Old Zheng, who was guarding the gate, didn't know any emperor, so he subconsciously wanted to go in and report, but was stopped by Li Shimin. Lao Zheng was so impatient that he almost lost his temper. Fortunately, the servant who was also disguised at the side moved quickly and showed a waist card of the imperial palace in time, which made Lao Zheng realize what happened, and nothing wrong with disrespecting the emperor happened.

Li Shimin smiled, waved his hands and said: "There is no need to communicate. I will go in and see what this brat is doing." After speaking, he stepped into the palace on his own. Old Zheng didn't stop him either.

In an unknown corner where no one noticed the abnormality, the two hidden guards talked with each other in very subtle voices.

"Why is the emperor here?"

"I don't know. Don't worry about it, anyway, it shouldn't harm our lord. Just pretend you didn't see it."

The two voices fell quickly, as if they had never appeared before. However, a servant following behind Li Shimin raised his head slightly and looked towards the direction where the hidden guard was hiding. However, he only glanced at it, and then quickly returned his gaze to Li Shimin's back.

For factors that do not affect the emperor's safety, he has always disliked multitasking.

When Li Shimin saw Li Xin, Li Xin was yelling and stuffing pastries into his mouth.

These pastries are egg cakes that the chef has just made under the guidance of Li Xin. Li Xin didn't know what happened today, but he suddenly wanted to eat some cake. If it were an ordinary person, not to mention that there is a high probability that he does not know that there is something called "cake" in the world, even if he wants to eat it, it will be difficult to make it conditionally, so there is a high probability that he will just think about it.

But who is Li Xin? That's the king of Chu. It's just a small cake, it's not that you can't afford the materials, and it's not that you don't know how to make it, so why bother yourself?

So, Li Xin resumed his old job, got into the kitchen, and got busy with the cook. Xiao Runniang was also helping.

It's a pity that although Li Xin knows how to make cakes, he only knows how to make cakes with his brain but not his hands. So after tinkering for a long time, I finally came up with three fluffy cakes that looked decent. Because the process of obtaining the cake was too tortuous, Li Xin almost cried with joy for the familiar taste when he actually ate the cake.

Li Shimin saw the exaggerated expression on Li Xin's face, he was not polite to Li Xin at all, he took a piece of warm cake from the bowl and put it in his mouth.

Li Xin originally turned his back to the kitchen door, and suddenly saw a hand coming out of nowhere to take away his cake, and subconsciously became a little angry, but when he turned around and saw that the owner of the hand was His Majesty Li Er, Without saying a word, the anger turned into a smile.

The speed of face-changing and the thoroughness of face-changing can be called the best in the world.

This cake is tiny. Li Shimin ate half of it in one gulp, nodding with satisfaction while eating. He has never eaten such a soft and sweet snack. Although the shape looks rough, the texture and taste are not bad at all.

"What is this? It's quite delicious." Li Shimin asked casually.

Can it be delicious? There is not a drop of water in this cake, all eggs are added!

Li Xin thought in his heart, looked at the cake distressedly, but smiled and said: "This is called a cake. I thought of this kind of dessert on a whim, so I tried to make some. It's great that your majesty likes it. Actually, I originally thought that if the experiment was successful, I would send some to His Majesty to taste."

Li Shimin gave Li Xin a blank look, as if to say, "Don't do this to me, you will be so honest"?

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