Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 270 Chastity Award

Li Xin kowtowed respectfully to Li Shimin. For a while, people cheered again.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say." Li Xin looked up at Li Shimin and said.

Li Shimin showed a puzzled expression, but finally nodded and said, "You say."

"I hope His Majesty will change your reward." Li said.

As soon as these words came out, Li Shimin's expression froze. The crowd who were still cheering gradually quieted down.

What the hell? The emperor's rewards have all been said, do you want the emperor to change it now? Did you think you were playing house?

The smile on Cheng Yaojin's face subsided slightly. He didn't know why Li Xin said this sentence suddenly, and he knew how dangerous this sentence was, but out of trust in Li Xin, he didn't speak immediately, but chose to wait and see Change.

"Bold King Chu! How can you change what your majesty has said so well?" The accompanying civil servants came out and knelt down, loudly reprimanding Li Xin, clamoring to punish him.

Li Shimin waved his hand and said: "I said before, I will give him whatever reward he wants. You have no jokes, let him talk." After speaking, he turned to Li Xin and said, "Say it, what do you say to me?" Why are you dissatisfied with the reward?"

Li Xin laughed, and said, "How dare you have any dissatisfaction? There is only one small point that I hope His Majesty can modify a little bit."

The doubt in Li Shimin's eyes grew stronger. He originally thought that Li Xin, the brat who got into the eyes of money, thought that the reward was too small, but he didn't expect it to be because of this? What is that for?

"Let's listen to it." Li Shimin replied noncommittally.

Li Dao said: "Your Majesty said that you would give me five thousand copper coins, but I hope that your majesty will not give this money to me, but give it to me for safekeeping forever."

"Permanent storage?" Li Shimin pondered for a moment and said, "How is that different from giving it to you directly?"

"Of course it's different." Li Xin said with a smile, "If it is given to the minister, then the minister can spend the money tomorrow, and spend it as he wants. But if it is only kept forever, the minister cannot casually Spent the money, as it is still nominally His Majesty's property."

Can't just spend it casually? That is to say, it is okay to spend it carefully? However, what is prudence and what is casual?

Li Shimin sighed.

Li Xin, a cunning ghost, likes to show off his bad habits, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get rid of it in his next life. After talking for a long time, I didn't talk about the meat of the drama, which made people feel confused.

"So, why did you change it to this? Is there any benefit?" Li Shimin had to ask directly.

Li Xin smiled again, and said: "Of course. The money His Majesty gave me, I will inject it into Yixiao Building as the capital for the operation of Yixiao Building. From then on, Your Majesty is the shareholder of Yixiao Building and does not participate in the operation, but Dividends can be distributed. According to my estimate, His Majesty's 5,000 guan can generate about 500 guan in dividends every year."

"So... you still give me five hundred guan every year?" Li Shimin felt as if he understood Li Xin's meaning, but he didn't understand why this kid made such a big circle at all.

What is the picture? Just to give me money every year? Although five hundred guan is a lot, it is not much.

Li Xin nodded, and said: "Yes, that's what it means. But regarding the usefulness of these five hundred guan, I have another suggestion."

Only then did Li Shimin raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and thought to himself, no wonder I don't understand, it turns out that the front is full of nonsense, and here is the meat of the show.

"Tell me and listen." He said slowly.

Li Xin's eyes lit up and he said, "I hope that Your Majesty will take out these five hundred guan as an award, which will be awarded once a year, and it will be specially used to reward inventions like Quyuanli that can benefit the people! I suggest that the name of this award be Zhenguan." prize."

Li Shimin's pupils dilated slightly and then retracted quickly.

"Before, I heard His Majesty say that artifacts are rare. But I want to say, there are no artifacts in the world, only tools created by people with their ingenuity and wisdom to solve difficulties. The world is so big, capable people come forth in large numbers, How many good ideas and inventions like Qu Yuanli have been buried among the people? If these inventions can be collected and widely used by His Majesty, how will the lives of the people of Tang Dynasty be improved?" Li Xin said slowly and seriously.

"Moreover, when His Majesty personally sets such an award, all capable people in the world will be encouraged. Working hard in this direction will further promote the birth of more and better inventions. At that time, maybe Qu Yuanli's It will soon be replaced by new inventions, and the common people will be able to obtain more convenient farm tools, thus forming a virtuous circle, which will make our Great Tang continue to prosper and prosper.

After saying this, Li Xin cupped his fists, nodded heavily, and waited quietly for Li Shimin's final decision.

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