Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 350 Li Shimin's Confidence

"As the saying goes, people who are not of my race must have a different heart." Li Xin said seriously, "No matter how good we treat them, there is no guarantee that they will repay us in the same way. As the saying goes, don't have the intention to harm others, and beware The heart is indispensable."

"So... what do you mean?" Li Shimin looked at Li Xin and asked.

Li Xin coughed lightly and said: "Restrict the activities of these foreign envoys and strengthen their management. Including so many foreign businessmen and tourists in Chang'an City, all of them must be registered and their activities are restricted until they leave Chang'an When the time comes, they should also be thoroughly inspected, and they are not allowed to take away contraband and so on.”

Li Shimin frowned and said: "As for it? You are too careful."

Li's confidence sank, he glanced at Li Shimin, and finally said helplessly: "Maybe."

Li Shimin is naturally a heroic hero of a generation, but no one is perfect. After all, he still has some problems, such as trusting his own judgment too much. Of course, in a sense, this may not necessarily be a particularly big problem.

Just imagine, when you are in the position of emperor, you are faced with thousands of opinions from countless people every day. If you don't have excellent judgment and decision-making ability, if you don't trust your own judgment enough, then the most likely result is to change the order overnight, and naturally nothing can be done. Therefore, most of the emperors who have achieved something in history are very confident and loyal to their own judgment.

Then, the result is very natural-when they make the right decision, they are "wise and powerful", and when they make the wrong decision, they are "self-willed".

The judgment standard of God's perspective is so single and absolute.

Li Xin, who is well versed in the emperor's nature, can immediately see a problem from Li Shimin's frown: Li Shimin did not fully accept his statement. At least His Majesty Li Er didn't feel the need to take such serious management measures against these foreign envoys or migrants - that would make Tang feel very guilty.

There is absolutely no need for Datang to be so guilty.

In Li Shimin's view, Datang should have the demeanor of a king, the kind who looks down on the heroes of the world. If all foreign envoys are controlled, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling them clearly that Datang treats them all as opponents?

Let me ask, are they worthy?

However, Li Shimin did admit that what Li Xin said was somewhat reasonable. In any case, being an enemy is a very bad thing, even if the possibility of this thing is actually not great.


Li Shimin smiled encouragingly, and said: "You are just too worried. I already know what you mean, and I will strictly control these things in the future, and they are not allowed to leak out."

Li Xin breathed a sigh of relief. At any rate, Li Shimin still listened in a little bit, which is better than going in the left ear and out the right ear. He forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Li Shimin opened the memorial again, and said: "Okay, okay, go to the Lizheng Hall to see the Guanyin maidservant. She has been talking about you these days."

Empress Changsun? I haven't seen it for a long time.

Li Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."

After leaving the Liangyi Hall, Li Xin followed a servant to the Lizheng Hall. Unexpectedly, he ran into an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

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