Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 491: Fried Mahjong

Li Xin smiled when he heard this, and said, "There is no such thing as a prophetic ability in the world. I just grasped the rules and made use of them a little bit."

"Grasp the law, use the law?" Cui Yingying repeated in doubt.

There was a sense of mystery in Li Xin's eyes, and finally said: "Do you know that I sent someone to secretly sell 20 sets of mahjong in the first batch you sold?"

"What?" Cui Yingying's eyes lit up, obviously surprised by such a statement, "Why did Your Highness do this?"

Li Xin sighed, smiled and shook his head.

If you are a later generation, you probably already understand what Li Xin has done when you hear this, but Cui Yingying is not someone who has experienced so much information bombardment in later generations. She is just a junior businessman who is just fledgling and has done quite well. It is normal for her to be unable to understand the concept of hype and packaging in later generations.

After all, human cognition cannot transcend the limitations of the times.

In fact, what Li Xin did was a very classic "hype". In today's Tang Dynasty, this word is only explained in terms of culinary skills, but in Li Xin's case, its meaning is a little richer, not only representing a cooking technique, but also expressing a slightly revealing cooking technique. Shameful sales tactics.

Li Xin began to explain what he had done to the curious Cui Yingying.

In fact, after he sent someone to secretly buy twenty sets of ivory mahjong, he started to build momentum after a period of silence. Send someone to pretend to be a rich scholar, and give holiday news every day on the first floor of Chang'an. In the most classic case, the person he sent out to pretend to be a scholar completed the transaction of selling a pair of ivory mahjong to another person at a high price of 80 guan in the first floor of Changchang.

Then, the scholar invited people from several tables next to him to drink, and said: Today, I made money, and I am very happy. Let's have a good time together, you are welcome.

You know, the price difference of twenty guan is not a small amount of money for ordinary people.

Once there are more news like this, how can the quick-witted people not be tempted? Those honorable children who have money in their hands but have not sold and bought ivory mahjong will be shown off by friends who bought ivory mahjong. They are in a bad mood and have some desire to buy. This ivory mahjong can make a lot of money once you buy it and then change hands. Of course, it is difficult to resist the shopping impulse deep in your heart.

Many people began to secretly ask where they could buy ivory mahjong from others. After more inquiries like this, it becomes more and more precious that ivory mahjong is indeed valuable, so the price will naturally rise even more.

Li Xin took the opportunity to gradually sell the remaining mahjong in his hands—too many people wanted to buy ivory mahjong in Chang'an City during this period, and no one noticed the twenty small sets of mahjong.

With this little trick, Li Xin made a net profit of several hundred guan, and earned back the cost of buying the five sets of super mahjong from Cui Yingying.

Cui Yingying was dumbfounded when she heard that, and finally she couldn't help but smiled wryly and said sincerely: "Your Majesty's methods are really clever."

Li Xin didn't think his skills were so clever, so he wasn't particularly proud of them. He just smiled calmly and said, "There are so many people in Chang'an who can afford ivory mahjong and have reasons to buy ivory mahjong. Fifty sets of mahjong are not enough." They share, the price increase is certain. I just added a little fire."

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