Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 148 Jiang Laofa is a little curious

Although Wang Gui had noticed Zhang Quanfu's approach long ago, he hadn't expected him to yell like this all of a sudden, so he was a little taken aback, while Li Xin, who hadn't noticed it, was startled severely, almost Kicked the table over, making Chen Youlan and Xiaoling beside them laugh while covering their mouths.

Li Xin glared at Zhang Quanfu angrily.

Zhang Quanfu shrank his neck, a little aware that his behavior was inappropriate, but at the moment he was not in the mood to apologize for it. He wanted to say something else.

"The prince is right." He bowed deeply and said, "We will never betray the prince."

Zhang Quanfu stood up for a while, and said seriously: "I still remember the scene where the prince exempted all of us for a year's rent without saying a word. You must be loyal to the prince. Not to mention that since the prince started the winery and soy sauce factory, there are so many peasants in our village who used to not have enough to eat, and now they have dry rice for every meal. Who would dare to forget this kind of favor? , my old man was the first to refuse."

He paused, and continued: "Although the young one is dull, he still understands a truth. The prince's money did not come from the strong wind. The prince built the winery and soy sauce factory to make money from the restaurant. If the prince can't make money Once the money is paid, the winery and soy sauce factory will not be able to continue to operate, and the good times of our village will come to an end. Therefore, please rest assured, no matter where we go, the whole village will never reveal the slightest secret of the prince. The old man dares to swear here, if anyone in Lantian County dares to reveal half a word of the prince's secret, the whole village in Lantian County will definitely let him die without a place to bury him!"

As the most famous elder in Lantian County, Zhang Quanfu's words are more effective than the laws of the Tang Dynasty to these villagers in Lantian County most of the time. He said that if those who leaked secrets were to die without a burial, then the inevitable end of the leakers would be the ashes of their bones.

With Zhang Quanfu's promise, Li Xin did have some peace of mind.

Wang Gui stood by and listened to Zhang Quanfu's words, and finally had some understanding of what Li Xin said about "the same interests". When he looked at Li Xin again, there was a little more admiration in his eyes.

Li Xin comforted Zhang Quanfu with a smile and said: "I have never doubted the loyalty of my farmer. However, there are some things you don't understand. You don't know how crazy those who hate me will be after my restaurant opens. So, I am sorry You have only one request, and that is to pay attention to safety."

Li Xin said seriously: "Once you are in danger, you don't have to worry about secrets or not. You can say anything casually. There is really no need to lose your life for these dead things. Life is more important than anything else. You guys My lord, I still have a lot of means, just wine and soy sauce, nothing more."

This is the truth, Li Xin still has an endless stream of tricks in his mind that are difficult to resist, even if he is dismantled by others, it will not have much impact, it just takes some twists and turns.

He pointed to Wang Gui and said, "I will indeed ask Wang Gui to send some palace guards to guard the winery and soy sauce factory, but only in these two places. The purpose is to prevent outsiders from sneaking in, not to monitor you. Of course, If you need any help from them, just say so, and they will try their best to protect you."

Zhang Quanfu didn't answer, just nodded in agreement one by one, as if he accepted Li Xin's explanation completely. However, he had already quietly made up his mind that if he really encountered someone putting a knife on his neck and asking him about Li Xin's secret, he would definitely use his own neck to try the knife to the end on the spot. How sharp it can be, I would rather die than reveal half a word!

This kind of determination, Li Xinguang naturally couldn't see the clue from his expression.

A few days later, on the bustling Dongshi Street, the plaque of Yixiaolou was hung high, and the big characters in gold on a black background looked quite luxurious in the cool wind.

Jiang Laofa, the shopkeeper of Yixiaolou, was sitting on the balcony on the third floor, frowning and looking at a place across the street.

There used to be a restaurant there, which was opened by a family who made a fortune by accident. His family thought they could establish a foothold in Chang'an East City with their little three-legged cat skills, so they even boldly opened their front door on the opposite street of Yixiao Building. Jiang Laofa just wanted to sneer at this.

Sure enough, after just half a year, this stupid restaurant completely closed down due to poor management. After that, Jiang Laofa didn't pay attention to that shop again, until about a month ago, the shop was suddenly taken down by the new owner, and it seemed that he was still going to open a restaurant.

Jiang Laofa was really dumbfounded: Where did the idiot come from? Didn't you know what the store was doing before you put it under the market, and why did you have to close down and change hands?

If you can ask clearly, how much money can you save?

While Jiang Laofa was thinking this way, he still couldn't help looking in the direction of the store with a relaxed mood.

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