Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 489 The Spring of the Roasted Seeds Party

As the saying goes, there is a way to piracy. Apart from the fact that the pirated goods sold are not genuine, and there is no way to provide a series of proliferation services exclusive to genuine products, this product should at least be usable, right? It's like a pirated online article, it doesn't matter if there are a few typos or something, you can't be so outrageous that the whole article is garbled, what do people think? Alas, all in all, the moral level of this session of pirates needs to be strengthened.

However, most of the people who produce this kind of inferior mahjong are scattered family workshops, just like those who produced cheap furniture back then. Their capital is relatively dispersed, and they lack unified supervision and quality control links, so it is normal for such problems to occur, and they cannot be forced.

Li Xin did not pay too much attention to the issue of piracy. His energy is mainly on the collection of luxury mahjong.

Now that the sample was approved by Li Xin, Cui Yingying felt relieved to let the master below to produce as much as possible. For some reason, now she especially trusts Li Xin's words, as if subconsciously, she always feels that as long as one thing is recognized and approved by Li Xin, it will probably not be a bad thing.

I have to say, judging from the current experience and what I heard, it seems that it is not particularly strange that Cui Yingying will have such a cognition.

With the overtime work of a large number of craftsmen, a few days later, one hundred sets of ivory mahjong were born while the popularity of mahjong was still strong. Cui Yingying originally planned to take advantage of the heat and sell all this batch of mahjong.

After all, it took a lot of capital to produce these mahjong, Cui Yingying didn't have much money left, and the tea business hadn't reached the harvest time yet, if she didn't sell them quickly and get back the principal, she would always I feel a little uneasy. Unexpectedly, Li Xin waved his hand and told her firmly: "Sell fifty sets first, and sell the remaining fifty sets in two months. The price will double."

Cui Yingying didn't understand Li Xin's approach. You know, the price of this mahjong is already very expensive, and it can be doubled in two months before selling it again? But after hesitating, she finally complied.

Soon, the first batch of fifty sets of mahjong were all bought by the wealthy and dignitaries in the capital, and the price of each set was sixty guan. The sets of super mahjong that Li Xin customized at the beginning cost 60 per set. Now the price of this luxury mahjong is only 60 Guan. It can be seen that there is a small gap in cost between the two.

Cui Yingying withdrew part of the funds and felt a little more at ease. But every time she looked at the remaining fifty sets of mahjong piled up in the warehouse, she couldn't help but have this thought in her heart: Even if it can't be sold, the loss is not much. In business, there are always losses sometimes, and sometimes Earned, even Li Xin can't be right every time, right?

However, the development of things still exceeded Cui Yingying's expectations.

Less than half a month after the first batch of 50 sets of mahjong were sold at a high price of 60 guan, something unexpected happened. There are many guys who resell luxury mahjong in the market, and the price is even higher than Cui Yingying's initial price. In just a few days, it has risen from seventy to eighty, and soon rushed to the top of the list. Baiguan's mark.

Cui Yingying was stunned when she received such news. Immediately got up and ordered Huansha to prepare the sedan chair, planning to go to Chu Palace in person.

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