Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 545 There is still a chance

Li Jing deliberately did not disclose the overall plan to Tang Jian, which is tantamount to tacitly acquiescing that Tang Jian is a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and is willing to be ashamed of Datang in order to save his life. This is undoubtedly a humiliation.

Therefore, Tang Jian chose to return humiliation with humiliation, and slapped Li Jing.

Frankly speaking, this is the first time Li Jing has been slapped since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Jing stood like a wooden man for a long time, and stared at Tang Jian with his dark pupils for a long time.

Finally, he laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha." He smiled heartily.

Tang Jian also laughed softly, and the laughter became louder and louder.

Only An Xiuren didn't know why the two of them were laughing, they couldn't figure it out at all. However, he didn't want to stick around stupidly, so he had to laugh a few times to show it a little.

"It is true that I, Li Jing, underestimated Mr. Tang." Li Jing bowed again and said, "I apologize."

Tang Jian finally waved his hand generously, and said, "No need. Just remember to let me know next time, so I won't be unprepared."

"Master Tang, do you want a next time?" Li Jing asked half jokingly.

Tang Jian was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "Indeed, it's best not to have a next time."

In the camp, a happy reconciliation plot is being staged, which is comparable to the "reconciliation of generals and prime ministers" that has been passed down through the ages; on the other side, although it is not appropriate, the escape of Xieli, which has the taste of being defeated in Maicheng, is also being played vigorously. when.

Xieli did not expect that the Tang army would appear in his camp like miraculous soldiers—he had no idea that there were only two hundred people rushing into the camp first, and he thought that there were thousands of people, enough to fill the camp. All I can think about is how these thousands of people came here without anyone noticing, even if there is a thick fog as a cover, it shouldn't be.

Generally speaking, if the direction of thinking is wrong from the beginning, then no matter how you think about it, you will not be able to draw the correct conclusion.

But for Xieli, this common sense does not seem to be so applicable. Because he came to the conclusion: Li Jing's use of troops is really terrible, he is simply a monster.

Such a conclusion does not seem to be wrong.

Recalling that since the Tang Dynasty decided to conquer the Turks and Li Jing led the army to set foot on the Turkic territory, Xieli has not had a smooth day. It can be said that he has been retreating steadily and is invincible.

Before the war started, Ashina was still a majestic khan in Turkic, but now, he only has the horse on his seat and a few followers on the left and right.

All chips are lost.

The last time he was defeated in Tun Tieshan, he still had more than 10,000 troops in his hand, which is barely enough to make a comeback, but now, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has lost everything—after all, there are only a few soldiers left. Loyal and loyal relatives are by your side, this is really not "underpants", and naturally it is not "underpants if you lose", so it can only be "lose everything".

Jieli was full of anger and didn't know how to vent it, and he didn't dare to vent it to his relatives, for fear that they would run away in anger, and he would be even more lonely. He could only grit his teeth silently, as if he wanted to crush his own teeth, and fled westward on his horse in a muffled sound.

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose. As long as I'm not caught, as long as I'm not dead, I still have a chance." Xie Li silently said in his heart as if hypnotized, "I still have a chance."

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