Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 202 Madness against Lu Zheng

"Is it Mr. Lu? Do you know me?" Li Xin stepped forward a few steps, and shouted into the cell with a smile.

Lu Zheng and Sun Xing in the cell immediately followed the sound. Lu Zheng shouted excitedly: "Who are you? Why did you arrest me? If you are sensible, let me go quickly. I promise that the Lu family will not pursue what happened today, otherwise."

Lu Zheng had never seen Li Xin himself, so he naturally didn't know who Li Xin was, so he could only yell now.

"Otherwise what?" Li Xin asked with a sneer.

Lu Zheng gritted his teeth and stared at Li Xin, saying: "No matter who you are, if you dare to provoke my Fan Yang Lu family, you will definitely die! When I get out from here, I will definitely."

The corners of Li Xin's eyes twitched, he turned his head to look at Wang Gui, and said speechlessly, "Is the Lu family all such idiots?"

Wang Gui pondered for a moment, then seriously replied: "I don't know either."

The conversation between the two did not lower the volume at all, Lu Zheng heard it clearly, and immediately flew into a rage.

However, Li Xin didn't wait for Lu Zheng to speak, and asked in a cold voice: "What gave you the illusion that you can go out? What kind of place do you think this is? It's so easy to get out after you come in?"

Lu Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and the anger on his face dissipated a bit, but then he yelled out sternly: "Stop bluffing me! I'm a child of the Lu family, how dare you hurt me? If the family finds out , can you bear the consequences? Make a price, I know you are asking for money"

Li Xin laughed loudly, and said: "You think I don't know that you are just a concubine of the Lu family? Will the Lu family really go to war for a concubine? You asked me to make a price, heh, can you really afford it? Besides , even if you are not a bastard, if I moved you in such a place, would anyone in this world really know?"

Being at an absolute disadvantage without knowing it, but still barking its teeth and claws, hoping to use the family's reputation to scare others away, I have to say, this is really naive. Don't even think about it, if others are really afraid of you, Fan Yang Lu, why bother to catch you?

Lu Zheng's psychological defense was completely defeated, and his face turned gray and defeated. He looked at Li Xin and asked slowly, "Who the hell are you? Why are you trying to get along with me?"

Li Xin shook his head.

I still don't understand the situation until now, Lu Zheng is really a complete idiot. In that case, it's not surprising that he can do such a thing.

"Let me introduce myself. I am King Chu, the boss of the first floor. Zhao Ke, whom you sent someone to arrest a few days ago, is my subordinate." Li Xin said calmly.

When Lu Zheng heard this, his eyes widened and his face became ugly. He had always had some guesses in his heart, but he just didn't dare to believe it. It wasn't until Li Xin said it plainly at this moment that his mind finally had no room to escape, and he could only face the answer—this was the revenge of the Chu Palace.

Ever since he confessed to Jiang Laofa what he had done that day, Lu Zheng has been immersed in fear. Jiang Laofa told Lu Chuan everything that the situation had improved. Lu Chuanfa was so angry that he almost fell ill. He immediately ordered Lu Zheng and Sun Xing to return to the family headquarters. He will report the matter to the family and ask for severe punishment.

There is nothing Lu Zheng can do about this, he can only choose to accept it. So, he and Sun Xing boarded the carriage far away from Chang'an in despair. Unexpectedly, within two days after setting off, their carriage was stopped by someone.

Lu Zheng thought he was a bandit at first, but he didn't expect that the other party would knock him out without saying a word. When he woke up, he found himself imprisoned in this cell with Sun Xing.

"King of Chu." Lu Zheng repeated it in a low voice, then raised his head and asked, "What on earth do you want? Just because I captured a small shopkeeper in your family, you just arrested me here? Don't you think it's ridiculous? ?”

"The implication is that my little shopkeeper is really not worthy to be compared with your dignified son of the Lu family, so it is not worth taking revenge on you for her?" Li Xin asked with a sneer.

Lu Zheng didn't answer, and stared at Li Xin quietly.

"Don't say any more ridiculous things to me. Do you think that you, a concubine of the Lu family, are really more noble than others?" Li Xin couldn't help sneering, "In my opinion, don't say it's my Chu Palace. A little shopkeeper in my house is more important than you, even my little maid who sweeps the floor and cooks in the Chu Palace is a hundred times more important than you.

Look at you, you are ugly, your brain is not good, your status is low, you are useless. Where did you get such a good sense of yourself? "

Lu Zheng was ashamed and angry, but he didn't say much after all. Because he dare not. He finally realized his situation under the roof at the moment.

"Anyone who dares to move me, the King of Chu, must have the awareness to pay the price. Indeed, you, Fan Yang Lu, are very strong and powerful, but my Chu Palace." Li Xin said with a smile, and said, "Not afraid."

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