The craftsmanship of so many craftsmen in Chu Palace is the most outstanding in the industry. After all, they have a lord who likes to make troubles, and every now and then he will come up with a very complicated design drawing for them to turn it into reality. Of course, the lord would never use power to overwhelm others. He never used methods such as hitting the board, deducting wages, and having no food for anything that could not be done. What the prince likes most is rewarding money.

It doesn't matter if you can't do it, forget it, it's just that the rewards are gone, and the praise from the prince is gone.

To be honest, although the artisans like to reward money, they also benefit greatly from the prince's praise. Who would have thought that a mere carpenter or blacksmith would one day be able to work under the hands of the prince and be praised?

Therefore, after Li Xin handed over the design drawing of Qu Yuanli to the craftsmen, they immediately transformed it from a flat drawing into a three-dimensional reality with extraordinary wisdom and skillful craftsmanship.

Li Xin fiddled with the Quyuanli in the small courtyard. Sure enough, as he expected, although the Quyuanli he designed has one more part than the original version, it has been greatly improved in steering dexterity and resistance reduction performance, which should be regarded as a relatively positive improvement.

"Well done, let's ask Wang Gui to receive the reward." Li Xin patted the dust off his hands with satisfaction, smiled and said to the old carpenter beside him, "You made this plow, what do you think of it?"

The old carpenter rubbed his hands and replied, "It's much easier to use than the plow the old man used to use. At least twice as much land can be plowed in the same time!"

Li Xin laughed loudly and said, "That's right! This time you have done a great thing that benefits the country and the people!"

The old carpenter quickly waved his hand: "It's all the blueprints drawn by the prince. The villain just showed his strength, so don't dare to take credit for it!"

Li Xin shook his head with a smile, and said: "Without you, I would not be able to make this thing myself. You are indeed responsible for it! I will trouble you to teach others how to make this plow in the future." .”

"Where is it, you should do things for the prince." The old carpenter said with a smile.

Benefit the country and the people? When will my old man be able to get involved with words like this?

He thought silently in his heart.

A few days later, Huangzhuang was on a piece of fertile land. Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong were putting plows on the cows in front of them respectively. Logically speaking, one of them is Lu Guogong and the other is Wu Guogong, and they will not be able to cultivate the land in eight lifetimes. But on this day, they actually changed into a single shirt and stood in front of the land that hadn't been plowed for a long time.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes fell on each other's plow. In front of Yu Chigong is the long straight Yuanli that everyone is familiar with, while in front of Cheng Yaojin is the Quyuanli made by Li Xinxin.

"Your thing, can it really be like what that kid said?" Yu Chigong asked with some doubts.

Cheng Yaojin smiled, appearing full of confidence. He peeked at Li Xin who was standing on the ridge with Li Shimin, and whispered to Yuchi Gong, "I don't believe what other people say. I still believe what Li Xin said. Don't forget, now The horseshoes used in the military are the idea that this kid came up with."

Although Yu Chigong hadn't commanded an army for a long time, he had heard about the horseshoe. He heard that it was a magic weapon to save horses and enhance the combat effectiveness of cavalry. However, he still had no confidence in the crooked plow in front of him.

This curved plow is not only smaller than the long straight plow, but also plows faster and saves effort. Is there such a thing in the world?

Whether there is in the world, you will know after a walk.

Li Shimin looked at the two ministers standing on the ground, looked at Li Xin beside him with some displeasure, and said, "You brat, if your things are not as powerful as you say, look at the old Cheng How will I deal with you when I come up in a while!"

Li Xin was also a little helpless. They are going to conduct a comparison test between the long straight shaft plow and the curved shaft plow today. According to the original plan, there should be two guards standing in the field now. However, Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong, who followed to watch the fun, didn't know what was going crazy, they insisted that they hadn't driven cattle to plow the land for a long time, anyway, they wanted to go to the field to try it for themselves. So, things became like this.

Li Shimin was right. If the Qu Yuanli made by Li Xin was not as magical as he said, Cheng Yaojin, who felt ashamed after a while, would definitely come up and kick his ass hard, the kind that made his life worse than death. After all, Uncle Cheng Yaojin is an unreasonable old hooligan.

However, slander belongs to slander. Li Xin still understood why Cheng Yaojin had to go to the field in person, and felt even more grateful to him in his heart.

This black man who usually yells at every turn is actually a lovely elder with a delicate mind.

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