Pale golden sunlight flooded the well-arranged houses below, and the carriage stopped slowly at the entrance of the village. Wang Gui, who was driving the car, turned his head and whispered into the curtained carriage behind him: "My lord, we are here."

Li Xin replied with some displeasure: "Understood." Then he reluctantly got up from Chen Youlan's shoulder, and by the way gave Chen Youlan a smirk, which made her blush.

Ever since he personally visited Chen Yin in the Chen Manor and met Chen Youlan's second brother Chen Xinheng, the relationship between Li Xin and Chen Youlan was obviously much closer than before. It is common for Chen Youlan to disguise herself as a man to visit the Chu Palace. For example, when Chen Xiaoxiang and the others worked hard to rehearse "Legend of the White Snake" a few days ago, she was the most loyal audience.

It is certainly not uncommon for these two people to share a carriage. So this time, Li Xin even pretended to be dozing off, and restlessly leaned his head on Chen Youlan's soft shoulder. The pleasant smell from Chen Youlan's body kept coming into his nose, which made him feel a kind of warmth and peace of mind.

At first, Chen Youlan was a little uncomfortable, but in the end she still didn't escape, and let Li Xin rub the rogue on her shoulder. She couldn't help but tilt her head several times to peek at Li Xin's sleepy eyes, wanting to see if he was really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping, but unexpectedly, Li Xin didn't open his eyes, and asked directly: "Do I look good? "

"What a ghost." Chen Youlan quickly turned her gaze elsewhere, and said in a very disgusted tone.

Xiaoling sat on the other side of the carriage holding Runniang, both of them covered their mouths, their eyes narrowed into slits when they laughed.

Stepping off the carriage, Li Xin stretched comfortably, breathing in the fresh air of Lantian County, which is comparable to the farmhouses of later generations. While arranging the clothes that were messed up by someone, Chen Youlan walked up to someone and stood beside him.

"I can't believe that this place was still the same half a year ago." Chen Youlan looked around and said with some emotion.

When Chen Youlan came to Lantian County for the first time, most of the villagers lived in simple adobe houses, really simple ones, and some didn't even have doors and windows. To put it nicely, it is called "do not pick up lost things on the road, and do not close the house at night", but to put it bluntly, there is actually nothing to "pick up lost things" on the road, and there are no doors and windows to close at home.

However, now, almost all the houses have been well repaired and become stronger and more beautiful. Several houses have even demolished their old houses and built small buildings with two or three floors. It's also very stylish.

Li Xin nodded, looked at such a scene, and asked with a very blunt smile: "Then let me ask you, whose credit is this?"

Chen Youlan rolled her eyes and said, "Understood, it's you or you, okay?"

Li Xin raised his head proudly.

Yes, he needn't be humble at all. He is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to such a drastic change in Lantian County.

From the opening of wineries and soy sauce factories to helping to promote pork, the poor lives of so many people in Lantian County have undergone visible changes. If nothing else, just talk about pork. Changyilou spends 20 to 30 guan every month to buy pork from villagers in Lantian County. This is just a family on the first floor. You know, it's not just the first floor that buys pork from Lantian County.

By the way, several small counties around Lantian County have also followed suit and raised pigs. However, it missed the opportunity and lacked guidance, so the scale of the industry is not too large, and it cannot compete with Lantian County. However, at any rate, there is an extra income, and the life of the villagers is naturally much better than before.

As I said earlier, for farmers in China, winter is leisurely. Because there is nothing to do. In a harvest year, when there is enough food at home, this kind of leisure is very comfortable. In a disaster year, this kind of leisure is hopeless, because it means that people cannot get enough food.

Logically speaking, this year's severe drought should have been a difficult year. But the villagers in Lantian County didn't find it difficult at all. The reason is very simple: Li Xin's winery has been operating so steadily no matter what season you are in. As long as the villagers go to work every day, they can earn food and wages steadily. With this alone, they can live a comfortable winter, not to mention that they still have the money to sell pork.

Many people in other villages are pale and emaciated, and if they don’t starve to death, it’s considered a high incense, but here in Lantian County, there is no such thing as starvation, everyone is full, and even gained a few catties, and their faces are ruddy . Half the children were full, and they were all happily having fun in the village, which made Li Xin happy.

He likes to see such a lively picture. Only in this way can he feel that he has lived up to this rebirth and the people who have expected him.

Right, this is called life! There is no rest throughout the year, and you plan food in the ground every day, but in the end you still end up with not enough food and clothing, what kind of day is that? The real life should be like this, hard work can be fed and clothed, and the wife and children can be warmed up!

Li Xin suddenly got excited and said with a smile, "Go! Enter the village!" After speaking, he ran into Lantian County first, with a childish smile on his face, clean and pure.

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