Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 153 Hunger Marketing

Human nature is cheap, this is the ultimate truth that Li Xin has always believed in.

Just imagine, if human nature is not cheap, why do people always tend to think that the rarer the better? This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the so-called "hunger marketing" in later generations can succeed repeatedly and almost always.

We all know that the world changes, but human nature does not.

Li Xin deliberately arranged to give free wine for four consecutive days, and only give one hundred glasses each time.

Under this kind of clever marketing strategy from later generations, Quan Chang'an was really excited about the brand new wine "Erguotou". Whether it's those who actually drank the wine, or those who haven't even smelled it at all, they all praised the taste of Erguotou with one word. Because they all carry an imperceptible pre-thought in their subconscious - such a rare thing, absolutely extraordinary.

Even ordinary wine, under the support of people's thinking, may be passed on as a good product, or even a unique product, not to mention that Li Xin's Erguotou was originally a dimensionality reduction blow in the Tang Dynasty. There is no such thing as a rival wine, and he is the well-deserved king of wine. Naturally, it has been boasted even more magically, attracting countless people's attention, and even some nobles who have always been reserved can't help but make a move.

After Jiang Laofa returned to his own restaurant, the images of the servants of the aristocratic family shouting for Erguotou were still replaying in his mind, and the shadow in his heart became more and more intense. Naturally, he didn't understand what the so-called "marketing" was, but the conclusion he drew might not be a problem: the restaurant opposite was not simple, and I'm afraid it would be a serious problem for Yixiaolou in the future.

On the next day, Mr. Jiang originally sent a guy to queue up to get drinks at the opposite restaurant early. Unexpectedly, after the guy walked around there, he immediately ran back and told him that today the restaurant across the street would no longer serve wine for free. , because today is their official opening day.

Jiang Laofa couldn't help but think back to Wu's second son who had a bit of cerebral palsy, and couldn't help but sighed secretly again that there was indeed a huge difference between people. So, after he dealt with the chores in the store, he personally went to the opposite big red silk, mingled among the lively crowd, waiting for the moment when the huge red silk in front of him was unveiled.

Jiang Laofa tried his best to recall the scene when Yixiaolou opened, and he always felt that although it was lively at that time, it was not at such a scale in scale. Moreover, at that time, a large part of the people who came to congratulate the opening of the Yixiao Building came for the face of the owner behind the Yixiao Building. If this part of the people were excluded, there would be no way to compare with the grand occasion in front of us.

It is possible to attract so many people without relying on the influence of the owner behind it, if there is any extraordinary background behind this restaurant.

Jiang Laofa frowned, but immediately comforted himself in his heart and said: In Datang, there are only a handful of forces that can compete with his master, and these forces are trying to maintain at least superficial peace Generally speaking, it is impossible to be so blatantly provocative and open their restaurant opposite Yixiaolou, so the restaurant on the opposite side probably has no troublesome background.

Thinking of this, Jiang Laofa was a little relieved, and thought to himself: In this way, if the other party just has some secret recipe, it would be fine to spend some trouble to get the secret recipe. He has done a lot of this kind of thing, and he is familiar with it.

While thinking wildly like this, a protracted shout suddenly came from above everyone's heads.

"Auspicious—time—arrived! Open—open!"

When the voice fell, everyone below looked up and saw a row of musicians holding various musical instruments standing on the fence on the second floor. With the powerful shout just now, the musicians They started blowing and beating, and the lively and festive music immediately floated in the sky.

"Liang-plaque!" Another loud shout.

The red silk hanging on the restaurant, which had covered the real face of the restaurant for several days, finally fell at this moment, like a scarlet waterfall suddenly stopped, revealing the real face of the cliff behind.

Jiang Laofa narrowed his eyes slightly to make his sight clearer.

The pale golden sunlight fell on the plaque with a black background like Yixiaolou, making the large lacquered gold characters on it shine extraordinarily.

Long first floor. Three graceful and elegant Xingkai characters.

This is the name of this new restaurant.

Jiang Lao moved his lips and read these three words upside down several times, but he was stunned to understand the meaning. The name of the restaurant is generally catchy, and it is best to have some beautiful and auspicious meanings. For example, Yixiaolou, which contains the meaning of Bojun Yixiao, is a typical example.

But what does this "long first floor" mean? Is it taken from some verse?

Although Jiang Laofa is literate and not illiterate, he is not a real scholar after all, and he knows very little about poetry. So, he had no choice but to leave this question aside for the time being.

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