Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 112 Li Shimin's Mind

To some extent, Li Xin is not lying. He just told the truth in another way, a way that he had thought about.

After all, Empress Changsun is a woman. Although she is a very smart woman, her way of thinking is still more emotional. That said, she tends to subconsciously prioritize emotion when she thinks. With how much she loves Li Xin, no matter what Li Xin says, she will tend to believe it. This subtle tendency is sometimes not even noticed by herself.

Therefore, as long as Li Xin speaks sincerely and truthfully enough, it will be easy for Empress Changsun to believe what he said sounds absurd.

In fact, when Empress Changsun said that she could not judge the truth of what Li Xin said, and she had to report everything to Li Shimin for a decision, it meant that she had been persuaded by Li Xin and completely believed what Li Xin said. In any case she could not admit that she believed this explanation, which was almost nonsense.

As for Li Shimin, Li Xin was even less worried.

The imperial attributes of the great His Majesty Li Er destined him to be a typical utilitarian, which to some extent means that he is a very rational person. Such people are often not easy to be deceived by lies, but what Li Xin said is not a lie.

Moreover, he left Li Shimin with a completely impeccable logic. Anyone who claims to be rational will admit defeat in the face of this logic and honestly accept the statement that Li Xin was enlightened by an immortal in a dream——

Li Xin knows what no other person in this world knows, that is to say, there is no one in the world who can be his teacher and teach him these advanced knowledge.

Therefore, if Li Xin really has a teacher, then the other party has no other possibility other than being a fairy.

A well-known policeman surnamed Fu once said that if you rule out all the impossible, what remains, no matter how impossible it seems, must be the truth.

This sentence truly expresses the way of thinking of a rational person. Although the theory of the fairy in the dream is absurd, it is obviously absurd to believe that there is another person who is as evil as Li Xin in the world, and this person has become Li Xin's teacher without anyone knowing it. impossible.

Li Xin has absolute confidence to dispel Li Shimin's suspicion with this statement. If he shows any extraordinary talent in the future, he can use this explanation to explain it away.

The progress of the matter was just as Li Xin expected. After he left the palace, Empress Changsun went to the Ganlu Hall to meet Li Shimin, and told Li Xin's words in detail, not even letting go of the four lines of the poem.

"Baiyujing in the sky, twelfth floor and five cities. Immortal caresses my roof, knots my hair and grants longevity." Li Shimin chanted it slowly, and said to himself with a chuckle, "So, Xin'er passed away in a dream Bai Yujing, learned a lot of strange knowledge from the immortal before returning to Datang?"

Empress Changsun smiled bitterly: "Anyway, he himself said so, and my concubine also found it ridiculous. I don't know if he was bewitched by others, so he came up with such absurd words to perfuse my concubine."

Li Shimin shook his head with a smile, and said: "You also know that such a statement is absurd. If Xin'er is really bewitched by someone, why not make up a lie that sounds more real, and instead say something like this to make people listen to it?" Is it hard to believe it?"

Empress Changsun nodded, and said: "Your Majesty is right. In fact, my concubine also thought about it."

Li Shimin said: "Besides, what Xin'er said is not wrong. Based on his ability now, who in this world can teach such an evildoer? If there is such an expert in the world, I would have followed the example of Liu Xuande and visited the thatched cottage How could it be unheard of?"

Empress Changsun was silent for a second, and said: "Your Majesty means that no one can teach Xin'er except immortals. Is what Xin'er is telling the truth?"

Li Shimin shook his head and said, "No. Xin'er didn't tell the truth, at least not all the truth."

Empress Changsun was stunned, not knowing how to understand Li Shimin's words.

"The fairy tale is illusory. It's hard for me to believe it. But what Xin'er said, I can't believe it," Li Shimin said, "I suspect that he still concealed part of the truth. But it doesn't matter, he has already denied it to me. The possibility that I don't want to see. Since there is no mysterious expert with ulterior motives, then I don't bother to find out where his strange abilities come from. I believe he also has his unspeakable secrets."

Only then did Empress Changsun understand, and said with a wry smile: "This child, is there anything that cannot be disclosed to my concubine and His Majesty? Don't tell me we love him so much, so we don't deserve his trust?"

She has always regarded Li Xin as her own child, seeing that Li Xin has reservations about her, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Li Shimin saw it openly, and smiled and took Empress Changsun into his arms, saying: "This has nothing to do with trust or distrust. Even between the closest people, there will always be some secrets that cannot be revealed. Just imagine, Cheng Qian is You were born, so does he talk to you all the time?"

Empress Changsun smiled wryly and remained silent.

"When the child grows up, we adults will always have to go through this. The reason why Xin'er told us this is actually to show that he is fine and not in danger, so we don't have to worry about it." Li Shimin said generously, "If that's the case, then Let him go. Anyway, he becomes such an evildoer. For me, Datang, there is no harm. I just hope that the more abilities he has in his stomach, the better. Good boy, he is my trustworthy child. As long as he does not fail me, I will not fail him."

Empress Changsun smiled relievedly, and said: "Your Majesty is indeed wise. I am ashamed of myself."

After being praised by his wife, Li Shimin smiled proudly and said, "That's natural, otherwise how can you be a king?"

Empress Changsun looked at her husband who rarely showed a hint of childishness, and couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, yes. Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and will definitely be a wise king in the future."

Li Shimin said with emotion: "If you don't understand the king, I don't have extravagant hopes. I leave it all to future generations to comment. The only thing I want in this life is to return the Xuandao to a prosperous Tang Dynasty. When I meet him underground in the future, I can tell him openly. , I did not live up to his expectations."

Empress Changsun stood up and saluted, and said seriously: "I believe that Your Majesty can do it."

Li Shimin smiled, and said: "Yes, I still have so many ministers and such evildoers as Xin'er, so I can definitely succeed."

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