortuous guesses because of the principle of handling wounded soldiers he proposed.

Isn't the imagination so rich?

Since the matter involves Li Xin, it is not a purely political matter, and Li Shimin doesn't mind discussing it with Empress Changsun. So he tried to suggest: "Why don't you call Xin'er to the palace to ask?"

Empress Changsun said: "Since the other party has communicated with Xin'er, it will not be difficult for him to learn from Xin'er that His Majesty has asked about these things. At that time, he may become vigilant and make some unexpected moves."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "What you said is not unreasonable. Then what do you think?"

Empress Changsun said: "It's better for the concubine to come forward. The other party may not pay attention to the fact that the concubine is a girl, so she probably won't ask what Xin'er said to the concubine. After the concubine meets Xin'er, she will make some side-splitting, perhaps You can gain something.”

The emperor is the core figure of the country. If behind Li Xin there is indeed some master who has other plans, the other party's plan will definitely not be a little Li Xin, but Li Shimin. Therefore, the other party will definitely pay close attention to Li Shimin's dynamics. The eldest grandson empress who is closest to Li Shimin will become the blind spot of the other party's attention and is easily overlooked.

Although this trick of black under the lamp has been used badly, it does not mean that it is useless, but it proves that it is an extremely simple and effective method.

Li Shimin thought for a while, and said: "It's worth a try. Tomorrow Xin'er will come to the palace to pay a visit, and then I will let him see you again."

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