Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 358 Ice or Sickness

As the saltpeter entered the water, a layer of white foam quickly floated on the surface of the water in the wooden basin, and a mist of water rose up.

Chen Xinheng looked at this scene in surprise, and subconsciously took a breath. Although his rationality has begun to repeatedly emphasize in his heart that it is impossible to make ice in summer, he still can't help feeling that the picture in front of him is very wonderful. This made him unable to bear a trace of distracting thoughts in his mind: Maybe there will really be ice?

Xiao Runniang didn't have so many messy thoughts. As early as the moment the mist rose, she clapped her hands happily. Anyway, when there was more smoke, it was very in line with her impression of spells. Since the omnipotent prince said he could make ice, no matter whether it was summer or winter, he would definitely be able to produce ice in the end. The little girl believed so firmly.

Wang Gui had the most relaxed expression among them. With his hands behind his back, he bent slightly, and stood next to the three squatting kids, his eyes narrowed, and his smile was faintly visible.

"Is there ice in this way?" Chen Xinheng couldn't help asking Li Daoxin.

Li Xin frowned. To be honest, he didn't quite know. Although he knew the principle of ice making, it was his first time to actually operate it.

"I don't know. Wait and see." He pushed some mist away with his hands.

Chen Xinheng curled his lips and had to wait patiently.

After a while, Li Xin estimated that it was almost done, so he reached out to grab the copper basin in the wooden basin-don't ask him how he estimated, just ask the feeling, if you feel it, nothing is a problem.

It feels icy to the touch, which is reassuring.

For a moment, all eyes were on the copper basin in Li Xin's hand.

The mist lifts. A large piece of ice was firmly fixed in the copper basin, clearly showing in everyone's sight.

Xiao Runniang was the first to clap her hands and cheered, shouting loudly: "There is really ice! There is really ice! My lord! There is really ice!"

Have ice? ill?

Li Xin looked helpless.

Chen Xinheng snatched the copper basin into his hand, and knocked the ice inside with his knuckles in shock. The hard and cold touch told him clearly and firmly: This is indeed a piece of ice! He is not dazzled, nor is he crazy.

"How is it possible? What's going on here?" He blinked and stared at Li Xin's face, as if he wanted to see some mystery of the universe from this not-so-handsome face.

Wang Gui also opened his eyes slightly unexpectedly - although he knew that his lord was not good at telling such nonsense, but seeing him make such a big piece of ice in the summer is really unbelievable matter.

Of course, Li Xin will not lose the chain during this rare moment of pretentiousness. I saw only such a mysterious smile on his face, shrugged slightly, and said: "It's just a trick, it's a shame, it's a shame."

Chen Xinheng rolled his eyes, and said, "Can you keep it open? Say it quickly!"

Li Xin smiled and said, "It's actually very simple."

The main component of saltpeter is potassium nitrate. This stuff absorbs a lot of heat when it dissolves in water. The water in the copper basin thus cooled and condensed into ice.

Of course, it is impossible for a guy like Chen Xinheng who lacks basic chemical knowledge to talk about the specific changes of potassium nitrate when it dissolves in water. Li Xin only briefly talked about the process of heat change, and Chen Xinheng listened to it half-understood—at least he could understand that such a wonderful change is not so-called magic, but science.

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