Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 290 Chen Xiao is coming back

People all over the world study for money?

Chen Youlan couldn't imagine how much money it would cost, and she didn't know what kind of world it would be. Is everyone literate? It is simply more civilized than the Zhouli era that Confucius revered all his life. If that's the case, I believe that this saint who takes benevolent government as his highest pursuit should indeed not grudge his knees.

Li Xin didn't want to be entangled in this anymore, so he smiled and took Chen Youlan's hand, and said, "Okay, okay, don't think about these troublesome things, let's go to eat. Old Zhangtou should be ready .”

As he spoke, he dragged Chen Youlan to the courtyard of the Zhang family. Xiaoling and Runniang hurriedly followed.

The group finally stayed in Lantian County for two days before rushing back to Chang'an contentedly. When leaving, Runniang, who hadn't played enough, acted like a baby and asked Li Xin to bring her back next time. Naturally, Li Xin would not refuse such a request from Little Lolita.

The carriage entered the city gate of Chang'an and proceeded along the Zhuque Avenue on the central axis. As usual, Li Xin asked Wang Gui to go to the Chen Mansion first. After all, sending the lady home first is the basic etiquette that men all over the world should adhere to.

Soon, the car arrived at the back door of the Chen residence. Although Chen Youlan was wearing men's clothing, after all, there was no need to go back from the main entrance with such fanfare. Watching Xiaoling and Chen Youlan get off the car, Li Xin smiled and said, "Have a good rest."

Chen Youlan nodded.

Wang Gui was about to turn his horse's head and head towards the Chu Palace, but suddenly he heard someone shouting: "My lord, please wait a moment!"

Li Xin leaned out of the window and found that it was Chen Youlan's second brother Chen Xinheng who made the noise. He was standing behind the half-open back door, as if he was waiting for Li Xin here on purpose.

Although they met several times and had a good relationship, it seemed to be the first time that Chen Xinheng waited for Li Xin on purpose. Li Xin thought for a while, then got out of the car himself, walked over and asked, "Brother Chen, do you have something to say?"

Chen Xinheng nodded and said, "I do have something to tell."

"Did something happen?" Chen Youlan also became curious from the side.

Chen Xinheng glanced at her, shook his head with a smile, and said, "You have had fun outside with your husband these two days, how would you know what happened at home?"

Chen Youlan blushed pretty, and slapped Chen Xinheng: "What nonsense?"

"Nonsense?" Chen Xinheng asked with a smile while rubbing the place where he was beaten.

Seeing that Chen Youlan was going to play tricks again, Li Xin quickly stopped him, and said with a smile, "Brother Xin Heng, don't make jokes. Let's get down to business. What happened?"

When Chen Xinheng heard the words, he glanced at Chen Youlan: "Did you hear that? This time, I'm going to show my brother-in-law a face, and I don't have the same knowledge as you. Otherwise, I have to let you know who my brother is!"

Chen Youlan curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and finally held back her words, as if she didn't bother to expose the sternness of Chen Xinheng, a doormat.

Chen Xinheng nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to Li Daoxin: "It's nothing serious, but it will be a little troublesome."

Li Xin really wanted to say, "Don't lay the groundwork, can you talk about something if you have something to do?" But in the end he still didn't say it, just waited silently.

"Youlan's elder brother is coming back." Chen Xinheng finally said, "It will only be two days."

"What? Big Brother is coming back?" Chen Youlan said pleasantly, "Didn't he say that banditry in the south is serious, and he won't be back for a while?"

"The past few months have become much more stable. So he took a leave of absence and came back to see you and deal with your marriage by the way." Chen Xinheng raised his brows subtly.

Li Xin suddenly remembered that when he first visited the Chen Mansion, Chen Xinheng had said that Chen Youlan's eldest brother was not easy to deal with. He quickly asked, "Brother Chen Xiao, is there any dissatisfaction with my marriage with Youlan?" He had already inquired about something about Brother Chen Youlan. But to be honest, apart from the name, it is basically not very useful.

Chen Xinheng pondered for a moment and said: "It's okay to say so, I do have some opinions. Mainly I have opinions on you."

"That's not easy." Li Xin said with a wry smile, "Have I ever provoked him?"

Back then, Li Xin was a dandy in the capital, and conflicts and enmity with other noble young masters did not seem to be impossible.

Chen Xinheng shook his head and said, "That's not true."

"Then why?" Li Xin asked strangely.

So, Chen Xinheng explained roughly.

It turned out that it was different from Chen Youlan and Chen Xinheng. Chen Xiao liked to march and fight since he was a child, and he admired Li Xin's father Li Xuandao the most. Whenever he talked about Li Xuandao's achievements in leading troops in battle, he would talk endlessly.

Li Xin asked with a strange face: "Then why do you feel uncomfortable with me? I am my own."

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