Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 512 The Right Way

One is that the Turks are used to nomadic life and often migrate, and the other is that nomadic civilization is not as rich as farming civilization in most cases, so their king, the so-called "Khan", is not like the Han emperor They also live in the palace, but in the largest tent, which is the so-called "Wang Tent" or "Ya Tent".

This thing generally has no advantages, the biggest advantage is that it is easy to move. Unexpectedly, it was brought into full play by Jieli Khan.

Besides, on Li Jing's side, after he captured Dingxiang City by surprise attack, he was not in a hurry to attack the next city, but stayed in Dingxiang peacefully, and only sent a large number of spies to inquire about the movements of the Turks.

As a battle-tested veteran, Li Jing has experienced too much to conquer a city with only a few thousand elite soldiers. This small victory was not even enough to shake his emotions even a little bit. He still maintains an extremely clear mind.

He knew that he was a deep lone army. Once he broke away from the protection of the city and attacked rashly, it was very likely that the Turks would seize the opportunity, and it was even possible that they would be directly encircled and wiped out. Therefore, the best decision at the moment is not to take the initiative to attack, but to consolidate the fruits of victory, just sit safely in Dingxiang City.

This is like moving a small bench and sitting at the door of the Turkic people, making Jieli Khan feel uncomfortable and having to deal with it.

Soon, the spies reported that Jieli Khan had retreated without a fight, and the Yazhang retreated to Qikou.

Li Jing smiled lightly. This smile is not mocking. As a military strategist, Li Jing is well aware of the reasons why Jieli Khan made such a decision, and also feels that this decision is not completely unreasonable. It's just that this kind of reaction of retreating without a fight and directly admitting cowardice is indeed a bit funny, which makes people laugh.

Although logically speaking, Xieli Khan's decision is not a big mistake. However, Li Jing still felt that Jieli Khan had done something wrong.

Indeed, retreating the tooth tent and not rushing to counterattack Dingxiang can avoid further falling into a passive position. It seems very safe and cannot be wronged. However, Jieli Khan did not want to understand one problem: since Li Jing captured Dingxiang, The Turkic side has no real initiative to speak of, the difference is only "passive" and "more passive".

Choose safe and avoid risks. Such decision-making principles apply in most situations, but on the battlefield, this is not the case.

The word "war" has meant huge risks since its inception. Everyone involved is essentially participating in the cruelest adventure with their lives on the line. After understanding this point, it is easy to understand one thing: on the battlefield, blindly avoiding risks is just a slow death.

It's like Li Jing raiding Dingxiang with 3000 elite cavalry, isn't it dangerous? Of course it's dangerous. However, the benefits were huge, so big that Li Jing felt that it was worth betting the lives of himself and 3,000 strong men.

Fortunately, he won the bet. So now is the time for him to reap the opponent's bet.

Li Jing asked himself, if he were Jieli Khan, what decision would he make in the face of the captured Dingxiang. Obviously, immediately mobilize all soldiers and horses, recklessly counterattack Dingxiang, and must take Dingxiang back into his hands before Datang's reinforcements arrive.

If you take it down, everything is fine. If you can't get it down, the situation won't be any worse.

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