Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 331 More advanced application

Xiao Runniang opened the locked door of the study and obediently invited the two masters to enter. When Li Xin passed by her, he couldn't help but patted her head. This little girl has been in the palace for more than a year without knowing it. She is cute and well-behaved. She is also capable in doing things normally. She is a good child.

Chen Xinheng stepped into the study room, only to see a bookshelf with a few scattered books piled on it. He turned his head and looked at Li Dao: "Your 'study' is a bit of a misnomer. Just these few books, just stuffed under the bed is enough, why bother to have a separate study."

Li Xin rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I want you to take care of it."

Really, I want to come to ask others for advice, and I still sneer at other people's study first, it's really a strange way of thinking.

Chen Xinheng laughed loudly, walked forward to the bookshelf, and took down a book. On the cover of the book was written "Primary School Mathematics One". As he opened it, he asked, "The so-called mathematics is arithmetic, right?"

Li Xin was noncommittal, and said: "Almost. But the scope of mathematics is wider than arithmetic."

indeed. These days, mathematics still stays at the level of solving various application problems and equations, but the concept of mathematics is actually broader. Even topology and logic, which may not be classified as mathematics in the eyes of ordinary people, are actually mathematics. branch. Therefore, mathematics is undoubtedly grander than arithmetic.

Chen Xinheng is a very smart person. And as a Confucian rebel, he had always been interested in subjects that orthodox Confucianism despised. Arithmetic is one of them. In fact, Chen Youlan's arithmetic skills were taught by him when he was a child.

However, even if he thought he was good at arithmetic, he couldn't help but feel powerless when faced with Li Xin's so-called "Primary Mathematics One". Just the introduction of symbols earlier made him feel a little dizzy. But fortunately, the latter part is still relatively simple, and he can still barely apply these new-style symbols that he has just learned, and he has a little experience of the convenience of this symbol system.

In fact, Li Xin had already come up with Dashi characters. At least in the yamen of the household department, the use of Dashi characters has become a default regulation, and the abacus has already been widely used. However, Chen Xinheng was far away from the court after all, and he didn't have a deep understanding of these things, or even knew nothing about them.

"This is a textbook I prepared for seven or eight-year-old children. Why are you reading it so hard?" Li Xin took the opportunity, of course, and inevitably laughed at Chen Xinheng.

Chen Xinheng glanced at Li Xin, put it back on the bookshelf embarrassingly, and said, "Look at it casually." He was afraid that if he looked at it a few more times, he would be unable to bear to ask Li Xin for advice, and he always felt that he was a little weak. lost momentum.

Li Xin walked to his desk and said, "Don't you want to read advanced applications? Come here."

Chen Xinheng walked over as he said.

Li Xin took out a piece of paper and spread it on the table, casually took out a charcoal pencil, and began to sketch on the paper. Chen Xinheng watched quietly. After a while, a rather complicated device appeared on the paper.

Holding the charcoal pencil, Li Xin drew a few gestures on the paper, imagining in his mind how the water would push the machine. He once read a picture of this "water drainage" device powered by water flow in the Song Dynasty in a book, but he couldn't remember the details clearly. Fortunately, he is an engineering student himself, so it is not difficult to calculate.

"This is?" Chen Xinheng asked suspiciously.

"A blower device." Li said. After speaking, he briefly explained the working principle of this device, from the water inlet, to the water outlet, and then to the water flow pushing the fan blades, how the airflow is guided into the blast furnace.

Chen Xinheng listened with gusto, and finally asked: "So what is this device used for?"

"A device used to make iron. You may not know that in the process of making iron, the air blowing in is closely related to the quality of the iron." Li Xinshun briefly explained the difference between pig iron, wrought iron and steel .

Chen Xinheng touched his chin, and said slowly: "You mean, with this thing, we can produce more iron, and maybe even stronger steel?"

"It's not possible, it's definitely possible. It's just a matter of time." Li said.

As long as you experiment a few more times, you will definitely find a way to make steel.

Chen Xinheng smiled wryly and said, "This thing has something to do with two stones, one big and one small falling to the ground at the same time?" From this picture, he couldn't see the shadow of the two small balls, one big and one small.

Li Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said: "Of course. But it also contains some other content. It is a collection of many contents. After all, it is an advanced application." The water flow pushes the fan blades and pistons to work under the action of gravity. Such a device involves many principles under the classical mechanics system.

"Is this what you mean by 'changing the world'?" Chen Xinheng asked with a thoughtful expression, and then his eyes burst into dazzling brilliance.

That's right, that's right. This thing called science is the road other than Confucianism that he has been looking for!

As expected, Li Xin has mastered this path!

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