Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 157 Jiang Laofa's Mentality Breakdown

Jiang Lao raised his wine glass and put a sip of wine into his mouth. The unexpected spicy liquid immediately filled his mouth with the strong smell of alcohol, flowed into the esophagus along the back wall of his throat, and rolled into his stomach, exuding a scorching warmth from the inside out.

Jiang Laofa's face immediately turned red. He closed his eyes, and it took him several breaths to digest the blazing shock. Then he opened his eyes, took a long breath, and praised with emotion: "It really is good wine!"

Although he didn't want to admit it at all, Jiang Laofa had to say that compared with this Erguotou, their Sanlejiang in Yixiaolou was almost as weak as water, and it couldn't be called a kind of "wine".

Datang was a country established in the midst of raging wars, so the men of Datang always carry a kind of inexplicable passion and pride in their bones, and they act crisply and neatly without dragging their feet. Therefore, they prefer passionate spirits to lukewarm fruit wines. It can be said that Erguotou perfectly fits people's taste preferences.

Jiang Laofa knew very well how crazy Ancheng Quan Chang'an would be for such a good wine after Erguotou came out. He believed that even with this wine, Changyilou would be able to gain a firm foothold in Chang'an East City, and would seriously threaten the status of Yixiaolou.

what can we do about it? Where is Yixiaolou's chance of victory?

He closed his eyes and began to think hard, but to no avail.

The dishes ordered by Mr. Jiang finally started to be served one after another. The first thing that was served by the waiter was a large white bowl, in which lay a few greasy pieces of fat meat, exuding a tempting aroma.

Jiang Laofa narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly pointed to the meat in the bowl, and asked, "Is this... pork?" Maybe the sudden appearance of pork gave him a feeling that was too shocking, and he even forgot to continue thinking about Erguotou for a while. matter.

The waiter nodded and said with a smile, "Yes. This is our restaurant's signature dish, called braised pork."

Jiang Laofa wanted to laugh a little. He sneered and asked, "Pork for the guests? Is it your signature dish on the first floor? Pork?"

In the vast majority of restaurants and restaurants in the Tang Dynasty, the most common meat is fish and poultry, such as chicken and duck. Beef is absolutely rare, because Datang forbids the private slaughter of farm cattle. And mutton is not affordable for ordinary people. Most people are satisfied if they can eat haggis soup every few days.

Pork is cheap meat, the kind of meat only eaten by the humble poor who have no choice. This is the common sense of Datang. Except for roadside stalls and wine shops, there is absolutely no big restaurant that will serve pork out to entertain guests in a grand manner, which is simply a kind of humiliation to the guests.

Although the expression on his face was very serious, as if he was questioning, but Jiang Laofa was actually relieved in his heart—heh, serving pork to the guests? If it's just a small shop, then maybe it's justifiable, and it fits the bill, but it's not on the first floor, it's a big restaurant in Dongshi! The customers it faces are rich people and nobles who travel to and from the East City. Do these people eat pork?

On such an occasion, don't you think it is ridiculous to have such an excellent waiter bring pork to the customers' tables? Especially at the moment, what is placed next to the pork is a green-glazed wine glass filled with such good wine as Erguotou, just like a beautiful container that should hold rare treasures is filled with broken copper and rotten iron. Disappointed?

And the more disappointing the first floor was, the happier Jiang Laofa was, and even the shadow in his heart gradually decreased a little.

Faced with the customer's question, the waiter bowed and showed a standard apologetic smile: "I am very sorry to disappoint the customer. But I still have to explain to the customer that the braised pork in our restaurant has been tried by many diners, and they all agree that It is very delicious, so it has become the signature dish of our restaurant. If customers are willing to try it, they may like it. Of course, if the customer insists on refusing to eat this dish, please let the maid remove it for you? This dish You will also be exempted from paying for the food. How do you feel about this?"

When Mr. Jiang heard the words, his face remained calm, but he couldn't help feeling emotional again, praising the high-level waiters for improving the dining experience. Although it was annoying to see the waiter serving pork on the first floor, the waiter here solved the problem perfectly: apologizing immediately, tactfully suggesting that customers try it, and proposing a very reasonable solution along the way , so that people can't get angry at all.

In contrast, those untidy little girls in my family are really indescribable.

Jiang Laofa waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, since it's up, there's no need to take it down, I'm not short of this money, you go."

"Thank you." The waiter bowed and stepped back.

Jiang Laofa shook his head, picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in front of his eyes, nodded, and murmured: "It's really soft, but pork is pork, and it will never be on the table." , he put the fragrant braised pork into his mouth, and for a while, his lips and teeth were fragrant.

Delicious without any smell of pork in the impression

It was very strange that even though he was eating delicious food, Jiang Laofa's mood fell to the bottom in an instant, and his heart was once again occupied by a shadow that was too thick to dissolve.

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