When Li Yuan raised troops in Jinyang to resist the tyranny of the Sui Dynasty, he wanted to go south to capture the city, so he had to beware of the Turkic people in the north who captured his lair. However, if he allocates a part of troops sufficient to defend the city, then his strength is not enough to compete in the Central Plains.

So, he thought of a way-to form an alliance with the Turks.

Li Yuan pretended to form an alliance with the Turks, and promised that he would go south to conquer the city, only want to occupy the land and population, and all the gold, silver, money and silk he got along the way would be donated to Shibi Khan of the Turks. And the price that Shibi Khan needs to pay is only a few hundred troops.

How can Shibi Khan have Li Yuan's political talent? He was so happy to be coaxed by the empty check, he immediately agreed to send troops, and made this deal that could be regarded as an empty-handed wolf.

However, he never thought that Li Yuan didn't want to form an alliance with him at all, but just wanted to stabilize him so that he wouldn't drag him down. After Li Yuan occupied Chang'an, he didn't mention it at all, as if it never happened.

At this time, Shibi Khan came to his senses and knew that he had been duped, so he became furious and issued many letters of credence, reprimanding Li Yuan for his treachery.

The competition between countries is not a partnership to do business, and the emphasis has never been on fairness and integrity. In fact, there is no fairness between countries at all. What is played is the law of the jungle, and what is emphasized is the law of the jungle. If you keep your word with others, you won't hesitate even for a moment when they break your promise in the future.

If you have the ability, you are the one to deceive people. How much you can cheat is up to you. Being deceived and making a wedding dress for someone else, I can only blame myself for being stupid, not thinking things through clearly, and my wrist is not as flexible as others.

This is the truth of this world.

Since then, the bridge between Datang and Turks has been concluded.

When the Turks were rich, they invaded the border of the Tang Dynasty, showed their fists, and showed the evil spirit of being cheated; They even referred to the border people of the Han people as "two-legged sheep", which should not require much explanation.

All in all, for Datang, Turkic is an enemy who sleeps soundly on the side of the couch and always wants to punch you from time to time. Do you think anyone who is the emperor of Datang will leave such a guy alone? What's more, Li Shimin himself is a generation of heroes, and he can't accept this status quo.

In addition to these reasons including the Weishui League, one of the most important reasons why Li Shimin always wanted to attack the Turks was the war horse.

There are few places suitable for raising horses in the Tang Dynasty, and few good horses are produced. However, the Turkic side is just the opposite. There are plump pastures everywhere, and they can make the horses fat and strong, and they run like lightning. Because of this, the Turks have a very powerful cavalry force.

Li Shimin has always wanted to master such a cavalry. However, the Turks are not stupid. How could they export strategic materials such as war horses at will? The number of war horses sold to Datang has always been limited, the price is extremely expensive, and all of them are male horses, but they are not willing to let Datang breed good war horses by themselves.

Therefore, the only way for Li Shimin to form a powerful cavalry is to completely defeat the Turks and make it a vassal of the Tang Dynasty. If Turkic can be turned into a base dedicated to producing war horses for Datang, then Datang's martial arts will reach unprecedented heights.

Anyone who dares to be disrespectful to Datang must weigh whether he is qualified or not.

Li Xin explained these reasons, Chen Youlan listened silently and sighed.

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