Fortunately, Zheng Boyang finally nodded and agreed to Li Xin's proposal - he had no reason to refuse a less difficult gameplay.

Li Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has a lot of poems in his heart, he still hopes to minimize the number of times he writes and copies. Because he can't write poetry after all. Once he writes too many poems and people get the impression that he is good at writing poems, he will be miserable. I don't know how many people will ask him to compose a poem on various occasions, either benevolently or maliciously.

Once or twice may be okay, but if the number of times is too many, eight times out of ten, or even dozens of times, it is absolutely impossible to pass the test smoothly every time.

As we all know, there is only one way to go about this kind of thing is to be successful all the time. And with every success, Li Xin's position will be higher. Once a single operation error fails to pass the test, it will inevitably be a situation of discredit - of course, Li Xin is not Too concerned about the ruined reputation.

He holds Changyilou and a series of industries in his hands, earns a lot of money, does not rely on others for food, and at the same time holds a position in the court, even if he is notorious in the literary world, the influence will not be great. He just avoided it as much as he could. Besides, the situation in front of him didn't allow him to think too much. After all, he is not very willing to lose face in front of his love rival anyway.

"Your Highness has a high status, why don't you let His Highness invite you first." Zheng Boyang had already thought of an old work that he could use, and if nothing else happened, he would use this old work soon. However, before throwing out his own work, he still wanted to hear how Li Xin wrote it. In case the poems written by Li Xin are better than his old works, he can take the time to revise them.

Of course, despite such mental preparations, he also sincerely felt that such a situation was unlikely to happen.

Li Xin smiled lightly, without refusing, said: "Then I will show my shame first."

The sequence relationship is meaningless to him, because he is full of confidence in the poems in his belly. Whether it is first or last, he will win.

"The name of this poem is "Living Home in the Early Summer Afternoon Siesta." Li Xin read slowly, "Plums leave sour and soft teeth, and plantains are divided into green and window screens. After a long sleep, I feel ruthless, watching children catching willow flowers."

The original author of this poem is Yang Wanli. Compared with this obscure little poem, his poem "The lotus leaves meet the sky are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun" should be more well-known, and the picture is more beautiful and vivid. But that doesn't mean the poem is bad.

When Li Xin saw this little poem for the first time, he was attracted by the leisurely life it described, so he kept it in his heart.

This is a poem full of fireworks in the world, vividly describing the poet's lazy state of mind after a nap.

It may be a bit difficult to say that it is an ancient quatrain, but it is absolutely no problem to say that it is a rare and excellent masterpiece.

This point, just look at Zheng Boyang's face to know.

After Li Xinxin finished the last line of the poem, his face gradually lost its color. As a scholar, of course he can taste the taste of this poem - the whole article only uses the simplest vocabulary, but it clearly depicts a picture full of the meaning of life. Compared with it, his old work suddenly appears Overshadowed.

Chen Yin was not surprised that Li Xin could write such a poem, nodded slowly, and secretly said: "If you don't study, you don't study, but this stinky boy is really spiritual."

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