Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 341 A Manuscript

Xinhua Bookstore gradually became the largest bookstore in Chang'an City. All episodes that have been staged on Changyilou will be converted into text versions and sold here. There are many people who like to watch it. After all, not everyone can grab a ticket to watch a drama on the first floor of the building.

In addition, "Story Club", which is published by Xinhua Bookstore every month, quickly became popular all over Chang'an, and became an indispensable entertainment book for many idle young masters—of course, not just young masters. Ladies and gentlemen, the ladies in the boudoir also like to read, but they have to read secretly.

Also blame Li Xin's bad taste. Obviously, the original stories sent to him were quite conventional, so he had to change out sensational titles like "Why the Neighbor's Sow Screams in the Middle of the Night", which made people curious, but Sorry to be curious.

But having said that, "Story Club" can sell so well, and a considerable part has to be attributed to these titles that Li Xin changed.

Whether it is later generations or the Tang Dynasty, human nature is common. A story that can be fascinating in later generations can completely resonate with Datang people as long as the part of the setting that is difficult for Datang people to understand is removed. In the same way, the headlines that people love and hate can attract the attention of future generations, and they can also thrive in Datang, like a fish in water.

That's right, Li Xin is a damn headline party.

However, sitting in the reception room on the second floor of the bookstore today, he did not intend to give any sensational title to the manuscript in his hand.

Xinhua Bookshop's business scope is very wide. In addition to selling novels related to Changyilou's drama, Li Xin's introductory economics textbook, "Story Club" and traditional Four Books and Five Classics, etc., it also runs publishing on behalf of others—also That is to say, the person who wrote the book took the initiative to come to the door to cooperate, and asked Xinhua Bookstore to print and sell his book at his own expense.

Generally speaking, those who do this kind of thing are narcissistic great Confucians. They appreciate their theories and research very much, and feel that the world should accept the influence of these things. So, with the lofty thought of "sacrificing themselves for others", they took the initiative to pay for Xinhua Bookstore to publish it for them.

Of course Li Xin would not refuse the business. Even if it is a piece of rubbish, as long as he pays for it, he is willing to help publish it—as for whether anyone will buy it, and whether it will be read after buying it, that is another matter.

However, the person sitting in front of Li Xin today is not a great scholar. To be precise, he has no reputation at all in the literary world. He is just an ordinary teacher in a country private school. And what Li Xin held in his hand was his manuscript.

"It turns out that the Xinhua Bookstore is actually your property, my lord. It's true." Wang Feng searched his brains, but couldn't find any suitable words to express his feelings.

Li Xin smiled and didn't answer. He silently flipped through the manuscript in front of him, and said slowly: "Your efficiency is beyond my expectation. I thought it would take you a while to get this thing out. "

Wang Feng smiled and said: "The pinyin template given by the prince is already very complete. The students just follow the example and do a little tinkering. Of course it will be faster."

I talked with Wang Feng that time, and after Li Xin went back, he wrote a set of pinyin that will be used in later generations, and sent someone to send it to Wang Feng. Then, he became the shopkeeper with peace of mind, and he didn't even think about it again. If he hadn't come to the store by chance today and happened to meet Wang Feng, he probably wouldn't have known that Wang Feng had completed such an outstanding job.

"Don't be self-effacing. If you weren't diligent, this thing would not be so easy." For those who are willing to work diligently, Li Xin does not hesitate to praise himself. After all, only when everyone works hard and hard can he be lazy with peace of mind, can't he?

The ugly heart of capitalists is nothing more than that.

Wang Feng waved his hands again and again and said, "It's nothing. The students are also interested in this, so they are willing to spend time."

Li Xin finally closed the manuscript, nodded, and said, "It's well done. Basically, there are no mistakes or omissions, and the system is also very complete." He pressed his hand on the manuscript, looked up at Wang Feng and said, "But... this is you after all. I wrote a book by myself, and I plan to pay for it to publish by myself, why did you write my name in front of you?"

"How can you say that?" Wang Feng said hastily, "The concept of these phonetic symbols is taught by the prince. Even the basic framework is constructed by the set of pinyin that the prince gave me. My work is trivial, of course. It should be behind the prince."

Li Xin shook his head, and said: "If I didn't find out, didn't you just do all the work yourself, and pay for the publication of this book by yourself? So you are still willing to bring my name? I don't know what to say about you it is good."

Wang Feng smiled honestly, and said: "It's not much money. The salary paid by the prince is very generous, and I already have a little savings."

Seeing Wang Feng in front of him wearing a green cloth gown saying seriously that he has little savings, Li Xin felt a little complicated.

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