Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 183 Pork's

As the saying goes, it is not too late to make up for it. Now that they have seen the benefits of raising pigs with their own eyes, the villagers in Lantian County are of course thinking about it. This time, no one doubted Li Xin's words anymore, and every household put all their energy into the wave of raising pigs.

This kind of irrational decision-making is inherently risky. Because once the production capacity of pork is increased too fast and exceeds market demand, the original seller's market will immediately turn into a buyer's market, and the price of pork will plummet like a dive.

However, this is the initial stage of the pork market after all. As more and more people have tasted the delicacy of pork on Changyilou, this market has grown rapidly with an extremely barbaric attitude. Countless diners are waiting to be fed, and the major restaurants in Chang'an City, as well as countless wine shops and even market vendors are gearing up, focusing on the profits behind the pork.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to fill the gap in pork supply or even reverse the market shape by relying on the pork production capacity of Lantian County alone.

In the words of later generations, Li Xin single-handedly created this "venture" for pork. On this vent, even if the villagers in Lantian County hop around without thinking, they can fly smoothly.

Therefore, Li Xin did not restrict Lantian County's pig raising business at ease, and even allowed Wang Gui to release some interest-free loans reasonably to encourage villagers to raise pigs.

No way, a new industry is like a new shoot, it is normal to need some extra watering.

Li Xin didn't think too much about it, he just followed the routine of supporting industries in later generations, but in the eyes of the villagers in Lantian County, this was simply a great favor.

In Datang, the landlord class controlled a lot of wealth. Their main way of managing money is to lend, and to grow their wealth by earning interest.

And, besides that, lending money was also the key to the growth of small landlords into big ones.

To put it simply, poor peasants use their land as collateral to borrow money from rich landlords. After a period of time, either the peasants tide over the difficulties and repay the money smoothly; Become a tenant farmer who rents land from the landlord to cultivate, and can only live on the breath of the landlord.

It is not difficult to see that in this process, the landlord can be said to be invincible, regardless of whether the peasants have to pay back the money, he will still be profitable. This is the so-called "land merger" that we often see in history books.

Putting aside the redundant part for the time being, with the countless unscrupulous landlords in Tang Dynasty as a backdrop, Li Xin's behavior of giving out interest-free loans will appear to many villagers in Lantian County as selfless and noble. You can imagine it with your toes.

This was another part that Li Xin hadn't expected at all. He always wanted to be an unscrupulous dude prince, but for some reason, his painting style clearly deviated from the direction of "selfless dedication for the country and the people".

What went wrong?

Li Xin stroked his chin and thought about it seriously, and said to himself: "Could it be necessary to rob a group of women in the village to let them know my true face, Li Papi? Then they will fear me and won't treat the evil feudal The landlord class has beautiful illusions?"

As soon as this idea came out, Li Xin dismissed it immediately.

First, Lantian County does not produce civilian women worthy of being robbed; second, given the current super high favorability of Li Xin among the villagers in Lantian County, there is no possibility of him "robbing civilian women" at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that no matter who Li Xin has his eyes on, as long as he ticks off with his finger, that girl will follow Li Xin and leave with all sincerity. The mother drove into the palace with her own hands.

Thinking of such a scene, Li Xin couldn't help but twitched his brows.

Forget it, forget it, if you want to be a good guy, you can just make do with it, and just make do with being a good person for a few days. Oh, it's so hard.

Before the second batch of pork in Lantian County matures, the pork market will continue to be in short supply. The first floor of the company has temporarily withdrawn several pork-related signature dishes from the menu. The huge market in Chang'an roared with hunger for pork.

As a result, the smarter farmers in several counties around Chang'an tried to drive their pigs to Chang'an for sale. Unexpectedly, they could not sell much at all. After the people in the various restaurants bought these ordinary pork and went back, they found that no matter what method they used, they couldn't get rid of the fishy smell from the pork as clean as the first floor, and there was no way to serve it to the customers. After that, of course they will not continue to buy these ordinary pork.

Li Xin looked at the timing and felt that it was almost time, so he ordered the villagers in Lantian County to gradually disclose the secret methods of castrating pigs and slaughtering pigs and bloodletting to relatives and friends in several surrounding counties.

As a result, pigs, a creature that was not paid much attention to by many people, and even stigmatized by many people, finally won the attention it should have earned.

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