Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 346 You can give me food, but not a knife

For a long time, Li Xin has done many things, good or bad, which have deeply affected Datang.

And his biggest motivation for doing these things is to hope that his things can benefit China, the Tang Dynasty, and the common people. Of course, if these things benefit the citizens of other countries along the way, he won't feel angry or anything like that.

For example, Qu Yuanli. Li Xin's original intention of inventing it was naturally to let Datang produce more grain so that more people in Datang could have enough to eat. However, if it is spread, by the way, other people outside of Datang will also eat two more meals. For Li Xin, this is not something particularly unacceptable, it should be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. He can't be so stingy.

However, steelmaking is different from weapons. This is not a problem that can be explained by being stingy or not.

Just like the world's most powerful country in the later generations is sometimes willing to help China, and sometimes rejects China in important technological fields-they are not stupid, of course they know what must be kept from you and what can be shared. After all, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, everyone is already a competitive relationship, no matter how economic globalization is integrated, it is perfectly normal to hold each other back.

The meaning of steelmaking and weapons is to Datang at this time, just like the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb in later generations. Although the lethality is not as good as that of horses, but the importance is quite. In any case, Li Xin does not want to let people from other countries master such technology.

Who knows whose head will be chopped off with the steel and the knife that the other party has mastered in the end?

This is like a big man coming to your door to beg. You give him a bite to eat, that is your kindness. But if you give him all the weapons at home, you are stupid. How do you know that he won't cut you backhand after he gets the knife? After all, as long as you are cut off, you have everything.

Li Xin was already very upset about Datang's behavior of not controlling foreign envoys. What made it even worse was the group of literati in Datang.

Influenced by the three immortal value orientations of "contributing to meritorious deeds" in the traditional sense. But all Confucian scholars who can write two characters and can be called famous like to write books and so on. Some of them, no matter what type of new technology, write it in books at will and spread it to the outside world, for fear that others will not know it.

What a prodigal son of a prodigal son!

Is it easy to get some new technology? What do you think is a good place to stay by the Weishui River? It was hot as hell during the day and cold at night with mosquitos. If it wasn't for Li Xin's physique that didn't attract mosquitoes, the mosquitoes would all go to Chen Xinheng, and he would have given up on this iron-making project!

After such a difficult experiment for several days, the precious conclusion calculated by Li Xin's mathematical ability that has not been completely forgotten, is written so plainly for others to see?

How could Li Xin remain calm in front of such a thing? When he saw the steelmaking and weapon parts in Zhao Shen's manuscript, he almost exploded with anger, okay? It's very polite and saving face not to knock Zhao Shen's desk away as soon as he came in!

Although Zhao Shen's momentum was weak, he was unwilling to lose face in front of the younger generation, and he still insisted: "My Tang Dynasty is a great country, even if these things are taken away by Xiao Elementary School, how dare they make trouble?"

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