Relying on his understanding of serving Li Shimin for many years, He Changzai didn't take much effort to divert Li Shimin's attention—in fact, the main reason was that Li Shimin himself didn't want to continue working, so he was happy to get something to change his mood . Even the most industrious emperor could not avoid such times.

He Changzai lowered his head and humbly responded, he was the most obedient and loyal servant in the world. He walked out of the Hall of Liangyi, gave some instructions to the two little yellow gates waiting outside, then returned to the hall, and continued to stand beside Li Shimin, chatting with him to relieve boredom.

Of course, He Changzai didn't need to do the low-level work of going to the treasury to fetch things himself. Although he is usually very low-key and humble, he is the most powerful chief executive in the palace after all. Usually, even important court officials like Chen Yin and Fang Xuanling would not easily offend him, and would chat and laugh with him instead.

It's not because these bosses are afraid of him. On the one hand, it was because these high-ranking people knew that when He Changzai and Li Shimin were in a good relationship, their ability to whisper in their ears was even stronger than that of Empress Changsun. On the other hand, it is because He Changzai himself is very good at dealing with people, he has a very clear position on himself, he is never arrogant, and he is very polite when facing court officials, even those of low rank.

An ignorant little Huangmen asked He Changzai why he was like this. He Changzai replied: "The ministers in the court are all talented and learned people, and they are people who can help His Majesty share his worries. We slaves should have Your Majesty in our hearts. How can we not respect them?"

All in all, although He Changzai has no culture and can't even write his own name completely, this does not prevent him from being more reasonable and general than some self-proclaimed bachelors. Perhaps it was also because of this that Li Shimin kept him by his side for so long.

The imperial palace is very large, and the Liangyi Hall is not close to the treasure house. It took a long time for Xiao Huangmen, who was sent to fetch things, to come back. Fortunately, Li Shimin was also happy to rest for a while, so he didn't show any impatience, and let the little yellow door go down again with a wave of his hand.

"What is this?" Li Shimin asked while opening the box.

Of course, everything sent to the palace has been checked and registered by the servants, otherwise, where would it be shown to the emperor? What if there is a hidden weapon? This is also the reason why the box in Li Shimin's hand has no paper packaging on the outside.

He Changzai replied without hesitation: "According to His Highness the King of Chu, it's tea."

"Tea?" Li Shimin frowned slightly, opened the quilt cover of the box, and looked inside.

The bright yellow silk was spread inside the box, and nine tins of tea were placed in it—nine is the extreme number, and Li Xin had already considered it when he put the present. However, there are not so many types of tea produced so far, so he packs three cans of green tea, oolong tea and black tea.

Li Shimin discovered Li Xin's autographed letter. Before he could speak, He Changzai took the initiative to say: "This box from the king of Chu was inspected by the old slave himself. No one, including the old slave, has read this letter."

Although Li Xin's letter may not be top-secret, it does not mean that the people under the emperor's letter can open it at will.

Li Shimin glanced at the sealant on the letter, nodded casually, then opened it and glanced twice.

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