Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 294 Chen Xiao's Attitude

"How is it? Have you met our brother-in-law, how do you feel?" Chen Xinheng leaned on the chair, smiled and asked Chen Xiao who had just returned from Chu Palace.

Chen Xiao recalled what he had seen and heard in Chu Palace just now, and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

"Isn't it what you like?" Chen Xinheng grabbed an apple from the table and took a bite.

"It's hard to say." Chen Xiao said with a smile, "Anyway, it's different from what I imagined."

Then, he briefly talked about what happened after he entered the Chu Palace.

Chen Xinheng pondered for a moment and said, "Tea that can be drunk just by pouring boiling water? It seems that His Royal Highness King Chu has come up with something new. I really want to try it."

Chen Xiao seemed to have gotten used to his younger brother's partial attention, so he answered the conversation naturally: "It's quite delicious, it quenches your thirst."

"What kind of tea does elder brother know?" Chen Xinheng said bluntly.

"Hahaha, I don't understand your messy things." Chen Xiao was not angry, and said with a smile, "I have always heard that Li Xin is an ignorant dude, but now I haven't seen what he has. Excellent place, but at least it can be seen that he is serious about Youlan."

Chen Xinheng raised his eyebrows, leaned closer and asked, "How do you say?"

Chen Xiao explained in detail the bet he made with Li Xin. At that time, Li Xin was able to firmly refuse to gamble with his marriage contract with Chen Youlan, which made Chen Xiao quite satisfied. This at least shows that he attaches great importance to the marriage contract and attaches great importance to Chen Youlan.

"However, Li Xin miscalculated in the comparison with me." Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "If he loses, I have to find a way to smooth things over."

Chen Xinheng smiled and said: "Brother, don't be too confident. Although our brother-in-law is known as a dandy, you can't even imagine how much talent he has in his stomach. Since he took the initiative to propose such a bet Method, no, it doesn’t matter even if you propose it. I believe that, with my brother-in-law’s temperament that is more cunning than a fox, as long as he agrees, he is sure to win. You should think about what to do after you lose. What clothes to wear to You Lan's wedding."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xin, who was far away in the Chu Palace, suddenly sneezed loudly, rubbed his nose cursingly, and said, "Someone is speaking ill of me again? Years are not good, troubles come and go. "

After hearing this, Chen Xiao, who was sitting in front of Chen Xinheng, said noncommittally: "Are you so unconfident in me?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence in my brother. It's that I have too much confidence in our brother-in-law." Chen Xinheng smiled, "After all, he conquered my brother without meeting him."

"What conquered." Chen Xiao waved his hand and said, "It's just a change. And judging by You Lan's appearance, it's clear that he has fallen in love with that kid, so why should I make things difficult for the two of them?"

It turned out that Chen Xiao had dispelled his prejudice against Li Xin long ago. The reason lies in the "Regulations on Sanitation Management of Wounded Barracks" mentioned by Li Xin himself.

After Li Xin handed over the "Regulations", of course Li Shimin couldn't believe what he said, so he sent the "Regulations" to the south and ordered the Zhechong Mansion below to try it out. After the initial establishment of the Tang Dynasty, although the living standards of the common people were not high, the domestic environment was still peaceful after all. In addition, the Weishui alliance has just been established with the Turks, and the northern border is much more peaceful. All over the country, the only place where there is still fighting is the south.

It is different from the impression of the southern water town in later generations. During the Tang Dynasty, people thought that the south was a backwater. As the saying goes, poor mountains and bad waters bring out troublesome people. There are many hills and mountains in the south, especially in Yunnan, Guangxi and other places, where many ethnic minorities live together. They disobeyed the government's jurisdiction and set up their own faction in the mountains and forests. Serious fighting between different villages often occurred, and sometimes they played the role of bandits and attacked the Han tribe.

In fact, a considerable part of the "bandits" that Chen Xiao suppressed in the south were these barbaric villages.

Long story short, let’s talk about the Regulations. After the "Regulations" were implemented, Chen Xiao immediately noticed the changes in the wounded soldiers. In the past, not many wounded soldiers who were sent to the wounded barracks came out alive and well, but now it seems that more than half of them can recover well. Even with a limp disability, at least he saved his life!

Out of curiosity, Chen Xiao inquired where the "Regulations" came from. Then, he heard an astonishing name: Li Xin, King of Chu Li Xin.

Frankly speaking, the progress of suppressing the bandits could be improved, and Chen Xiao was able to return to Beijing smoothly this time, thanks to the "Regulations".

With these things as the premise, after Chen Xiao came back this time, he actually didn't feel as disgusted and disgusted with Li Xin as before.

In addition, he had a casual chat with Chen Youlan last night. No matter how careless he is, he is Youlan's eldest brother after all, and he has a deep understanding of some of her expressions and tone. He was clearly aware of his sister's feelings for Li Xin. So, he decided not to trouble Li Xin.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinheng said to him: "No way. How could we let our brother-in-law go so easily?"

Chen Xiao looked puzzled: "Aren't you the most supportive of You Lan and King Chu? Why?"

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