Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 444: Two Strategies

When Cui Yingying came in, Li Xin was going to ask the servants to bring tea to entertain the guests, but she refused, saying that she was here to talk about something, and she would leave after the talk, no need to bother. Now that she wants to stay a little longer to listen to Li Xin's opinion, then Li Xin thought about it, and asked the servants to bring up two cups of hot tea—well, the main reason is that Li Xin was a little thirsty and not I was ashamed to drink it myself and let others watch, so I also gave Cui Yingying a cup by the way.

The Chu Palace itself is the owner of Tianranju, and the tea used in the mansion is of course the best. Cui Yingying looked at her tea, took a sip, and said, "The taste of this tea seems to be different from ordinary tea."

Li Xin said with a smile: "Of course. This is a brand-new tea processing method. Not only does it make the tea more durable, but the taste and flavor are also better than tea soup."

Cui Yingying nodded slightly, and seemed to have begun to understand why Tianranju was able to achieve such success in a short period of time. All along, she has been selling tea cakes that are simply processed, and the profit is not high, which is one of the reasons why she has to use means to lower the price of raw tea. Seeing Li Xin in person now, thinking of the fried tea that has become popular in Chang'an recently, a different idea suddenly began to arise in her heart.

Why can't she participate in the fried tea business?

Li Xin interrupted Cui Yingying's thoughts suddenly: "In the current situation, you have two options."

Cui Yingying quickly sat up a little bit, and said: "I would like to hear the details."

"First, I will come forward to buy all the raw tea leaves in the future, and then resell them to you." Li Xin smiled and said, "I can guarantee that I won't make money from you."

Cui Yingying couldn't help laughing, she shook her head and asked, "Then what about the other way?"

Li Xin had long expected that Cui Yingying would not be too satisfied with this road. After all, the other party is a strong woman in the mall, and she definitely doesn't like to be under others. If she accepts the first way, Li Xin will become Cui Yingying's upstream raw material supplier from now on. It's good that everyone is in harmony, but when there is any competition, Li Xin gets stuck on her neck, and she Wouldn't people just be stupid?

"The second way, I am afraid that Ms. Cui will need to sacrifice a little bit." Li said.

Cui Yingying didn't answer, but just looked at Li Xin quietly.

Li Xin was embarrassed to stare into his eyes, coughed twice, and said, "Now the tea farmers feel that they were bullied by your Cui family before, so they refuse to sell tea to you now. If you can come forward, please tell the tea farmers Let us apologize and make up for it. By the way, punish the guy who was originally in charge of purchasing tea, and put the blame on him, saying that he cheated and filled his own pockets. This calms down the anger of the tea farmers, and you should be able to collect tea normally. Here comes the tea."

"As for the person who took the blame for you, anyway, your Cui family has a great career, so you can arrange it to other positions in your family at will, and treat them well. Don't let others down by their sacrifices, and make people feel chilling." Li Xin added Added a sentence.

Cui Yingying is obviously more satisfied with this approach. Because this road can ensure that the Cui family and Chu Palace are in a relatively equal position in the matter of purchasing raw tea.

"My brain is not very bright, I only think of these two strategies. How to implement it depends on Ms. Cui's own decision." Li Xin took another big sip of the cool tea.

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