Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 194 Everything is Good

After leaving Cheng's mansion, Li Xin got into his car directly, and urged: "Go quickly, go to the imperial city." As soon as the words fell, two whips rang, and the wheels of the car began to roll quickly. The car was speeding on the wide road, and the pedestrians gave way one after another. Some of them subconsciously wanted to yell, but luckily they were stopped by the people around them in time.

In Chang'an, the only people who can ride in this weird carriage with a front hanging are the people from Chu Palace. If the words are rude and happen to be overheard, why not be picked up by the lawless king of Chu?

After being reminded by the kind-hearted person, everyone covered their mouths to avoid any voice of dissatisfaction.

Naturally, Li Xin would not know about these things, after all, all he was thinking about was Zhao Ke's affairs. How could he bear such grievances when his subordinates were lost for no apparent reason? Are you still in Chang'an in the future?

Soon, the carriage stopped outside the imperial city.

Li Xin went straight to the Tai Chi Hall, and immediately discovered that the furnishings in the hall had changed a lot. The biggest change is that the small desk on which Li Shimin used to review memorials disappeared, replaced by a large desk with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, and there is almost no second flat place except the desktop. It can't be more exaggerated to look up. If any furniture designer in the future dares to design this kind of furniture, he will definitely be dismissed as an idiot!

Of course, Li Xin felt a little guilty when he said this. Because the person who designed the desk in front of him is none other than himself.

To be honest, he didn't like this kind of gaudy painting style, but there was no way, this thing was for Li Shimin after all. Who is Li Shimin? The dignified real dragon emperor! You give him the Nordic minimalist style furniture of the later generations, and he still thinks that you are making him poor, and it will be light to reward you when the time comes.

What's more, from a practical point of view, this desk should be placed in the Tai Chi Hall. If it is made too simple, it will not match the surrounding furnishings at all, and it will make it even more inconsistent-this is like being in a magnificent palace. There is an extremely simple Japanese-style tatami mat in the European-style villa. Do you say that it violates harmony?

The style of furniture and architecture must be unified. This is a basic principle of design.

All in all, it is indeed a little uncomfortable to look at the desk alone, but when you look at the Tai Chi Hall from an overall perspective, you won't feel that way, and instead it complements each other faintly. What's more, this aesthetic tendency of liking simple style is still a bad problem brought by Li Xin from later generations. If he is a native of Tang Dynasty, he may only think that this desk is beautiful!

After all, people's aesthetics in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty was like this, they liked complexity, blooming, and clusters of flowers. That is the subtle influence of Datang Xiongfeng in people's blood.

Ever since His Majesty Li Er got the artifacts such as the desk and the back chair, the blood of the workaholic in his body seems to have been completely awakened. He works from morning to night every day, and he can go up to the fifth floor without any effort. feel. The same is true today.

After Li Xin saluted, Li Shimin looked up at Li Xin, and immediately said with a smile: "You kid, if you don't do your job properly, what you make is good stuff."

Li Xin originally thought that Li Shimin was talking about the desk and chair in front of him, and was about to speak, but he heard Li Shimin continue: "You gave Runde the horseshoe last time, and I asked the Ministry of Industry to quickly forge a batch and send it to Beijing. The result was beyond my expectation. Yesterday, General Hu Chengen returned a memorial, saying that this horseshoe is so good that he would rather not have a two-year salary than ask me to give him another batch! Boy , you did a good job this time."

Li Xin usually does not act righteously, but he would not be stupid at such a juncture. He stood at attention immediately, cupped his hands and said, "This humble minister is just a bit of a fan of tricks and tricks, and I dare not take credit for it. On the contrary, Lord Hu Chengen would rather not have a salary, but would rather Asking His Majesty for equipment to enrich the frontier army, this kind of loyalty is really touching. I congratulate Your Majesty for this loyal and brave man!"

Li Shimin was obviously in a good mood, he shook his head with a big smile, and said, "Okay, just forget about those pretty words. I've finished what I wanted to say, why did you come to me this time? Tell me, while Now that I am in a good mood, I can just say what I want.”

Hearing this, Li Xin thought to himself: You asked me to say this! The promise of the emperor, of course, must be used on the spot if it can be used. Although it is a joke, who knows when the emperor's mind will change?

"Your Majesty is wise. I really want to ask Your Majesty for help when I am here this time." Li Xin bowed his body and cupped his hands.

"Oh? Xin'er also needs my help sometimes?" Li Shimin teased with a smile, and said, "Then you can tell me. What's the matter? How can I help you?"

Li Xin didn't hesitate at all, and said: "A servant in Weichen's family has disappeared. We sent people to search for a day but couldn't find it. I suspect that someone might have kidnapped him on purpose. Weichen is afraid that after a long time, The other party will hurt her. Therefore, I would like to ask His Majesty to immediately mobilize one or two guards to conduct a thorough search inside and outside Chang'an City, so as to rescue her as soon as possible."

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