Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 171 Pork is also the national economy and the people's livelihood!

Therefore, Li Xin briefly explained the relationship between castration and the smell of pork to Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

After hearing this, Li Shimin said slowly: "Then, as long as the pig is castrated when it is still young, the meat will not smell bad when it grows up?"

Li Xin nodded and said, "Exactly."

Empress Changsun said with a smile: "It's thanks to you that you can think of such a strange method."

Li Shimin agreed: "Indeed. I don't see him being so attentive in normal business."

Li Xin called Qu Qu for himself: "Why is pork not a serious matter? As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. In my opinion, it is much more important than the things His Majesty is usually busy with!"

When Empress Changsun heard the words, she immediately restrained her smile, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? Can you compare the things you say to make money with your majesty? Hurry up and apologize to your majesty, lest you regret it when you are hit by the board!"

In her opinion, Li Xin's words were already very deviant and outrageous. Although she loves Li Xin very much, she never relents when it is time to discipline her strictly, so Li Xin always respects, loves and fears her.

However, this time, Li Xin shook his head and said firmly: "Weichen thinks what he said is right, so he doesn't apologize."

"You say again?" Empress Changsun raised her brows, obviously a little more angry than before.

Li Shimin looked at Li Xin thoughtfully from the side, smiled and persuaded Empress Changsun, "It's alright, alright, Guanyin maidservant, don't be so angry. Since this kid dares to say that, he probably has his fallacies. Why don't we Listen to him before you speak, if what you say is unreasonable, it will not be too late to hit him again."

Seeing that the emperor also said the same thing, Empress Changsun could only snort coldly and fell silent for the time being.

Li Xin bowed his hands to Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, and said: "Your Majesty, Madam, I am not just talking about it. The cooking method of pork is definitely not just a small matter of talking about it, but a matter related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. big deal!"

Empress Changsun finally did not express any dissatisfaction, but just listened calmly, waiting for Li Xin's next words. She is such a straightforward woman, since she agreed to listen to Li Xin's explanation, she will not express any dissatisfaction until Li Xin finishes explaining.

Li Shimin nodded with great interest, and said, "Just tell me."

From the last time Li Xin took out the horseshoe, Li Shimin understood one thing - this kid Li Xin is a treasure trove, maybe he has something good in his mind.

If these things are thought about by them, the older generation, I am afraid that they will not be able to think of any reason after thinking about it. However, if Li Xin is willing to mention a few words casually, it can have an excellent effect in an instant, and sometimes it is even better than Jin Wanliang and thousands of troops. Therefore, no matter what Li Xin said, as long as he was serious, Li Shimin didn't mind listening to it.

Anyway, use it if you can, as long as it is beneficial to Datang, it will be a big profit; if you can't use it, there is no loss, and you can find excuses to kick Li Xin and scold him for being whimsical, which is very helpful to express the depression in your heart , happy mood, but also physical exercise, just in line with the wishes of the great Li Er Majesty, why not do it?

Of course Li Xin didn't know that His Majesty Li Er, who was in front of him with a serious expression, had such "vicious" thoughts in his heart, otherwise he would have to yell "shameless old thief" before he would give up.

He cleared his throat and said, "May I ask what your majesty thinks this dish made of pork tastes like? Among so many people who came to the first floor today, how many people don't like it?"

Li Shimin thought for a while, and said, "Even if there are, they should be very few."

Li Xin nodded, and said immodestly: "My thoughts are the same as His Majesty's. I believe that after today, many people will like pork dishes. This is exactly the result I want."

Li Shimin hummed lightly and raised his voice, expressing his doubts.

Li Xin further explained: "Many people like pork, which means that some people are willing to spend money to buy pork. If this is the case, of course some people will raise pigs and sell pork. What a huge industry this is!"

He paused and said: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it? Pigs are animals that can eat anything. It is easy to raise and grows a lot of meat. Why is no one raising them? Is it because pork has a taste and is unpalatable?" Well, everyone is unwilling to eat this kind of cheap meat? But if the fishy smell of pork can be removed, everyone will become willing to eat pork, so what?"

Li Shimin remained silent, seemingly in a daze, but actually thinking quickly. After all, he is a very smart person. He just didn't think about it before, but now that Li Xin reminded him, he quickly understood.

Pork was originally eaten by few people, but after the castration method invented by Li Xin, coupled with special cooking methods, it can become a praised delicacy and accepted by the world. Obviously, this will greatly increase the value of pork. From then on, tens of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty will add a kind of livestock worth raising, and every household can obtain an extra income by raising pigs.

What a matter!

Li Xin looked at the change of Li Shimin's expression, and knew that he had probably understood it, so he said, "How many people will benefit from this, I dare not think about it, and I can't think about it. I only hope that there are so many hardworking Tangzis in the world." The villagers can only eat a meal of meat every now and then. If there is such a day, I am afraid that I will wake up laughing from my dream."

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