Li Xin scratched his head and smiled, didn't say anything more, just confused the topic.

Li Shimin looked at Li Xin, shook his head with a smile, and his eyes fell on the several dishes in front of him.

From meat to internal organs, pig intestines, which are dirty even if you think about it, can become delicious food. These breeding and cooking methods that Li Xin has thought up with great pains seem to be just to satisfy the appetite, but in fact they are not too big. A valuable pig has become an extremely valuable livestock, and this achievement is no less than capturing a medium-sized city.

Of course meritorious service should be rewarded, how should reward be rewarded?

Li Shimin was a little nervous.

Li Xin's title was inherited from his father Li Xuandao, and it was the highest title in the Tang Dynasty, and there was no way for him to be promoted. Moreover, he does not have any official position, so the words "enhance an official and become a noble" are meaningless to him.

Unless Li Shimin forcibly rewards Li Xin with an official position, that would be interesting. However, Li Xin has such a lazy temperament, and if he is forced to reward him with an official position, he may not be happy about it, and that would not be called a reward.

After thinking about it, is it possible that rewarding money is the only way to go?

Li Shimin shook his head after thinking about it, thinking that rewarding money was too tacky, so he dismissed the idea.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that Li Xin has no mind reading skills and cannot see through Li Shimin's thoughts, otherwise he would have to kneel on the ground with snot and tears begging Li Shimin not to give up the idea of ​​rewarding money.

What's wrong with vulgar? I, Li Xin, like to be vulgar, and I am unbearably vulgar, please don't be polite, just let me become more vulgar! I thank you all!

Finally, Li Shimin came up with a way, and even he himself couldn't help being satisfied with this idea.

He opened his mouth and said: "Seeing that you are somewhat concerned about sharing my worries, let me write a few more words for you."

Li Xin was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What word?"

Li Shimin rolled his eyes, and said: "You are stupid when you should be smart? Who wrote your restaurant signboard? That word is too delicate to be used as a signboard. Do you want me to rewrite a few for you?"

The inscription clearly stated by the emperor means that the inscription will be stamped with the emperor's private seal. Everyone will know that this is the Royal Letter written by the Holy Majesty, and it is an honor that no one can refuse.

However, Li Xin shook his head shamelessly, and said, "I like this sign quite a bit, so let's hang it like this. Why don't your Majesty help me inscription something else?"

Zhao Ke, who had always been a transparent person by the side, turned green on the spot when he heard this: Is it possible to bargain for the emperor's reward? My lord, is this too presumptuous? It's over.

Li Shimin also frowned subtly, a little displeased.

How did he know that the plaque Li Xin hung outside that read "Long First Floor" was actually written by Chen Youlan.

There is no reason for it, and there is even no commemorative significance. Li Xin simply thinks that if this signboard is written by the future proprietress of the first floor, it should be a very interesting thing.

Chen Youlan repeatedly shied away, saying that her handwriting was not good-looking, and she was not suitable for being a shop's facade signboard, but Li Xin insisted that she write it. In the end, she was so entangled that she had no choice but to hold back her shame, and exhausted her "lifelong skills" to write the very neat three characters "Changyilou".

Although she practiced hard for several days and tried her best to write masculinely, there is still a delicateness in the font, which is difficult to hide from the eyes of experts.

Chen Youlan was dissatisfied with these words, but Li Xin was very satisfied, and immediately happily ordered people to make signs according to these words.

At that time, Chen Youlan looked at Li Xin, and didn't know what to say for a while, but she felt a distinct and subtle feeling of happiness in her heart.

So, of course, it is impossible for Li Xin to replace the one written by Chen Youlan just because the emperor wants to help him write a signboard. How is that different from a scumbag who forgets his old love when he has a new love?

Li Shimin didn't expect that he would be rejected, and he was slightly upset, but he didn't go into it. Anyway, it’s just writing a piece of writing, so why not write?

Moreover, Li Shimin was also a little curious about what Li Xin wanted him to write.

He asked: "So, what do you want me to write?"

As soon as Li Xin said this, before Li Xin could speak, Zhao Ke's whole body was petrified: What? That's all it is? Can you really bargain?

Li Xin didn't feel that there was anything too wrong, and said carelessly: "The furniture store that I want to open still needs a name, and I dare to give it to you."

Hearing this, Li Shimin nodded slightly. Although he was a little surprised by Li Xin's request, it was still reasonable.

After instructing Zhao Ke to fetch a pen and paper, Li Shimin asked, "Tell me, what's your name?"

When Li Xin heard this, two words suddenly appeared in his mind with an evil taste.

It must be interesting if it is called this name, right?

Thinking of this, Li Xin blurted out: "IKEA! The right one, the home of the family."

Li Shimin read it silently, and said with a smile: "You can think of it, it's really the best way to describe furniture." After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and in a short while, the word "IKEA" was left on the paper. Character.

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