Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 176 Zheng Taoyuan's Preferences

Datang 176

It seems to be a matter of course for men to like young and beautiful girls. No one would think there was anything wrong with this, but a man who doesn't like young girls always makes people feel that something is not normal.

And Zheng Taoyuan is just such a man who doesn't like young girls.

He just couldn't understand, what's so good about those teenage girls? To put it nicely, it would be ignorant of worldly affairs, or naive, or to put it harshly, wouldn't that be stupid?

Moreover, a teenage girl hasn't grown up at all, she always has a kind of immature childishness, she wants to have breasts without breasts, buttocks without buttocks, and she can't even tell the front and back after blowing the light, how can there be a mature woman? Style?

In Zheng Taoyuan's view, the most beautiful time in a woman's life is when she is over thirty and under forty. They have experienced the world, and they have matured to a certain extent, both physically and psychologically, and there is a kind of charm that girls don't have in their gestures. Not to mention, in bed alone, a mature woman can let go of her reserve and cooperate with a man, this is a different experience far better than the shyness of a girl!

Anyway, Zheng Taoyuan doesn't care about others, he prefers wives himself. Every time he went to the brothel, his friends would hug the little girl and make out with them, while he was a middle-aged lady who still had a charm in his own way, and he enjoyed it. For this reason, he was laughed at not once or twice, but he didn't take it seriously, he just said to his friends: "You don't understand women."

Today, the long first floor opens. Zheng Taoyuan has long heard that there is a kind of wine on the first floor of Chang'an, which is far better than any other good wine before, and the whole Chang'an city is full of uproar. His greatest hobby is wives, followed by good wine. Of course, it is impossible to miss such a grand event, so he came to Dongshi early in the morning and sat down among the first batch of people who entered the restaurant.

Afterwards, it was normal ordering and drinking, talking and laughing with friends by the way.

Zheng Taoyuan had a good impression of Changyilou. Most of the restaurant's waiters and waiters are run by men, but not on the first floor. A group of uniformly dressed women shuttle among the guests, serving drinks and dishes with smiles, and their words are always cordial. And respect, it makes people feel comfortable.

And Zheng Taoyuan felt even more comfortable than most of the other people present. Because the vast majority of these waitresses are mature women in their thirties, and they all have good facial features. At least roughly, they don't make people feel particularly ugly-of course. The family members of these prisoners were all ladies in the early years, so it was hard to see where to go, and Li Xin specially selected a group of better-looking ones to serve as waiters, and they also had such beautiful clothes to bless. Generally speaking, the waiters on the first floor are definitely very capable in terms of appearance and temperament.

It is conceivable that Zheng Taoyuan felt that he was like an ant that fell into a honey jar, looking around at random, and there were targets worthy of his covetousness.

Enduring for a long time, until a waitress with an excellent figure came to serve Zheng Taoyuan's table, Zheng Taoyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the woman's hand, and said something very clichéd The usual line: "Hey, don't rush to go, have a drink with me."

After all, "two drinks" is not too much to ask. The unacceptable thing about this incident is that both the person who said it and the person who heard it know that this incident will never stop at "drink two glasses" degree. The term "increase" was originally invented for this purpose.

After all, the waiter was professionally trained, wiped away Zheng Taoyuan's hand without leaving any traces, and said with a strong sense of shame, "I'm sorry, but the servant is working now, and according to the regulations, you can't drink alcohol. I wish you a happy meal." , she turned around and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Zheng Taoyuan stretched out his hand quickly, grabbed her again relentlessly, and said with a smile: "What rules are not stipulated, are you so defiant? Do you know who I am? Mr. Zheng Bowen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites My son, let you drink with me because I think highly of you, don't be ignorant of flattery!"

While speaking, Zheng Taoyuan tried hard to pull the waiter into his arms. The waiter also immediately understood Zheng Taoyuan's intentions and struggled hastily. She has let go of those excessive self-esteem and has become a laborer who relies on her hands for food, but she is absolutely unwilling to let go of her last self-love and become a self-deprecating woman.

The two couldn't stop arguing, and the other sons and boys at the same table laughed and watched the show, and perfectly wrote a line of comments to "watching the excitement is not a big deal".

Seeing this, other waiters immediately came over to try to make a rescue, but after Zheng Taoyuan revealed his identity, the family members of these prisoners who should have been filled in the Jiaofang Division immediately lost their confidence and just dragged their own Colleagues, but dare not resist too fiercely.

Zheng Taoyuan was very angry about this, and was about to say something more, but suddenly heard a clear and powerful female voice behind him.

"What's going on here?"

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