Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 215 Only one thing is wrong

"Ah?" Yang Xu has never seen such a person who can turn his face faster than a book. He almost couldn't sit still in his chair. He got up quickly and said, "My lord! My lord! Listen to the villain's explanation!"

Li Xin raised his brows slightly, and raised his hand to stop the movement of the guard who heard the sound and walked into the front hall.

"Is there anything to explain? Is there something wrong with my understanding?" Li Xin snorted coldly, "You know that my furniture business is in some trouble, but you come here at this time and tell me to Sell ​​me ready-made furniture, why, want to take advantage of the fire?"

Yang Xu laughed and cried in his heart. At this moment, in his eyes, Li Xin's performance is completely a wayward boy, not like a mature adult at all. But that's fine too, based on his experience, the more willful, impulsive and easily irritated young man is, the easier it is to deceive.

It's a pity that Yang Xu's thoughts cannot be known by other people, otherwise Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin, Chen Yin and other old foxes will definitely not be able to resist whipping him!

What pig brain? Who are you talking about cheating? Are you saying that writing casually is a chapter handed down from generation to generation like "Shi Shuo", Li Xin, who can make the top bigwigs of the Tang Dynasty willingly give up the 400,000-guan betrothal gift with just two iron bars, is a good liar people? Is it right? do you mean that

If even such a difficult little fox is easy to deceive, then what are the ministers above the court? Who are you disgusting?

Tut tut, what a pity.

Yang Xu had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he said with sorrow and sincerity on his face: "The prince has wronged the villain! The villain really came here to share the worries of the prince! Although the furniture in the hands of the villain cannot be given away for free My lord, but the villain can assure you that he will never charge you too much!"

"Oh?" Li Xin responded subtly, as if encouraging Yang Xu to continue.

Yang Xu thought the plan worked out, and immediately said: "The quantity of furniture in the hands of the villain definitely meets the needs of the prince! And the quality is guaranteed!"

Li Xin was noncommittal.

"This batch of furniture is roughly divided into three types: large, medium and small according to the amount of materials used. If the prince is willing to buy, the small piece is 30 yuan, the middle piece is 50 yuan, and the large piece is 100 yuan. If the prince is willing to buy all of them If so, the villain can make the decision, as long as 8000 guan is enough!" Yang Xu clasped his fists in both hands, and said with spit flying all over the place. Looking at his posture, I think it was just like this in ancient times when loyal ministers remonstrated with the monarch.

Seeing that Li Xin didn't answer right away, Yang Xu continued to persuade: "I don't have talent, I still know the pricing of IKEA furniture. According to the villain, at this price, the prince still has a very lucrative profit margin." Just imagine, as long as you accept this batch of ready-made furniture, how much time and labor will the prince save? This is not a small amount!"

Li Xin finally nodded slowly, as if he was completely convinced by Yang Xu. He said seriously: "Indeed, you are right."

Yang Xu laughed in his heart when he heard this, but there was only an appropriate amount of joy on his face, and he said hastily, "Then, my lord."

"Listen to me." Li Xin rolled his eyes.

"Say what you say!" Yang Xu replied very respectfully.

"You make a lot of sense." Li Xin nodded and said, "But... there is still one thing that doesn't make a lot of sense."

"Ah? What does the prince think is wrong? Although speaking, as long as the villain has the ability to solve it, the villain will definitely solve it!" Yang Xu said, patting his chest.

Li Xin was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "It's just that you treat me like a fool from the beginning to the end. It's very inappropriate!"

This sentence was not loud, and there was no so-called "murderous intent" or "coercion" in it, but when it reached Yang Xu's ears, it was like thunder falling from the nine heavens. His ears were buzzing. He couldn't see what it was like when his face turned pale in an instant, otherwise he would definitely doubt whether he was a living person or a mummy crawling out of the grave.

"My lord, my lord, don't be joking!" Yang Xu squeezed out a smile and said, "The villain has always been very respectful to his lord, where did he say such disrespectful words? Haha."

"Oh?" The smile on Li Xin's face was completely different from before, and people couldn't help but think of cats who kept teasing their prey and were not in a hurry to eat them.

Yang Xu's back was covered with cold sweat.

"If you don't treat me as a fool, why do you think I would buy this batch of furniture in your hands?" Li Xin asked with a smile, "With IKEA here, I would like to ask you, who else bought this batch of furniture in your hands?" Tables, chairs and furniture? It’s just a batch of unsalable rotten goods, and the small ones are 30 yuan, and the big ones are 100 yuan? Do you think I don’t know your cost? The small pieces do not exceed 20 yuan, and the large pieces do not exceed 60 yuan Wen. What? Can’t help but want to sell these useless crap to me, and also want to make a profit of 30% or 40% from it? Do you think you are too smart, or do you think I am too stupid? "

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