Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 257: Starting to Lecture

The answer is obvious, Datang will fall apart overnight. Well, two nights, at most three nights, no more. If what Li Xin said came true, he dared to guarantee with his life that the city of Chang'an would definitely fall within three days, and Li Shimin's head would also be hung on the tip of an unknown horse thief.

This is not alarmist talk, but the inevitable consequence of violating science and laws.

Li Xin waited patiently for a long time. From the eyes of these people in front of him, he could see that they could all guess the consequences.

"How? According to you, isn't money something that can be used to buy things according to the law? Then, logically speaking, the leaves of the sycamore tree can be used to buy things after His Majesty's decree, and it should be It's 'money'. Why not?" Li Xin asked slowly, and the ending was like a war drum, beating heavily on everyone's heart.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They all clearly felt the unreasonableness of using sycamore leaves as money, but they just couldn't capture this subtle difference with words.

The smile on Li Xin's face became brighter and even a little mean.

Hey, don't tell me, this feeling of crushing IQ is really cool. Are you not bloated? Isn't it amazing? Answer now!

Li Xin touched his nose slightly to cover up part of the smile on his face, so as not to arouse the disgust of the students in front of him.

He coughed twice, then pointed to the mustache next to him and asked, "For another example, I owe you a hundred pennies now, and I wrote you an IOU and stamped my fingerprints. At this time, do you see that This man has a scripture in his hand, and he really likes it. However, you have no money in your hand except my IOU. So, you proposed to use the IOU to 'buy' the scripture. The man agreed. .Then, is this IOU money?"

The mustache's head was as big as a bucket, and he went on and on for a long time, unable to say anything.

An IOU is a product that complies with the law. In Li Xin's example, it can also be used to buy things. However, if you say it is "money", there seems to be something wrong

The small officials of the household department present were all crazy. Seeing the smile on Li Xin's face, it was as if they saw some terrifying monster grinning at them. They had no doubt about one thing: as long as they dared to open their mouths to answer questions, Li Xin would be able to silence them with one or two questions and make them realize how ignorant they really are.

Oh, it's so simple.

Li Xin, who was standing on the shoulders of a giant, had a calm expression on his face, but his heart was already full of smiles. As for how brilliant this flower is, words really can't describe it.

Finally, Mustache lowered his head first, and said, "The student has surrendered."

After setting a precedent, most people followed suit and bowed their heads. In the end, the young man with the square face was in a dilemma, so he could only sit down obediently, and he no longer had the fighting spirit he had a moment ago.

Seeing this, Li Xin smiled generously.

"Then, His Highness King Chu, what exactly is money?" Mustache asked. He has a bit of the Confucian demeanor he has been striving for.

Li Xin nodded approvingly, and replied: "This question is not that simple. To really clarify what money is, first of all, I have to ask everyone to imagine with me, imagine that we are not Tang Dynasty, but uncivilized barbarians .We don’t know what money is at all, we only know about farming, raising chickens, raising ducks, that’s all.”

"If I have too many chickens and one day suddenly want to eat a duck for a change, then I can only exchange it with the person who raises ducks. If the other party also happens to want to eat chickens, then I can exchange chickens for ducks. right?"

"But, that's the ideal situation. What if the man who raises ducks happens to want to eat goose rather than chicken?"

The mustache laughed and said, "Then first trade chickens for geese, and then trade geese for ducks."

"The person who raises geese doesn't want to eat chicken, but wants to eat millet?"

Mustache: "."

Li Xin laughed loudly and said: "There are more than thousands of products in the world, and everyone's desires are different. If you really want to exchange things like this, it will take a lot of brains. So, the very simple truth is Right now—if I want to exchange chickens for ducks in the most convenient way, then my most sensible choice is to first exchange chickens for something that people who raise ducks are least likely to refuse, that is, most people like it Nothing you can refuse."

He continued: "In theory, this thing can be anything. But in reality, it is not the case. If a thing wants to be liked by the vast majority of people, it must first have a few basic requirements. For example, it must not It would be too easy to get. So, do you now know why sycamore leaves cannot be used as money but copper and silk can be used as money?"

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