The meaning of Chen Yin's words is very clear, expressly and implicitly saying the same thing: you, Li Xin, are a waste, and I, Chen Yin, despise you. The so-called marriage contract is just a helpless move.

Of course Li Xin would be angry.

Moreover, what made Li Xin angry was not only the fact that he was underestimated by Chen Yin. To be precise, this isn't even the point at all.

The really important point is a bit convoluted and hypocritical - that is, Li Xin was very upset that Chen Yin agreed to marry Chen Youlan to Li Xin, king of Chu.

Looking back on that day, Li Xin received the imperial decree of marriage right after he was reborn in Datang, what does this mean? This shows that long before he was reborn, when Li Xin was still the original Li Xin, Chen Yin and His Majesty Li Er reached an agreement on this political marriage, and decided to marry Chen Youlan to Li Xin, who was still a downright dandy at that time. .

Is this what a father should do? Marry your daughter to such a guy?

Forget about Li Shimin. He is not Chen Youlan's father, so naturally he would not consider Chen Youlan's feelings as a weak woman, and he is also the emperor of an empire. To sacrifice the interests of a small number of people for certain political interests is in itself an emperor's daily work. Of course, Li Xin was somewhat dissatisfied with this, but he had no position to criticize.

But Chen Yin is different. He is Chen Youlan's biological father. How could he not consider Chen Youlan's feelings?

Of course, while Chen Yin was Chen Youlan's father, he was also one of the actual controllers of the Tang Empire. It makes perfect sense to say that he has a very noble professional ethics and is willing to sacrifice his daughter to fulfill the emperor's wish to solve the stubborn illness of the empire. Li Xin can understand and is willing to accept it.

After all, although the process of this marriage was wrong, the result was undoubtedly correct.

Li Xin is a very result-oriented person.

However, Chen Yin wanted to argue with Li Xin about his kind father's persona. This made Li Xin feel very ridiculous and disgusting.

What do you mean by "it's all for Youlan's sake"? When the marriage contract was made, did you see Youlan's role?

It's not that Li Xin doesn't know Chen Youlan's attitude towards this marriage. If she had been willing to accept the engagement from the very beginning, he wouldn't have stayed up all night worrying about Wang Gui's return, would he?

Since Chen Youlan had never cared about Chen Youlan's attitude towards this matter from the very beginning, why should she use her attitude as a reason to explain these things?

Li Xin felt ridiculous about this.

He finally couldn't hold back, sneered, and said: "Oh? So Master Chen can cancel my engagement with Youlan so easily? Although this junior has never set foot in the court, he can more or less guess some of the marriages bestowed by His Majesty Reason. If the marriage contract is cancelled, I would like to ask, how will the Chen family fight against the Taiyuan Wang family in Shandong? What about His Majesty's layout? Can Lord Chen take this responsibility?"

Chen Yin's expression became a little weird for a moment, and he couldn't maintain that calm state. It must be admitted that he was indeed planning to meet Li Xin today, and what he said just now was indeed intended to anger Li Xin.

However, how should I put it, judging from the current state, Li Xin was indeed angry. However, the point of his anger subtly exceeded Chen Yin's expectations. What's going on? Isn't the most angry point because Chen Yin said he is a waste?

An old fox is an old fox. Although Li Xin's reaction was beyond Chen Yin's expectations, he continued: "You are wrong. Since the last big case in Shandong, His Majesty has taken the opportunity to place a lot of people there. Now, even without you and You Lan's marriage, Wang's side can't make waves either. Therefore, if I really want to cancel this marriage contract, I think His Majesty will still give my old face a face."

ah? And this thing?

Li Xin did not expect that the double-entry bookkeeping method and Dashi characters he had brought out would cause such aftermath, and even the aftermath would affect himself. This is a bit embarrassing.

To be honest, he didn't fully believe Chen Yin's words. However, after all, he didn't know much about the current situation in Shandong, so he didn't dare to take Chen Yin's words seriously.

"Nothing to say?" Chen Yin said with a smile.

Li Xin snorted coldly, but did not answer.

"Now you should have understood that the marriage between you and You Lan is actually dispensable. If I am not satisfied, I can cancel it at any time." Chen Yin's tone sounded a little complacent, of course, The meaning of nothing is a threat.

Li Xin was silent for a while, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Then... how can I be satisfied with Mr. Chen?"

Chen Yin smiled, thought about it leisurely, and said, "What about the betrothal gift?"

Li Xin was stunned.

The ancients paid attention to three media and six employments when getting married, and the various procedures were very complicated. But Li Xin and Chen Youlan's marriage is quite special, it is a marriage bestowed by imperial decree, so many steps are simply skipped. Of course, the dowry is an indispensable part, but it has not yet been carried out.

Li Xin didn't understand why Chen Yin suddenly brought up the dowry here. Could it be that he was short of money?

Chen Yin said with a smile: "If you want to marry my precious daughter, you must at least show your determination with a dowry that satisfies me, right?"

Li Xin looked at Chen Yin, and after a long time, he bowed his hands and said, "Then dare to ask Mr. Chen Yin, what do you want?"

Chen Yin waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. Just 500,000 guan, as long as there is a dowry gift of 500,000 guan, I will recognize you as You Lan's husband-in-law."


Hearing this number, Li Xin almost jumped up on the spot.

Seeing that Chen Yin's face remained unchanged, Li Xin couldn't help but asked tentatively again: "Master Chen, are you really joking?"

Chen Yin sneered and asked back: "Do you think I am joking?"

"This is five hundred thousand!" Li Xin re-read the number "500,000", trying to attract Chen Yin's attention to confirm that he was not a slip of the tongue.

"Yes, it's 500,000 guan. I'm not wrong, and you're not wrong." Chen Yindao, "Don't you think you're smart? Then prove it to me first, and prove to me that you are qualified to be You Lan." husband-in-law."

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