These people who were found out were either servants or distant relatives. Simply put, they were a group of people who could be defined as "those who use the name of the family to make a fortune". There are still hundreds of thousands of miles between them and the inner circle of the aristocratic family.

People with a discerning eye can easily see that these people may have really participated in this matter, but definitely not all of them. Just relying on these people who are wandering on the fringes of power, they can't spend so much money at all, and they don't have the ability to develop such a complete industrial chain behind the scenes from such an unremarkable thing as child abduction and trafficking.

For such a result, Li Xin had expected it a long time ago, so he was not too disappointed. He knew that on the aristocratic family's side, it would be the end of the investigation here. Even if you try to check it further, there will be no results. In Datang, the power of the aristocratic family is too great. When they want to cover up something intentionally, it will become extremely difficult to find out the truth.

A few days later, the matter was basically settled. Most of the people who were detained in the dental clinic were released, but some people were temporarily kept in prison-the reason for saying temporarily is that they will not stay in prison for long, and will soon He was sentenced to exile and exiled for three thousand miles to repair the city wall in the cold north.

It has to be said that such punishment is very suitable for them.

Besides them, many beggars and street thugs were left behind. Like the gang of thieves and monks entrenched in the small temple in the west of the city, they are all gangs of kidnappers. But their results were slightly different——Qiu Hou Wen Zhan. They are the biggest culprits in stealing children from their parents, a crime that goes beyond the mere intermediary of buying and selling. Therefore, their sentencing is heavier.

The situation outside the palace is roughly the same. No one knows what happened in the palace. Even Li Xin didn't know how many people Li Chengqian had cleaned up. He only knew that when talking about this matter later, Li Chengqian smiled helplessly, and there should be quite a few people.

The imperial palace is a place where Li Chengqian can let go of his hands and feet and boldly investigate cases. Here he is as close to the truth as possible. And this truth made him terrified, and it also made him understand why the aristocratic family spared no effort to prevent him from tracing the truth.

Pursuing and punishing evildoers is one aspect, but making up for mistakes is another.

Li Chengqian did something that even Li Xin ignored - he checked out all the slaves in the dental clinics in the whole capital. There must be a slave document issued by the government, and the document matches the person, so that such a person is a legal domestic slave. Abducted children, of course, would not have such documents.

In this way, he found a total of more than 180 children of unknown origin. Among them, the youngest is only three or four years old, and the oldest is only eight or nine years old.

Li Chengqian originally planned to send these children back to their original homes, but no one could tell their origins clearly, even the dental workers, and even the people who kidnapped them, did not remember where they came from. Where did these children get caught. Therefore, Li Chengqian could only open a special window in the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, announcing all the parents who had lost their children in the past two months to come and pick them up.

Although these children are young, they can still recognize their parents anyway. As long as the two sides can match each other, the officer in charge will put a tick on the book and allow the child to be taken away. It's a pity that in the end, for unknown reasons, some children were not taken away, about a dozen of them.

They are homeless.

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